Having been inspired by the school idol group μ's, Chika Takami, a second-year student at Uranohoshi Girls' Academy, tries to start her own School Idol Club. As Chika and her friend Yō Watanabe try to recruit members, she faces resistance from the student council president, Dia Kurosawa, who states she will not approve such a club. Later that day, Chika comes across a girl from Tokyo, explaining to her how she became inspired by μ's, who showed her how normal people could shine. Inspired by her story, the girl introduces herself as Riko Sakurauchi, a transfer student from Otonokizaka Academy, the same school μ's attended. After Yō decides to become the first new member of the School Idol Club, Riko transfers into Chika's class but declines her invitation to her club.
Name | Type | Role | |
Jukki Hanada | Writer | ||
Kazuo Sakai | Director |