Das Raid-Team von Shibuya beginnt einen weiteren Angriff auf die Festung der Rufe und schafft es, bis zum Dach vorzudringen, wo das Beschwörungsgenie auf sie wartet. Nachdem es nicht mit sich reden lässt, beschwört es Mottenschwärme herauf, die Shibuya und die anderen Spielerstädte umhüllen.
The Shibuya raiding party begins another assault on the Calling Fortress and manage to break through to the roof where they encounter the raid boss: Taliktan, the Genius of Summoning. After failing to establish communication with the monster, it summons swarms of moths which engulf Shibuya and the other player cities. This puts a severe strain on the antenna and Shiroe has the party take the battle into the concert hall below. Despite inflicting a great amount of damage to Taliktan, they are still pummeled by its powerful field attacks. However Shiroe's Full-Control Encounter raises the stakes and gives the party a significant advantage in pushing Taliktan to the edge and ultimately their victory. In the aftermath, Regan sets up the radio equipment and much everyone's surprise, Shiroe makes contact with Kanami in the Chinese server. She then tasks him with seeking a way to allow transit between the real and Elder Tale worlds and relieves the Shibuya party about Krusty's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Nureha and Plant Hwyaden decide to establish relations with Eastal and the Round Table to combat the common Genius threat. Finally, Log Horizon makes plans to celebrate their victory and with the dawn over the horizon, Shiroe and Akatsuki praise each other.
In the epilogue, Log Horizon holds a victory party and Regan skips out on his task with repairing the radio equipment to join the festivities.
Shiroe se sert du mode Full-Control Encounter pour venir à bout de Taliktan et mettre fin aux nombreuses attaques.
月への通信手段を確保しつつ、新種のモンスター・典災を排除するため、シロエはレイドボス・タリクタンとの誘導戦を開始する。放送局屋上からコンサート ホールへと飛び去ったタリクタンは次々と巨大化し、規格外の攻撃を繰り出すが、ついにシロエの全力管制戦闘がベールを脱ぐ!通信設備を奪還するその先にシ ロエが描くプランとは…!?ゲームの世界に閉じ込められた若者たちの絆と冒険の物語、いま新たな地平が開く!
시부야 방송국 레이드 던전을 공략해 나가는 시로에 이리행. 드디어 레이드 보스를 쓰러트리고 방송국 유적으로 누군가와 통신을 하게 되는데… 과연 달과 통신할 수 있는 것일까?
Cuando Shiroe y los suyos lleguen ante el jefe de raid, será el momento de poner fin a su aventura... de momento. El mundo es vasto, alberga muchos misterios y todavía queda mucho que explorar. Pero ésa, es ya otra historia.
O confronto contra o Gênio das Invocações definirá o rumo dos habitantes de Akihabara, se conseguirão ou não voltar para casa.