Ken und Yukina bringen Muetta in die Schule, was unter den wenigen verbleibenden Schülern für Aufruhr sorgt. Carlos verkündet die Vollendung seines Drehbuches.
The student attendance to Mt. Tate high school has decreased significantly, which makes it all the more surprising when Yukina and Ken arrive accompanied by Muetta. Carlos brings up his movie idea from the time at the onsen again and announces that he completed the script.
Ken e Yukina portano a scuola Muetta creando scompiglio tra i pochi studenti rimasti. Carlos annuncia di aver ultimato la sceneggiatura del suo film.
켄과 유키나가 무에타를 학교로 데려오는 바람에 남아 있던 몇몇 학생들 사이에 소란이 일어난다. 카를로스는 영화 시나리오를 완성했다고 선언한다.
Ken i Yukina zabierają Muettę do szkoły. Wywołuje to wśród uczniów zamieszanie. Carlos kończy prace nad scenariuszem filmowym.
Ken en Yukina nemen Muetta mee naar school wat bij de resterende leerlingen opschudding veroorzaakt. En Carlos' filmscenario is klaar.