Inogashira Goro (Matsushige Yutaka) has come to South Korea for the first time. He meets with the president of a trading company, President Im (Sung Si Kyung) who wanted to consult him regarding future trade with European markets. Goro says Korean traditional crafts have potential, and so he was sent to Cheongju City to inspect the products himself. He was accompanied by assistant Park Soo-Young (Park Jung-ah) to serve as his translator and guide. In Cheongju, they both visit makers and markets selling traditional furniture and umbrellas. Afterwards, Goro has an opportunity to stroll around town alone. He feels hungry and decides to try an eatery called "Tobang" that sells set meals. However, Goro of course does not understand the menu and just orders the most inexpensive item. What was brought to him suprised him. There were spicy pork, natto jigae, and a variety of kimchi and side dishes. The proprietress informs him to cut the ingredients and mix them up in a bowl. Goro realizes that what he had ordered was a "mix-your-own" Bibimbap...
全州に到着すると、早速韓国傘工房や南部市場で伝統的な装飾家具の店などを訪れる五郎。 そんなことをしているうちに、お腹が空いた。パク・スヨンが事務所の部屋で資料をまとめる間に、五郎はトバンという店を見つけると、勇気を出して入ってみる。
入った途端、納豆らしき匂いがした。 ハングル文字が全く分からない五郎は、一番安い、6000ウォンのものを頼んで様子を見ることにする。やがて何やらたくさんのおかずがやって来 た。モヤシナムル、ダイコンナムル、チナムル(白山菊)、味噌、辛味の豚肉(チェユックポックム)、オデン、サンチュ、青唐辛子、そしてキムチにご飯。その後登場した石鍋は納豆チゲ(チョングッチャン)で、グツグツ音を立てていた。あっという間にテーブルはお皿だらけになった。
それぞれを食べている五郎に、女将がジェスチャーで食べ方を教える。「え、もしかしてこれでビビンパを作るんですか?」と五郎。ご飯の器に色々なおかずを入れて、それをハサミで切ってスプーンでよく混ぜる。そして納豆チゲを少しとコチュジャンも入れて混ぜて食べた。 とにかく美味い。ビビンパは食べたことがあったがこれは初めてだっ
임사장의 연락으로 갑자기 한국으로 가게 된 고로. 용건은 한국의 전통공예품을 유럽에서 판매하고자 하는 신규사업 상담이었다. 실물을 보기 위해 임사장의 부하 박수영과 전주로 향한 고로는 가구와 우산공방 등을 돌아다니다 문득 배가 고파져 혼자서 가게를 찾아나선다. 마침내 고로는 한 식당에 들어서지만, 처음 와본 한국인데다, 한국어를 모르는 그는 혼란에 빠지는데...