With Ohma still in his hospital room, Hayami and his men attempt to complete their coup — but there might be a traitor foiling their plans.
Während Ohma noch in seinem Krankenhauszimmer ist, versuchen Hayami und Co., den Coup in die Tat umzusetzen. Doch ein Verräter kommt ihnen in die Quere.
Ohma sigue hospitalizado, y Hayami y sus hombres tratan de hacerse con el control total. Pero quizás haya un traidor en sus filas que sabotea todos sus planes...
Hayami e i suoi cercano di portare a termine il colpo di stato mentre Ohma si trova ancora in ospedale, ma il loro piano rischia di fallire per colpa di un traditore.
Ohma étant toujours hospitalisé, Hayami et ses hommes tentent de finaliser leur coup d'État. Mais un traître pourrait bien déjouer leurs plans…
Com Ohma ainda hospitalizado, Hayami e os seus homens tentam levar a cabo o seu golpe, mas um traidor poderá estragar-lhes o plano.
With Ohma still in his hospital room, Hayami and his men attempt to complete their coup — but there might be a traitor foiling their plans.