The mysterious girl revealed to be Megumu, which is forced to crossdress by his older sisters that hangs out in the nearby mansion. In order to bring Kurumiko back to Hatagaya Academy, Souta asked for Mimori's help, which in return he needs to go on a date with her. Despite Mimori's best efforts, only Mei are capable of bringing Kurumiko to Quest Dorm, which makes Kurumiko being attached to her as a result. It is also revealed that Mimori and Tsumugi are also becoming members of Quest Dorm, and, by Kurumiko's persuasion, Mei took the same action to live in Quest Dorm. Souta talked with Mei about his abilities. Mei brought him to a parallel world, where Souta did not exist, thus triggering the deaths of Nanami, Akane and Kurumiko. Mei brought him to Premium Ambriel, where he meet Miyuki, now Miyuki Hatate, who replaces Souta's role as the protagonist. Souta's Death Flag triggered, and Mei tries to save him by breaking the Death Flag, and while doing so, she learns about Souta's true destiny. Despite being unable to do so, Souta is saved, but Sacrament comes and wipe all of Mei's memory about flags.
Das mysteriöse Mädchen entpuppte sich als Megumu, der von seinen älteren Schwestern, die in der nahe gelegenen Villa rumhängen, zum Crossdressing gezwungen wird. Um Kurumiko zurück zur Hatagaya-Akademie zu bringen, bat Souta um Mimoris Hilfe, die er im Gegenzug mit ihr verabreden muss. Trotz Mimoris Bemühungen ist nur Mei in der Lage, Kurumiko in den Quest Dorm zu bringen, was dazu führt, dass Kurumiko an sie gebunden ist. Es wird auch offenbart, dass Mimori und Tsumugi ebenfalls Mitglieder des Quest-Wohnheims werden, und nach Kurumikos Überzeugung hat Mei die gleichen Maßnahmen ergriffen, um im Quest-Wohnheim zu leben.