When Naeka receives a love letter, she doesn't care. Soon enough, her friends and family find out that she's not interested in love due to her first crush hating her because she nearly poisoned him. So her friends and family decide to help her overcome this incident by teaching her how to cook. Meanwhile Kogarashi is setting up a romantic setting for her and the other person, which he laces full of aphrodisiac gas to make sure all goes well. When Naeka goes to the place where she is supposed to meet the person, she finds out it is a girl! Kogarashi, still thinking his plan is good, locks both of them in there. Giving them some alone time. The lone girl gets on top of Naeka and plays with her breasts, though Naeka attempts to resist she eventually can't resist the aphrodisiac gas and has sex with the girl.
Suite à un dramatique évènement dans sa jeunesse, Naeka est devenue philophobe, c'est-à-dire qu'elle refuse d'aimer et préfère suivre la voie du kendo. Mais la découverte d'une lettre d'amour dans son casier change la donne et l'amène à se poser des questions.
Heureusement (ou malheureusement), le Maid Guy est prêt à tout pour l'aider, mais Fubuki également.