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Season 1 - India to Europe

  • S01E01 KICKOFF!!

    • December 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    Finally! After a month of paperworks and waiting around in Delhi - all is set to GO! On day one, I am riding to Mathura! Let me introduce my motorbike to you (her name is BASANTI!) and show all the AWESOME modifications I did on her!

  • S01E02 An EMPTY road in India

    • December 3, 2018

    Riding from Mathura to Lucknow - the heart and capital of Uttar Pradesh. Boring highways, gorgeous buildings and greasing chains is what this episode is about. Round 2 of the journey towards Myanmar and beyond!

  • S01E03 GANGA AARTI in India

    • December 5, 2018

    Leaving pretty Lucknow behind and riding onwards to the holy city of Varanasi to attend a Ganga Aarti ceremony.

  • S01E04 Battling Cows in India

    • December 7, 2018

    This episode is all about struggles with holy cows, riding through a National Park (and not seeing all the incredible wildlife that Wikipedia says lives there) and visiting one of the most important Buddhist sites in the world: the place where Buddha became Buddha.

  • S01E05 CHAIN MAINTENANCE of a Royal Enfield Himalayan

    • December 8, 2018

    After staying the night in Bodhgaya - the place where Prince Siddharta reached enlightenment and became Buddha - I am riding to Vaishali. About 55 kilometers north of Patna, in the state Bihar, this place is known for its ruins. On the way I am passing through Nalanda - but my plan for Nalanda didn't quite work out... My Royal Enfield Himalayan (2018) is performing very well so far, but like any bike with a chain - you need to keep on eye on it to make sure it is tight enough. In this episode I am tightening the chain for the first time.

  • S01E06 FRESH AIR!

    • December 11, 2018

    It was probably spending a full month in Delhi. That just killed my lungs. I picked up a bad cough that is still lingering until now. The pollution in India is bad. Suddenly, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I was craving fresh air so badly I couldn’t think of anything else. After studying the map I realised that my best shot at fresh air would be hill station Darjeeling. Google maps proudly announced that would be an 11 hour ride. An 11 hour ride!! Let's GO!


    • December 13, 2018

    Sikkim was on my list for a long time and finding myself in Darjeeling now - I could almost smell Sikkim. Or well, I could definitely see the snow-capped mountain peaks of Sikkim from Darjeeling. Anticipating similar riding conditions as in Ladakh I decided to make it a day trip. Leaving my heavy luggage, spare parts and tools behind in Darjeeling and riding a light bike through Sikkim. In this video I am riding to Namchi, located in South-Sikkim. The North of Sikkim is without a doubt more spectacular with high, snowy peaks, but this was not doable in a one-day trip. But the ride around the south of Sikkim was absolutely fantastic!!

  • S01E08 TEA ANYONE?

    • December 15, 2018

    Leaving pretty hill station Darjeeling behind and riding towards the North Eastern States. My Royal Enfield Himalayan (2018) is performing very nicely so far, and survived the first real off-road test. Destination: Cooch Bihar (or Koch Behar). On the way in I noticed a huge palace so I went to investigate...

  • S01E09 GOT BEACHED in India

    • December 17, 2018

    You know those silly women that ride their cars into metro stations because Google Maps told them to? I’ve always chuckled about those type of women. Funny story: Now I’ve become one of them. Not driving a car into a metro station. But riding a motorbike onto a beach, expecting to miraculously cross a gigantic Brahmaputra river. And Google Maps shouting at me: "TAKE THE FERRY!". Riding through thick sand on a beach was a first with my Royal Enfield Himalayan. Can't say it went very smoothly, but that was probably mostly due to my own riding (non-)skills...


    • December 19, 2018

    Riding through Meghalaya is a bike-lovers dream. When I left Tura, the owners of the little treehouse I spend the night told me about a great route to Shillong: curvy and no traffic. And they were right! My Himalayan performed excellent, although I had to be careful not to make the bends too sharp cause my bike was scraping the pavement! "Be gentle on my curves" was my RE Himalayan saying. Got it! So when I spotted the opportunity to go a teeny bit offroad, I took it. Happy Himalayan, happy me!


    • December 21, 2018

    In this episode I am riding my Royal Enfield Himalayan from Shillong to Cherrapunjee in Meghalaya, India. I've heard of something incredible to see there, hidden in the jungle. Unfortunately, I am one of those extremely stubborn solo travellers. I want to explore and find everything out on my own. I don't need no guide! But sometimes, when you are hiking through dense jungle in India - it is wise to go with a guide.. As I found out the hard way. I GOT LOST.

  • S01E12 NEED WATER!

    • December 23, 2018

    Riding my Royal Enfield Himalayan (2018) through Assam in North Eastern States, India. Figuring out a motorbike route is an every-day challenge and I decided on Lanka as my destination: about half-way towards Nagaland. As always, Google Maps directed me straight through the heart of the forested hills and passing small villages where everybody was kind of eye-balling me. Not many bikers, or foreigners, or foreigners on motorbikes pass through these lands! I didn't realise there wouldn't be any small shacks selling water on the way, so when I finally spotted something drinkable - I HAD to stop. And guess what - my belly took it like a champ. Didn't get sick and the water tasted delicious :)


    • December 25, 2018

    I don't even know why I was so determined to ride to Nagaland. Perhaps because the name sounds like a love affair between Narnia and Alice in Wonderland. I started to slightly regret my decision when I realised that the road from Dimapur to Kohima was still under construction and was FULL OF DUST! A thick layer of dust had accumulated on my bike and myself when I finally arrived. The ride was magnificent, but MAN! I need a shower!


    • December 27, 2018

    I can't really say this was the worst road ever. Who knows what horrific road are still to come?! But I can say one thing - it was the worse road SO FAR! Yes, it beat all the hard hard riding in Ladakh. The rains had completely destroyed the road and I struggled and ploughed for hours and hours on end through MUD, WATER and POTHOLES. My body has never been so sore after a day's riding!! On the bright side ... I didn't have any rain on the way ! *YAY!!*


    • December 29, 2018

    This was the last day of riding in India. Bit of a weird feeling after spending all these months in India! But was it memorable? OH YES! (with a bit of Google Maps help...) Tomorrow will the big test to see whether I really have all the correct paperworks to take my bike across the border into Myanmar!


    • December 31, 2018

    What a milestone!! I managed to cross the border into Myanmar with my Indian Royal Enfield Himalayan motorbike ! It took a couple of hours at the Indian side of the border at Moreh, and a couple of hours at the Myanmar side of the border at Tamu - but it worked. Carnet got stamped, my passport got stamped, and I got to ride the first day in Myanmar. And this riding day was all about BRIDGES - BRIDGES - BRIDGES. The route through Myanmar passes 54 iron bridges and the large part of them were in quite horrific condition. Would I get a tyre puncture??

  • S01E17 BIKING BAGAN in Myanmar

    • January 2, 2019

    Bagan was one of my favourite places when I visited Myanmar for the first time, 7 years ago. It's an incredibly stunning place with more than 2000 temples of several thousand of years old scattered around the valley. But to reach this place and explore the sandy trails leading to the temples, I had to ride for 9 hours! Needless to say I was pretty exhausted after this day - but it was definitely worth catching those last rays of sun over the temples before night fell.


    • January 4, 2019

    This was one of those days. Even though it was a short day of riding - only 5 hours - I was taking foreeeeeever. Every excuse I could find to make a stop was being used. I blame it on the previous long day of riding and on the (somewhat) boring scenery for the first few hours. Would I get my mojo back when riding in the green, lush hills of Myanmar?


    • January 6, 2019

    This was a very special riding day for me, as I rode together with Peter & Claudia from Roads Up the entire day! It was hard to keep up with a 1000cc Suzuki V-Strom, but it was great riding with them and hearing their crazy stories about biking through Afghanistan! Meeting other long-distance riders with lots of experience makes you a better rider! Oh, and the scenery was beautiful again - of course.. This is Myanmar!


    • January 8, 2019

    Without a doubt was this the most scenic day of my motorbike journey across Asia so far! It was a very tiring and long day of riding and the first hours were challenging, but after that... I kept on smiling inside my helmet. It felt like riding in Avatar, with those floating mountains. What an incredibly beautiful part of Myanmar is Shan State. I visited this area before, several years ago, but riding it by motorbike was WAY better than I ever imagined!


    • January 10, 2019

    The final day of riding in a group through Myanmar! It went incredibly fast and I can't believe I'm already crossing into Thailand. Although, that is easier said than done because Thailand officially also requires a guided escort when you enter with your own vehicle. Something I don't want to do obviously!! So I was hoping that the border officials let me through or otherwise my backup plan was putting the bike on a truck and transport it into Lao. Please Thailand - let me pass! :))

  • S01E22 STEAMING!

    • January 12, 2019

    Unfortunately the place I was staying in Chiang Rai was fully booked for the holidays, so I couldn't stay longer - and had to leave. Something I wasn't looking forward to, as it was raining and I really don't enjoy riding in the rain! Not having another choice, I packed my things, loaded them on Basanti and took off. What I loved about my first full day of riding in Thailand was the quality of the roads (amazing!!), the great, great food everywhere (both Thai and western) and the little hot surprise I found along the way ...

  • S01E23 ELEPHANTS on the road in Thailand

    • January 14, 2019

    What was supposed to be a 3-hour ride to small town Pai, in Northern Thailand, turned out to be a much longer, and much BETTER ride than I expected. For the first hour that I was riding, I didn't even record one single second of footage - as the road was so boring! I was riding on the main road and there was nothing interesting too see. So I took the first small side road that I could find, hoping to see some more beautiful scenery. And man, was that a good choice!! Elephants, off-road riding - it turned out to be an amazing day which I will not forget!

  • S01E24 OOPS!

    • January 16, 2019

    So I did it again. I didn't stick with the main road, but took another small road that I saw in Google Maps. I rode more than 50 kilometres offroad which was amazing, hard and very challenging for me at some parts!! Basanti was no too happy with me today but luckily I only had some minor damage and I could (temporarily) fix everything again. When I'll arrive in Bangkok, I will look for new knuckleguards (steel ones this time, because plastic breaks too easily!)...


    • January 18, 2019

    FINALLY! After days of torrential downpour, the skies cleared and I could ride again!! I had to keep telling myself not to stray offroad again and get myself stuck in the mud in some remote area. So I stuck to tarmac, had some pretty boring highway stretches to cover - but got rewarded in Sukhothai..


    • January 20, 2019

    The North of Thailand has its lush, green mountains. The South of Thailand has its stunning islands and beaches. But Central Thailand? It was a very long day of riding and by the time I reached the guesthouse just at the edge of the Khao Yai National Park - I was exhausted (and completely messed up the ending of the video by recording it with a tilted camera, so I had to leave out my usual ending of the video...). I loved the ride and exploring some offroad tracks when I got the chance. Central Thailand did not disappoint!


    • January 22, 2019

    The plan was to ride straight through the Khao Yai National Park to Ayyuthaya, just north of Bangkok. But I didn't expect the park rangers to come and check the sound of my exhaust! As I'd changed my original exhaust for a Gursewak exhaust in Delhi, I was making quite a lot of sound and I was expecting them to turn me away. Too much noise can disturb the wildlife in the park, some of which are wild elephants! Did I pass the test so I could make it to Ayyuthaya to see the temples?

  • S01E28 NEW PARTS!

    • January 24, 2019

    Two Wheels Tourist, a motorbike shop in Bangkok had several custom parts manufactured for the RE Himalayan and they'd contacted me previously to give me these parts. So I rode to Bangkok, which was only a short hop away from Ayyuthaya via the motorway - which apparently is not allowed for motorcycles. Oops. There was a bit of confusion between left and right but they let me continue on the motorway. Thank you sir !! Arriving at the shop, I met New, the owner of the shop. What I didn't realise was that the parts were still in early stages of development and not yet fully in production. So he took the parts of his own Himalayan, to give them to me - so cool!!

  • S01E29 RIDING SOUTH in Thailand

    • January 26, 2019

    I used my time in Bangkok to get ready for the South of Thailand - which means, getting ready for hot, humid and rainy weather. With a topbox, waterproof bag, a lighter jacket and a hydropack, I should be able to handle the South of Thailand. I am ready to explore some Thai beaches :) Let's GO! Note: at 05:15​ I am shouting something inaudible. If you turn on subtitles, you can read what I am saying!


    • January 28, 2019

    A ride through Thailand would not have been complete without a visit to one of its islands right?! So I made up my mind - I am riding to Koh Samui. But not without exploring some very beautiful little trails to see where they lead me. It confused Garmin a little bit ("RECALCULATING ROUTE.."), but not me! After 8 hours of riding and exploring I reached the car ferry and it took another 1,5 of sailing to Koh Samui. A full 11 hours after leaving Prachuap Khiri Khan in the morning, I reached my hotel on Koh Samui. Time to rest!!


    • January 30, 2019

    This day I probably spent more time on the water than on my motorbike! Shame on me! But I was leaving the gorgeous island of Koh Samui, so I had no other option than to hop back on the ferry to the mainland. After a three hour ride I reached gorgeous Khao Sok National Park, which contains the Ratchaprapha dam, creating a stunning lake. Exploring this lake on a long tail boat was incredible and I did not expect this to be so beautiful!!


    • February 1, 2019

    My back tyre is not looking too good anymore. I've already ordered a new set of tyres which are waiting for me in Kuala Lumpur, but the problem is that I'm still well over 900 kilometers away from Kuala Lumpur. And that may not even be my biggest issue. 900 kilometers in a straight line means for me easily 1500 kilometers as I always take back routes and want to see all the beautiful national parks that are (kind of) on the way.. The coming riding days is going to take all my willpower to not stray off the straight route too much and save my tyres. Am I going to make it to Kuala Lumpur?


    • February 3, 2019

    During my 6-hour ride to Hat Yai, close to the border with Malaysia (already! can't believe how quickly it's going!), I stopped at a side road restaurant for lunch. I was met by some incredibly kind and friendly Thai, but there was a bit of a language barrier.. My Thai only comprises of "Kap koen ka" (probably spelled wrong), meaning 'thank you'. And that's it. We tried the help of google translate to translate the menu but failed unfortunately! But what they served me was absolutely delicious!! Moments like these happen a lot on my travels and I wanted to show just one example of how kind and friendly the Thai people are that I met.


    • February 5, 2019

    Today I am crossing the border from Thailand into Malaysia! Border crossings with a motorbike are not always easy (and definitely never fast!) so what to expect from this one...?? Because I didn't have any internet in the beautiful little cottage overlooking the greenery, I couldn't book my next accommodation. Something that I usually do the night before I move to the next place so I don't have to search for accommodation upon arrival in the next town.. **The bad lighting at the start of the video is a good example of how it's like to make video while on the road. I can't check all the footage and record it again. It's a one shot! Mostly it turns out okay, and sometimes the lighting is horrible.. all part of the fun!**

  • S01E35 NO SWEAT - Cameron Highlands

    • February 9, 2019

    Escaping hot, humid and sweaty Penang for the cool breeze of the Carmon Highlands sounded like a great idea! But if you can choose between riding 3 hours on the highway, or 6 hours on the backroads.. what would you choose? That's right! The long way round it is. I couldn't get enough of the gorgeous greenery around there so apologies for the endless footage of the stepped terraces but they were just so beautiful!


    • February 11, 2019

    A back tyre puncture on my last day of riding before reaching Kuala Lumpur. Unbelievable!! Or well, it actually wasn't too strange, because my tyres were almost finished and getting very thin. It was only a tiny piece of metal causing the puncture and if my tyres were in a newer condition, it most likely would not have caused the puncture! It was the first time in 11.000 km to get a puncture, so all in all - not a bad score!

  • S01E37 11.000 Km Service Royal Enfield Himalayan

    • February 13, 2019

    I reached my first goal on this journey: Kuala Lumpur! For the past 11.000 kilometers my bike has been running without problems, but it's time for a big service. Because my next leg of the journey will be in challenging countries, in remote areas and without a lot of RE support - I am preparing the bike as best as possible. The parts that I had replaced now, after 11.000 km because it was absolutely necessary were: - Chain - Sprockets - Both tires - Both tubes (although I just replaced the rear tube the day before after getting the puncture..) - Oil + oil filter (I've been changing these every 3.000 km so far) The parts that I replaced as well that were likely not to last much longer: - Clutch cable - Throttle cable The parts that I had changed because I want the bike to be as prepared as possible for the next difficult leg of the journey: - Brake pads front + rear - Air filter - Sparkplug - Starter relay The problem with the bearing was caused by looking away at the wrong moment and not preventing a power washer to spray there! The problem was not very big now, but if I hadn't replaced the lower bearing now, the problem would have gotten bigger and bigger. The small oil leakage through the liquid gasket had nothing to do with 11.000 km. Some bikes have it and other don't. It's a manufacture issue and it didn't cause massive problems yet, but leaving it like that can't be good either. As with the bearing, this was the most labour intensive job.

  • S01E38 CRATING BASANTI (Part 1)

    • February 15, 2019

    The first leg of the journey is complete. Basanti is like brand-new again after the big service she had and ready for new adventures. I am shipping her to Oman to continue with the next 30.000 kilometers of my journey. But arranging things like this.. take time! Today I brought Basanti to the warehouse for crating, but - as expected - it couldn't be done in one day because... well, we had to buy wood. Then nails. Then a saw.. But the foundation is there and hopefully she will be ready to go to the airport in the next video! :)

  • S01E39 CRATING BASANTI (Part 2)

    • February 17, 2019

    Second try of getting a crate around Basanti and prepare her for shipping to Oman - where the next big leg of this adventure will kick off!! Sounds easy right? Building a crate. Well .. it's quite time consuming if you first need to hunt for all different sorts of wood, nails, saws, straps and the like! But... it got done! Basanti is now all crated and ready to go to the airport. You'll see how that goes in the next videos !!

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x1 INDIA TO MALAYSIA - A solo motorcycle ride on a Royal Enfield Himalayan (2018)

    • February 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    The first part of my journey around the world is complete. In 2 months time, I rode 11.000 kilometers. Starting in Delhi, India and crossing Myanmar and Thailand until I reached Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The road was tough, the road was beautiful, the road was dusty, the road was challenging but most of all - It was an adventure of a lifetime. But this is only the beginning! The journey will continue, starting with the Middle East. This is a compilation of 2 months riding and exploring, I hope you'll like it!


    • February 21, 2019

    The final stage of shipping Basanti : bringing her to the airport! Things seemed to go very smoothly and all was looking good. I brought Basanti to the airport, retrieved the signed/stamped paperworks and the plane was booked for both Basanti and myself. But then... Wait until the end of the video!

  • S01E41 OFFROAD OMAN - Part 1

    • February 23, 2019

    Shipping of Basanti from Kuala Lumpur to Oman is delayed by two weeks because of logistical problems with the airlines. But I can't live another two weeks without a motorbike! So I contacted Peter from Oryx Adventures (https://www.oryxadventures.com​) and he took me on a full day of riding around the wadis in the Muscat area! Besides just riding, I learned so many new techniques and got to put them into practice that it was an extremely valuable day of riding for me. Especially with the route that I have in mind once Basanti arrives! Because it was such a long day of riding, I made two videos out of it. This is part 1! Hope you like it !

  • S01E42 OFFROADING OMAN - Part 2

    • February 25, 2019

    .. part 2 of my first day of riding in the area around Muscat, Oman. Shipping of my own motorcycle Basanti is delayed because of a logistical mistake by the airlines. So to keep myself busy (and riding!), I am riding around on a 450 CCM bike with Peter from Oryx Adventures - https://www.oryxadventures.com​ He organises day-tours and longer tours around Muscat and I'm so glad I found his company. He is showing me the best trails around the mountains that I would have never found by myself! But most importantly, I'm getting that very important off-road training that I've been wanting to do for some time now. There are so many techniques to learn when riding off-road and learning them and practicing them will be valuable for my entire upcoming trip! Riding around on a 450 CCM is quite different from my RE Himalayan but I enjoy it! This bike is almost half the weight (125 kgs) of my Himalayan, but has almost double the power (40 HP!). So you can imagine how much fun it is to ride a bike like that around the wadi's in Oman!


    • February 27, 2019

    I am still waiting for the arrival of my motorcycle Basanti, so this is another day of riding with Peter from Oryx Adventures (https://www.oryxadventures.com). ​ As he is teaching me new techniques which I can put into practice, he is slowly choosing more difficult terrains for me to try. Today we are riding around Jebel Shams, a mountain located in northeastern Oman and 240 kilometers from Muscat. It is the highest mountain of the Hajar range and the country, and the third highest in Arabian Peninsula. Because it's quite far from Muscat and the road towards it is all highway, we do the first two hours by car. I didn't know this area is also called the Grand Canyon of Oman, but when I saw it for the first time, I immediately thought: this looks like the Grand Canyon! I'd heard from other travellers that Oman was a beautiful country, but nothing prepared me for the beauty of these mountains!!

  • S01E44 THE LONG WAY UP - in Oman

    • March 1, 2019

    First of all .. an update about my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Basanti".. She has been shipped out of Kuala Lumpur, but not via a direct flight so she is still waiting to be loaded on the next flight to Oman. In the meantime, I am riding with Peter from Oryx Adventures (https://www.oryxadventures.com​), to explore Oman on a 450 cc, CCM Adventure bike! This day we are riding up the Salmah plateau and this was definitely a lot harder than any of the terrain I encountered before! It was good that I got to practice new techniques and improve my skills in the previous riding days otherwise I don't think I would have made it up the mountain! Because it was such a long riding day, I made it into 2 parts .. this is Part 1 of riding up the Salmah Plateau..

  • S01E45 THE LONG WAY DOWN - in Oman

    • March 3, 2019

    This is part 2 of riding around the Salmah Plateau in Oman. Because my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Basanti" still hasn't arrived in Oman, I'm riding with Peter from Oryx Adventures (https://www.oryxadventures.com​) in the meantime.. Riding up the Salmah Plateau was steep and challenging but the hours of riding after that also had some challenges! It was by far the most difficult riding I ever did, and I learned so much from it! New techniques, skills and practice will surely help when I continue my solo ride around the world when I'm reunited with Basanti again!

  • S01E46 BASANTI IS BACK!! - Arrival in Oman

    • March 5, 2019

    It was an excrutiating long wait, with a lot of last-minute stress (as you'll be able to see on my face..) but finally I got it done. Or well, I didn't do so much. It was mostly thanks to the kind owner of the hotel I'd been staying for two weeks in Oman, the A'Sinamar hotel, who did everything in his power to help me. Turned out that I was the first person ever to temporarily import a motorcycle into Oman - who would have thought! As you can imagine, that complicated things a little but in the end, I got all the right papers and the Carnet-de-Passage stamped too. Luckily I could take Basanti out of the crate right at the airport and I didn't have to rent a truck/forklift to get her out of there. Pretty much all the ground staff had gathered to get their eyes on this Indian Royal Enfield and they helped me put the panniers back on Basanti. I HAVE HER BACK! Finally the journey can continue!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x2 S1 - Installing PowerTRONIC ECU on the Royal Enfield Himalayan BS4 (2018)

    • March 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    In this video we're installing a piggyback ECU on my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Basanti". It's the PowerTRONIC from Race Dynamics . Their customer service is amazing and they even arranged that if you want to buy this product and use the code ITCHYBOOTS, you'll get a 10% discount! Here is the link: https://www.powertronicecu.com (Disclaimer: I am not making money if you purchase this product, the benefit is for you!) Please note that this video is not a STEP-BY-STEP instruction video on how to install it. But it comes with written instructions and you can contact Race Dynamics at any time if you have trouble installing it. It was hard to record the connection points as they are a bit hard to reach within the bike! Also, we almost missed the lambda bypass coupler, which was hidden in the box, so don't forget about that!


    • March 9, 2019

    Basanti and I can finally hit the road again! With the PowerTRONIC installed, we are going full throttle starting from Muscat and riding to Jalan Bani. What an amazing feeling to be on the move again!! I got to use my new learnt off-road skills on a long stretch of offroading with Basanti. It was a big difference with the CCM obviously, since Basanti is now FULLY loaded! So I took it easy. No need to risk dropping her on day 1 on the road again! To keep things organised, all my findings on the PowerTRONIC, I will add to the video description of the Powertronic Installation video!

  • S01E48 A DESERT ISLAND in Oman

    • March 11, 2019

    I continue riding south along the coast. The landscape changed from the beautiful mountains all around Muscat, to a flat, sand desert. For hours on end, all I saw was sand. But if you are a fan of desert landscapes, you'll love it! I took a 1,5 hour ferry to the island of Masirah. A small desert island, only 68 kilometers long. I arrived just before dark and in my next video, you'll see some of the island in the daylight!


    • March 13, 2019

    After a small circle around Masirah island, I'm catching the ferry again to the mainland. I'm heading back up North, and this means a full day of riding through the desert. Boring and exhilarating at the same time. Riding alone through a desert with sand as far as the eye can reach was a new experience and one that I will not forget. I did prepare myself though, and knew where I was going. So don't worry, when I asked the man in the pick-up which track to take, I wasn't completely lost! Either tracks would have been fine but I wanted to see which one he recommended me to take :) Now all of this sand is behind me, and I will be riding through some mountains again in the next video!


    • March 15, 2019

    I'm leaving the flat desert behind and I am heading back up north to complete my small round in Oman. This day I'm covering more than 400 kilometers so I was planning not to go off-road too much. But when one sees a beatiful dirt-track... one has to follow it! So I ended up riding 30 kilometres past beautiful mountains before continuing on paved road again. No regrets! This day also marks my last full day of riding in Oman. In my next video I'll already be crossing the border into the UAE! Exciting times ahead!


    • March 17, 2019

    It's time to leave Oman. I had an amazing time in Oman and that country exceeded all my expectations. I can highly recommend visiting Oman and mostly: go and see Oman by motorbike! It's a motorcyclists paradise! But it's time to make my way to Dubai. I have many things to arrange for the next leg of my journey which includes Iran and Turkmenistan. Dubai is the perfect place to make my final arrangements before catching the ferry to Iran!


    • March 19, 2019

    Today I am riding from Dubai to Abu Dhabi so I can apply for my Turkmenistan visa at the Embassy in Abu Dhabi. Fingers crossed I will get it! I'd never seen Abu Dhabi, so I made a small tour around Abu Dhabi and another one when I reached Dubai again! In my next video I'll be taking the ferry to Iran!


    • March 21, 2019

    Today I am crossing from Dubai into Iran! I will take the overnight ferry so its going to be a long, long, journey.


    • March 23, 2019

    This is the first day of riding in Iran! I'm leaving the port of Bandar Abbas and I'm riding north towards a small town called Rayen. The scenery was far more beautiful than I'd imagined and the people were so friendly everywhere. Sometimes they got a bit too happy to see me and were driving their cars so close to me to have a look at Basanti and me that it kind of freaked me out a bit!


    • March 25, 2019

    The hottest place on earth - as once measured at 71 degrees celcius is in Iran's Lut Desert. Today I'm riding into that desert to see the famous Kalout outcrops: rocks that have been eroded by wind for millions of years and are dotted around the desert. The temperature difference is incredible. Within a distance of some 20 kilometers, it changes from snow-capped mountains to a steaming hot desert. This meant a lot of changing riding jackets for me!


    • March 27, 2019

    The plan for the day was simple. Ride from Kerman to Yazd, taking a smaller road instead of the big expressway. But this day turned out a bit different than usual...


    • March 29, 2019

    This day I'm exploring some parts around the city Yazd. The entire day was filled with Iranian culture: both in the buildings and places I visited, and the people. This is how it's like to travel in Iran!


    • March 31, 2019

    Today I am riding from Yazd to Isfahan in Iran. Because of heavy rains and terrible floodings in large parts of `Iran, I decide to take the expressway. Riding through the mountains on small backroads doesn't seem to be a good idea at the moment. But riding in Iran during the holiday season, with millions of people traveling around the country, can be tricky too! It didn't matter on which part of the road I was, cars come so, so close to you around here. It freaked me out! Luckily I could regularly escape the express way to explore some small villages; a lot quieter and safer!


    • April 3, 2019

    Today was the first day that Basanti and me found snow on our journey! It was cold. It was very cold. But the road was twisty and turny and the scenery beautiful. What more could I ask for?


    • April 5, 2019

    Today I am riding from Kashan to Tehran in Iran. I need to sort out a couple of things in Tehran, but the most important thing I need to find out: will I get my visa for Turkmenistan??


    • April 7, 2019

    Still no visa for Turkmenistan, so I decide to just start riding! I am riding towards the Caspian Sea today, but not everything goes according to plan...


    • April 9, 2019

    The recent heavy rains and floods in Iran have caused many roads to close. I had to change my route because of that and ended up on a long off-road stretch with a lot of mud and water. At some point the track went steep down a hill and it was a massive struggle to get down. When I finally reached the river in the valley, there was no bridge! It was a dead end. I had to try to get back up that steep, steep, muddy hill. But then I got severely stuck and Basanti broke down. Not good! There was nobody else there (because the locals knew it was a dead-end!), so I had no other option than to start walking and look for help. Stay tuned for the next episode to see what happens next!


    • April 12, 2019

    This was the first time I ran into serious trouble with Basanti. But I am so glad it happened in Iran. Before going to Iran I heard about the legendary Persian hospitality, but experiencing it myself was simply amazing! Everybody wanted to help me. Everybody wanted to give me food. And everybody wanted to give me shelter. Without expecting anything in return. It was heart warming and although it was physically and mentally hard for me these two days, I will never forget the people that were there for me. Thank you!


    • April 14, 2019

    After an anxious 4 weeks (!!) of waiting, I finally get the message that my visa for Turkmenistan is approved! But, I am not sure when I have to enter Turkmenistan... So I don't want to take the risk and arrive too late at the border. This means I have to ride 750 kilometers to Mashad in Iran, to pick up the visa and I have 1,5 day to cover that distance. Let's ride!


    • April 16, 2019

    After riding the last 240 kilometers to Mashad, and picking up my visa (yeah!), I am going to cross the border from Iran into Turkmenistan the next day. This was by far the most bizarre border crossing! Entering Turkmenistan was surreal and I'm still quite unsure what to think of Aschebad. Definitely ranks amongst one of the most fascinating cities I've ever been to.

  • S01E66 GATEWAY TO HELL in Turkmenistan

    • April 18, 2019

    After hours of riding straight through the desert of Turkmenistan, I reached Darvasa. From here, it was 7 kilometers over a sandy track through the sand dunes to the Darvasa Gas Crater (aka Gateway to Hell). To avoid getting stuck in sand by myself, I paid two locals 10 dollars to show me the way to the crater (and push me if I'd get stuck - which, luckily, didn't happen!). What a fascinating place! I've never seen anything like it, and it was definitely worth venturing out there. I rented a tent and spend the night there in the desert, which was fantastic!


    • April 20, 2019

    Because of my short transit visa, I am flying through Turkmenistan and today already entering the next country: Uzbekistan! The road was not easy and full of potholes and especially the last 80 kilometres to the border were super bumpy and Basanti got a bit of a bashing today. Getting out of Turkmenistan was equally as bizarre as entering it and I'm quite glad to be in Uzbekistan where there is internet again and where I could enter without a visa and can stay much longer!

  • S01E68 RIDING THE SILK ROAD - To Khiva, Uzbekistan

    • April 22, 2019

    My first full riding day in Uzbekistan! I'm riding along the ancient Silk Road towards the silk town of Khiva. The old town of Khiva is almost like an museum, almost every building is a museum or centuries old building. I got pretty lost trying to find the hostel that I reserved for the night, but luckily there were plenty of friendly Uzbeks there to help me find my way :)

  • S01E69 BAD FUEL in Uzbekistan

    • April 24, 2019

    Basanti is suffering. The fuel quality in Uzbekistan is bad. I'm trying everything I can to get the best fuel possible, but it's still not very good. The low octane of the fuel decreases my fuel efficiency quite a bit so I can't venture and explore everywhere I can: I am riding from petrol station to petrol station... The road was not easy and full of potholes and especially the last 80 kilometres to the border were super bumpy and Basanti got a bit of a bashing today. Getting out of Turkmenistan was equally as bizarre as entering it and I'm quite glad to be in Uzbekistan where there is internet again and where I could enter without a visa and can stay much longer!


    • April 26, 2019

    Finally I'm closing in on the border with Tajikistan. After a final bit of desert, the landscape is turning greener and greener. I reach Samarkand, a place in Uzbekistan with a long, long history and had the chance to wander around there for a bit. Finding engine oil here was yet another mission... motorbike life in Uzbekistan is not easy! The road was not easy and full of potholes and especially the last 80 kilometres to the border were super bumpy and Basanti got a bit of a bashing today. Getting out of Turkmenistan was equally as bizarre as entering it and I'm quite glad to be in Uzbekistan where there is internet again and where I could enter without a visa and can stay much longer!


    • April 28, 2019


    • April 30, 2019

    The first real day of riding in Tajikistan! After the pouring rain the previous day, it cleared up and it turned out to be a fantastic ride! The scenery was stunning, the road amazing and the people welcoming and friendly. After riding so long in desert landscapes, I was just stoked to ride in mountains again. I had to cross several scary dark tunnels, the longest being 5.3 kilometers and absolutely terrifying. They call this the "Tunnel of Death" and I can see why! But, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And in this case, crossing the tunnel was rewarded by gorgeous snow-capped mountains. I can't wait to ride more in Tajikistan!


    • May 6, 2019

    After a long wait for the oil change for Basanti, I'm finally off again! I am riding towards the border with Afghanistan, the only road that is open at the moment. Riding so close to Afghanistan was thrilling, but it was mostly stunning. The scenery was just magnificent! The road started out great, but turned quite challenging near the end...


    • May 8, 2019

    Today I am attempting a 240 kilometer ride alongside the border with Afghanistan over a bad, bad road. The road is muddy, there are steep cliffs and thousands of potholes... Will I make it today? I am riding towards the border with Afghanistan, the only road that is open at the moment. Riding so close to Afghanistan was thrilling, but it was mostly stunning. The scenery was just magnificent! The road started out great, but turned quite challenging near the end...

  • S01E75 WAKHAN VALLEY - Part 1

    • May 10, 2019

    I am entering the remote Wakhan Valley in Tajikistan. Riding alongside the border with Afghanistan I'm reaching deep into the valley. This day's ride is from Khorog to Ishkashim. I am riding towards the border with Afghanistan, the only road that is open at the moment. Riding so close to Afghanistan was thrilling, but it was mostly stunning. The scenery was just magnificent! The road started out great, but turned quite challenging near the end...

  • S01E76 WAKHAN VALLEY - Part 2

    • May 6, 2019

    The ride into the Wakhan valley in Tajikistan continues! Today I'm riding towards the Bibi Fatima Hot Springs, which were a great refreshment during the ride! The views on the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan were just absolutely incredible, I couldn't get enough of it! When I arrived at the homestay in Hisor, my GoPro battery died, so the footage of the arrival at the homestay is unfortunately missing!

  • S01E77 REMOTE RIDING in Tajikistan

    • May 14, 2019

    To get back on the Pamir Highway from Wakhan valley, I have to cross 125 kilometres over a dirt track. This is the most remote I have ever ridden. No people for the entire stretch. But Basanti brought me safely over the mountain pass, through snow and over big rocks to the next village!

  • S01E78 HIGH ALTITUDE RIDING in Tajikistan

    • May 16, 2019

    250 kilometers ride from Alichur to Karakul, crossing a pass at almost 4700 meters of altitude. Riding a motorcycle in conditions like these, early in the season is challenging! Ice cold wind and the altitude make you gasp for breath sometimes! But the vistas were so stunning that it was one of my most rewarding rides!


    • May 18, 2019

    This was by far the hardest day on this journey. The icy cold wind and the altitude made me gasp for air. It was a difficult part of off-roading and I still can't believe I didn't drop Basanti. Did come close a few times! But I made it safe and sound to my next country: Kyrgyzstan!

  • S01E80 FIRST RIDE in Kyrgyzstan

    • May 20, 2019

    I’ve finally left the high altitude behind and as I’m riding to Osh I’m descending to only 1000 meters of altitude. The roads here are great to ride, the scenery stunning and the local people busy moving their herds to different grazing grounds. Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!


    • May 22, 2019

    Spring in Kyrgyzstan means green pastures and cattle being moved to different grazing grounds. This ride in Kyrgyzstan was just fantastic!


    • May 24, 2019

    In today's encounter with local customs I'm trying a local dairy product. As much as I wanted to pretend I loved it, I just couldn't. I disliked it so much that I simply couldn't hide it! Luckily the ladies that sold the goods thought it was quite amusing that I didn't liked it, and the fact that one of their kids shared the same name as me also helped! :)


    • May 26, 2019

    It's time for another border crossing. After the high altitude, very cold crossing from Tajikistan into Kyrgyzstan, I decided to cross the border close to Bishkek, which is a low altitude. I was fearing for the worst, but this border crossing turned out to be quite different than I'm used to!


    • May 29, 2019

    Not all days can be riding days! There are all sorts of logistics, visas and motorcycle maintenance to get done along the way as well. Almaty in Kazachstan was the perfect place to get a lot of this done!


    • May 30, 2019

    I have less than 2 weeks to make it from Almaty, all the way to the other side of Kazakhstan at the border with Russia. That means more than 3400 kilometers to cover. To start this epic flight through Kazakhstan, I decide to attempt the longest riding distance in one day so far: 608 kilometers. Let's GO!

  • S01E86 EXPLORING TURKESTAN in Kazakhstan

    • June 1, 2019

    Today I'm riding to Turkestan, one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Kazakhstan. It is home to the Yasaui Mausoleum, built in the 14th century to host the tomb of Sufi teacher and mystical poet Yasaui. The most impressive architectural building in Kazakhstan, it reminded me of the beautiful medrassas in Uzbekistan, which were also built by Timur.


    • June 4, 2019

    In this episode I’m exploring Sauran. The ruins of the capital of the Mongol White Horde are now in a desolate area of Kazakhstan. Exploring it by myself, with the only company being a group of horses... The most impressive architectural building in Kazakhstan, it reminded me of the beautiful medrassas in Uzbekistan, which were also built by Timur.


    • June 6, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from Kyzylorda to Aralsk. On the way, I'm passing Baikonur, the place in Kazakhstan where rockets are being launched into space! I didn't get to see a launch, but I did walk through some pieces of old rocket laying around there - how cool is that! After a long and hot day of riding through semi-desert, I reached Aralsk. This town used to have it's harbour right at the Aral Sea, which was the 4th biggest lake in the world. Due to bad water management in the Sovjet times to irrigate cotton plantation, the Aral Sea almost entirely dried up. Kazakhstan is working hard on dams to try and restore the Aral Sea and at this moment the Aral Sea is 'only' 25 kilometers away from Aralsk. In a few years, this harbour should have water again!

  • S01E89 CAMELS & NOTHING in Kazakhstan

    • June 8, 2019

    In this episode I have to cover 617 kilometers from Aralsk to Aktobe, in Kazakhstan. This is about twice the distance I normally ride in one day, but I had to cover a huge stretch of dry, semi-desert in Kazakhstan. The only entertainment on the road are the camels that are staring into the distance on the side of the road. Buckle up, this is going to be a very, very long day! The most impressive architectural building in Kazakhstan, it reminded me of the beautiful medrassas in Uzbekistan, which were also built by Timur.

  • S01E90 BUG PLAGUE! in Kazakhstan

    • June 10, 2019

    Another long, long day of riding though Kazakhstan. But, I'm making progress! The Russian border is coming closer every day. In this episode, I'm struggling with a bug plague that is covering Basanti and me in some serious bug goo.. The challenges one faces on the road!

  • S01E91 ENDLESS ROADS in Kazakhstan

    • June 12, 2019

    In this episode, Basanti and me are ploughing through the final 510 kilometers of flat (boring) grasslands and semi-desert in Kazakhstan. Getting very close now to the border with Russia! I'm excited to enter Russia and see some different landscapes and have new adventures!


    • June 14, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from Atyrau in Kazakstan to Astrakhan in Russia. That means: another border crossing! But more importantly, it means: another country and hopefully a change of scenery! Welcome to Russia!

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x3 Q&A - Live - Part 1

    • June 16, 2019
    • YouTube

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x4 Q&A - Live - Part 2

    • June 16, 2019
    • YouTube

  • S01E93 WHAT IS THIS?

    • June 18, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from Astrakhan to Elista in Russia. It's the first full day of riding in Russia and there is plenty to see along the way!

  • S01E94 STOPPED BY THE POLICE in Russia

    • June 20, 2019

    In this episode I am riding from Elista to Stavropol in Russia. Getting stopped by police always makes me nervous and Russian police is no exception!


    • June 22, 2019

    My transit visa for Russia was only valid for 7 days, so I'm blasting through Russia. This is already the last full day in Russia before I'm crossing the border into Georgia. Basanti and me are closing in on the mountains and are looking forward to curvy roads and stunning scenery!


    • June 25, 2019

    With only a 7-day transit visa for Russia, I had to travel quickly. But now I made it to the border with Georgia! Another country for Basanti and me.. Let's go!


    • June 27, 2019

    And BOOM! I'm crossing into Armenia today! But don't worry, I'll be back in Georgia very soon. But first, explore a bit of Armenia! Can't wait. Let's go!!


    • June 29, 2019

    Today was the first full day of riding in Armenia. A day of off-road riding, stunning scenery and incredibly hospitable Armenian people. Being invited for lunch by strangers, and leaving with a new Armenian family was something I didn't see coming this day. I am loving this new country and its people!


    • July 1, 2019

    Today I am exploring the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, or the Republic of Artsakh. Before traveling around in this region of the world, I had never even heard of it. But this is what traveling is all about! Discovering new places, meeting new people and having new experiences...


    • July 3, 2019

    After a short detour to the Republic of Artsakh, I'm entering Armenia again! And wow, is this country amazing. I can't get enough of the hills, mountains and changing landscapes!

  • S01E101 VODKA SHOT?!

    • July 5, 2019

    Today is my last full day of riding in Armenia before heading back to Georgia! It's a jam-packed day of riding past monasteries, castles, snow and having an unexpected (sip of a) vodka shot!


    • July 7, 2019

    Today I'm crossing the border again from Armenia into Georgia! Time to ride a bit more around Georgia. But the weather ruins the plans! Luckily the next day Basanti and me have better luck and a great surprise in the evening! :)


    • July 9, 2019

    Time to cross into Turkey! I've been looking forward to Turkey for a long time, after hearing so many amazing stories from other riders. The Turkish food, hospitality and variety of landscapes.. Let's go!


    • July 11, 2019

    Today's ride is a mix of on-road, off-road and visiting some pretty old buildings - a ride in some of Turkey's fascinating history and nature! I'm riding from Kars to Dogubayazit!


    • July 13, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding to Lake Van in Turkey. In an attempt to reach the lake via a dirt trail, things don't go exactly to plan. But this is all part of exploring and trying new things! And I got a great reward when I did make it to the lake :)


    • July 15, 2019

    I didn't really know where I would end up this day. The distance was long, the roads unknown (well, they are always unknown actually) and the heat was taking its toll. But that's the good thing of traveling without a strict plan or schedule! You can adjust and change your plan as many times as you want :) So instead of riding to Malatya today, I made it to Mount Nemrut. It was a bit of a climb, but wow, the vistas were absolutely breathtaking!

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x5 Q&A - Live Chat - July 2019

    • July 17, 2019
    • YouTube


    • July 19, 2019

    Well, today is a long ride, without any exploring. It is extremely hot and I want to make it to Cappadocia in one day. I just can't wait to reach it!! But that's also part of traveling around the world by motorcycle. Sometimes you just have to cover long, boring stretches, just to reach the fun stuff!


    • July 21, 2019

    Today is the day I get to explore Cappadocia in Turkey! What an incredible place and having two wheels means I get to go off the main tourist trails and have a small slice of Cappadocia just for myself and Basanti! Escaping the heat of this part of Turkey can be done via underground cities - explore Cappadocia above AND below ground!


    • July 23, 2019

    I was excited to ride through the Turkish country side the entire day. The weather had different plans though and my mission to escape a bad storm begun... Escaping the heat of this part of Turkey can be done via underground cities - explore Cappadocia above AND below ground!

  • S01E110 TO ISTANBUL!

    • July 25, 2019

    With Basanti needing a service and me having an entire list of things I need to get sorted, today's mission is to reach Istanbul. It's a long ride but Turkey has so much stunning scenery to offer, you just have to get off the highway to see it!


    • July 27, 2019

    This is the last full day of riding in Turkey. So let's leave Turkey with a blast and go off-road!! What a day... riding through endless field of sunflowers, through forests and hills, over sandy and rocky trails.. welcome to the TET (Trans Europe Trail) in Turkey! I can highly recommend exploring the TET with your motorcycle!


    • July 29, 2019

    Today I'm crossing the border from Turkey into Greece. This means I'm entering the EU for the first time with Basanti! I was very nervous for it, but it turned out to be very different than expected...


    • July 31, 2019

    In today's episode, I'm visiting Meteora in Greece. What an incredible place! Unfortunately, being here in the high season means hordes of tourists, so I decide to admire the monasteries perched on rock outcrops from a distance together with Basanti!


    • August 2, 2019

    Today I'm riding from Greece into Albania. Looking to ride some more of the TET (Trans Euro Trail), but this didn't go as expected...

  • S01E115 LET'S GET DIRTY!

    • August 4, 2019

    This day had all the elements for me! Some off-road riding, great scenery, beautiful historical towns, chatting with locals and home-made food. Welcome to Albania!


    • August 6, 2019

    Today I'm riding through the Kruje National Park and encountered some nice, rocky trail. I wonder why I didn't see other vehicles traveling this road...


    • August 8, 2019

    Today I'm crossing the border from Albania into Montenegro. Montenegro is a very small country so it won't be long before I'm exciting this country again. But not before I explore some dirt tracks, attempt riding the TET (Trans Euro Trail) and have some traditional Montenegran food!


    • August 10, 2019

    Today I'm riding from Montenegro into Bosnia. I wasn't planning on any off-roading, but sometimes picking small roads on maps.me can lead to some proper exploring! Riding this completely overgrown trail made me feel a little like Indiana Jones!


    • August 12, 2019

    I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to ride to Croatia today to see the coast! I didn't cover a lot of distance this day but riding through the Biokovo National Park was all worth it!


    • August 14, 2019

    Today I'm riding from Split to Plitvica National Park in Croatia. I'm trying to find some backroads along the way, which in the end, turned out to be a lot better than I expected!


    • August 16, 2019

    Another day of riding the back-roads of Croatia! I chose a small road snaking through the forests over mostly unpaved road. Being stopped there by the police came as quite a surprise! Later, some locals told me the police was mostly likely looking for illegal immigrants who are passing through Croatia. Well, I didn't see anyone! What I loved about today was stumbling upon some ruins of the top of a hill which I paid a short visit. After the morning of exploring, Basanti also got a small service and I got to stay in a great apartment because of the hospitality of Sinisa, the owner of motorcycle shop Novema Nova!


    • August 18, 2019


    • August 20, 2019

    I'm so excited to meet up with my friends Peter & Claudia again, who I met in Myanmar! The mission of today: reach Vienna!!

  • S01E124 RUN, Basanti, RUN!

    • August 22, 2019

    Alright people, I've almost reached the Netherlands! From Vienna to the border with Holland is about 1200 kilometers, so let's ride 600 kilometers today to make it half-way Germany. Now is not the time for exploring. It is time for a mission: reach The Netherlands after being away for a year and seeing everybody again. But let's not forget: it will be a short stay and I will prepare for the next adventure which will start very soon: Patagonia to Alaska!! Run, Basanti, run!

  • S01E125 MADE IT!

    • August 24, 2019

    YES! Basanti and me made it! 36.000 kilometers after starting in Delhi, India - we are now in the Netherlands. Time for a short break, and prepare for the next trip: Patagonia to Alaska!!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x6 BIG NEWS!! (Good and bad...)

    • August 31, 2019

    I have some big news to share with you!!

Season 2 - Patagonia to Alaska

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x7 LET'S GEAR UP - for Expedition Patagonia - Alaska!

    • September 9, 2019
    • YouTube

    I am now in the The Netherlands, preparing for epic Expedition Patagonia - Alaska which is going to start very soon! But as you've seen in the previous video, I now have a brand-new bike, called Dhanno, and I need to set her up with everything I need for such a massive trip. So in the coming episodes, I'll show you the process of getting Dhanno and myself ready!

  • Episodic Special


    • September 16, 2019
    • YouTube

    A short update of what's going on! An important improvement I was looking for was regarding the windshield. To reduce the turbulent wind hitting me in the face, I bought a taller windshield online and installed it. I can't say that I'm entirely wind-free, but it's a big improvement! The website where I found this windshield is www.hitchcocksmotorcycles.com

  • Episodic Special


    • September 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    Today I'm riding to Ulicoten to the Discover Overland 2019 event! I was asked to give a presentation there and it sounded like a cool place to meet some like-minded travellers, so I said yes! Rear camera rack made by www.knookvormgeversinmetaal.nl ([email protected])


    • October 4, 2019
    • YouTube

    This is the first episode of my brand new series in which I am riding solo from Patagonia to Alaska. But first, I have to ride Dhanno to London, so she can be crated and ready to go to Argentina!

  • S02E02 Welcome to the UK!

    • October 7, 2019

    It's a very early morning in the UK, but Dhanno and I made it. It was a 2,5 hour struggle through traffic to get to Heathrow, but the package was delivered safe and sound! Now it's a matter of waiting anxiously until Dhanno arrives in Buenos Aires, Argentina and for the adventure to really begin!

  • S02E03 Let's go ARGENTINA!

    • October 12, 2019

    Crating of my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Dhanno" by James Cargo in London went very quick! So when I got the news that Dhanno was already flying to Argentina, I quickly had to book a flight myself. Buenos Aires has a bad reputation when it comes to custom clearance at the airport. So I hired Javier and Sandra from DakarMotos (www.dakarmotos.com). They are specialized in clearing motorcycles in and out of Buenos Aires and with their help, we managed to get Dhanno cleared the same day she arrived! The adventure can finally begin!

  • S02E04 HERE WE GO AGAIN...

    • October 14, 2019

    The first real riding day of this new adventure and wow, what a day! This day was so long and full of unexpected events that I had to turn this into two episodes! I was looking forward to riding dirt in Argentina, and dirt I found! But a sudden thunderstorm, slippery mud and a nail on the road turned this day into one that I won't easily forget..


    • October 16, 2019

    Part 2 of the first day's ride. Can you believe that luck of catching a nail in the tyre on day numero 1?! On the other hand, this was good practice because it took me 2,5 hours to change the tube. I'm sure next time it will be faster! But besides the thunderstorm, mud and flat tyre of this day, it was absolutely fantastic. Great trails, beautiful country side and a lot of wildlife keep me happy at any day! I hope tomorrow will be a slightly easier day though..


    • October 18, 2019

    It rained today, so I decided to stay on tarmac. I never really enjoy riding in the rain, so I just used today to cover the distance I had to, in order to reach a cool place for my next ride!

  • S02E07 Argentina's GHOST TOWN

    • October 20, 2019

    In this episode I'm visiting Epecuen, also known as Argentina's Ghost Town. It has a fascinating history and is probably one of the most spooky places I've ever visited!


    • October 22, 2019

    I'm leaving the flat pampas behind and the scenery is changing to some mountains! I'm riding to Sierra de la Ventana today and am enjoying this scenery, especially because of alll the flat terrain that's still ahead of me!

  • S02E09 UH-OH.. That's a problem.

    • October 24, 2019

    Soooo.. I noticed that somewhere along the line, I've lost my number plate. Turns out that the plastic holder from the dealer was not as strong as the original holder, and it just broke off. I suspect it happened on the bumpy dirt roads I was riding around Epecuen, but who knows. If I knew where I lost it, I wouldn't have lost it! No choice but to get a new one made in The Netherlands and have it send to Argentina. I'm riding today with an improvised plate to Viedma. This is a bigger town in Argentina and here I'll wait for the new plate to arrive before continuing on my journey! We have problems, we fix them!

  • S02E10 Incredible WILDLIFE in ARGENTINA!

    • October 26, 2019

    I'm still waiting in Viedma for my new number plate, so today I"m exploring the area. First I'm visiting the largest breeding site of the endangered burrowing parakeet. These thousands of beautiful birds make a lot of noise but seeing them flying around the cliffs in big flocks was a sight I won't easily forget! After the visit to the parakeets, I'm also checking out a 6000 animal large sea lion colony, and these animals also produce quite the sound! I ride back to Viedma via a dirt road and the vast and open landscapes of Argentina still don't bore me!

  • S02E11 YES!! On the road again!

    • October 28, 2019

  • S02E12 PENGUINS at Peninsula Valdes, Argentina

    • November 1, 2019

    Today I'm exploring peninsula Valdes. It's a long days ride as I'm traveling 350 kilometers, mostly unpaved, from place to place on the peninsula - on the lookout for orca's, elephant seals, penguins and guanaco's! What a fantastic place full of wildlife and almost no tourists! I will never forget my first encounters with wild elephant seals and penguins!

  • S02E13 Into the wild! - El Cabo Raso, Argentina

    • November 3, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from Puerto Piramides on Peninsula Valdes to El Cabo Raso. On the way I stop at Gaiman, which was a Welsh settlement, to have some welsh cakes and I visit Punta Tombo - to see thousands of penguins! But the ultimate part was reaching El Cabo Raso. 12 years ago, I family started rebuilding the ruins there to a house, guesthouse, camping ground and several cabanas. A remote place without telephone reception, internet and a magnificent road to ride in order to reach it. What a FANTASTIC day!

  • S02E14 Nobody comes here... El Cabo, Argentina

    • November 5, 2019

    This day of riding was some proper exploring! I borrowed the keys of a gate which normally remains locked - so I could ride around an area very rarely visited by people. And what a day, I had the opportunity to watch a sea lion colony and elephant seals up close, without the tourist crowds!

  • S02E15 You HAVE to ride Ruta Provincial 1 in Argentina!

    • November 7, 2019

    In today's ride I'm leaving El Cabo Raso and I'm continuing to Comodoro Rivadavia. Following the Ruta Provincial 1 along the coast and through desert-like landscapes I'm enjoying 200 kilometers of amazing off-road riding without encountering a single vehicle!

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x10 Itchy Boots Q&A LIVE - November 2019

    • November 9, 2019
    • YouTube

    In this Live Q&A I'm trying to answer your questions! Please check out www.itchyboots.com/FAQ for the answer to the most frequently asked questions, or my previous Q&A session!

  • S02E16 A walk through JURASSIC times - Bosques Petrificados de Jamarillo, Argentina

    • November 11, 2019

    Today I'm leaving Comodoro Rivadavia and via an amazing road (Ruta Provincial 93), I arrive at a petrified forest: Bosques Petrificados de Jamarillo. These fossil trees are 150 million years old, and were growing in a time when dinosaurs roamed the planet! But the day is slipping away from me and I can't reach my destination for the day: Puerto Deseado. Plan B has to come in action!

  • S02E17 A CRAZY day in Patagonia, Argentina

    • November 13, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from Tres Cerros, a petrol station along Ruta 3 in Argentina all the way down south to Rio Gallegos. One crazy long day in which I made some nice dirt road detours, but mostly, I was battling the insanely strong side winds Patagonia is famous for...

  • S02E18 CROSSING INTO CHILE - on a Royal Enfield Himalayan

    • November 15, 2019

    In this episode, I"m crossing the border into Chile for some brief riding around this part of Tierra del Fuego, before hopping back into Argentina so I can continue towards the most southern point of this continent! Even though I've done almost 30 border crossings by motorcycle now, this one really caught me by surprise!

  • S02E19 You WON'T believe what I saw in Tierra del Fuego!

    • November 17, 2019

    In this episode I am riding in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Starting from Cerro Sombrero, I enter some real wild terrain and I'm exploring beautiful parts on my motorcycle. On the way, I stop to see the only colony of Emperor Penguins outside of Antarctica. What an amazing sight!! Along the way, I also come across a random old dredger and stay the night at a logging station. This is one of those one-of-a-kind days!

  • S02E20 Seeing snow-capped mountains after 4000 kilometers of flat lands..

    • November 19, 2019

    In this episode, I'm crossing the border again to go back into Argentina. A fantastic day of dirt roads and I finally go rewarded with the first views of snow-capped mountains since I started this trip in Buenos Aires. After 4000 kilometres of flat and arid plains, I reached the South of the Andes in Tierra del Fuego, and this will mark the beginning of a lot of mountain riding!

  • S02E21 I reached the End of the Road!

    • November 21, 2019

    What a day! In this episode, I reach the end of the road. I cannot go any more south than this. That means that I am turning around and the real journey towards Alaska can finally begin! Riding alongside the Beagle Channel and sort of inviting myself for coffee at the Naval Base were all part of a day I will not easily forget! Along the way, I also come across a random old dredger and stay the night at a logging station. This is one of those one-of-a-kind days!

  • S02E22 Let's get OUT OF HERE - Tierra del Fuego Patagonia

    • November 23, 2019

    I've been very lucky with a week of great weather, but now there is some bad weather predicted for Tierra del Fuego. I don't want to find myself stuck in Ushuaia for two weeks with snow, so today I'm riding out of here. It's was a long day of riding, a border crossing and to top it off, some nice dirt-road but I reached Porvenir!

  • S02E23 Spending a day with locals in Porvenir, Chile

    • November 25, 2019

    In this episode I am not riding my motorcycle very far. I'm waiting for the ferry to get across to Punta Arenas from Porvenir. So I spend most of the day chasing a Chilean simcard, finding some proper breakfast and checking out an ancient cinema. Not everyday can be a full riding day, sometimes you have to do some logistics and get organised!

  • S02E24 Visiting Pigeon Mountain. Wait, WHAT?!

    • November 27, 2019

    In this episode I'm picking up Dhanno from La Guarida motorcycle shop where she got a service. With an oil change and a brand new rear tyre she is ready to go again! I'm riding from Punta Arenas in Chile, to Puerto Natales. On the way I am making a stop at Estancia Olga Teresa, to go bird watching. The mountain where the bird are is called Pidgeon Mountain. But are these really pigeons, or something else... ?

  • S02E25 Discover Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

    • November 29, 2019

    In this episode I am riding through Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. This is some of the best scenery Patagonia has to offer - and I was very lucky with the weather. I started the ride from Puerto Natales and ended in Cerro Castillo, right at the border with Argentina. A total of 213 kilometers through stunning landscapes!

  • S02E26 An afternoon with an unusual surviving glacier

    • December 1, 2019

    In this episode I am riding from Torres del Paine National Park to El Calafate in Argentina to see the impressive Perito Moreno glacier. You can easily spend hours watching big chunks of ice breaking off the face of the glacier, what a place!

  • S02E27 What am I doing??

    • December 3, 2019

    In this episode I'm doing some local exploring around El Calafate, Argentina. I am visiting the Glacier Museum, end up by myself in an Ice Bar and go to see 4000 year old rock paintings at the Walichu caves. Fair to say that it was an interesting day!

  • S02E28 This is why there are so many dead trees in Patagonia.

    • December 5, 2019

    In this episode I'm riding from El Calafate to El Chalten. I'm not going to do the 8-9 hour walk to Mount Fitz Roy, but I am visiting the Monument to a Careless Trekker. A burned down tree does not seem like the most obvious monument, but the story behind it is powerful and important!

  • S02E29 Riding to a Patagonian Estancia, Argentina

    • December 7, 2019

    In this episode I am riding from El Chalten in Argentina to Estancia Santa Thelma. I am just in love with this farm! Staying in a tent, surrounded by horses is an amazing experience. I look forward to going horse riding the next day!

  • S02E30 Horse riding in wild Patagonia, Argentina

    • December 9, 2019

    In this episode I'm trading Dhanno for one with only 1 horse power! Riding a horse in Patagonia has been a very old dream of mine. A dream that came true today, and it was an experience that I will never forget!

  • S02E31 This is 9,000 years old hidden art in Argentina!

    • December 11, 2019

    In this episode of the Patagonia to Alaska Expedition, I am exploring an amazing canyon in Argentina. This place contains the oldest found paintings of people in Patagonia: 9,000 years old. To walk next to 250 meter high cliffs, with a lush and green valley below, looking at 9,000 years old paintings of the first people in Patagonia is impressive! I went to see this place because I heard about the paintings, but I had no idea I could ride my motorcycle to the edge of the cliffs, overlooking all that greenery below..

  • S02E32 First time crossing the Andes on my Royal Enfield Himalayan

    • December 13, 2019

    After admiring the Andes several times from the distance, I am crossing them for the first time in this episode! A full day of riding in the mountains, so you can imagine how happy I am! To top it off, a small and smooth border crossing from Argentina into Chile..

  • S02E33 Did you ever hear of the Marble Caves in Chile?

    • December 15, 2019

    In this episode I am riding to Puerto Sanchez in Chile. From here, I catch a boat to explore the impressive Marble Caves that can be accessed from here. A must do when you are in the area!!

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x11 Itchy Boots LIVE - December 2019

    • December 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    I am riding solo around the world on my Royal Enfield Himalayan 'Dhanno'!

  • S02E34 Battling Dust & Road works on the Carretera Austral, Chile

    • December 19, 2019

    This episode shows you some of the Carretera Austral in Chile. They are working hard to make this entire road paved! For now, most parts remain dusty, bumpy and full of washboard gravel roads but road works are on their way!

  • S02E35 A tragedy happened here - To Futaleufu, Chile by Motorcycle

    • December 21, 2019

    In this episode I am covering a lot of ground. I am riding my motorcycle from Coyhaique to Futaleufu in Chile. On the way I pass Villa Santa Lucia, and by the looks of it, there has been a huge natural disaster here!

  • S02E36 Where are the Alerces in Parque National de Alerces in Argentina?

    • December 23, 2019

    In this episode I am crossing the border at Futaleufu in Chile, back into Argentina. My ride goes through National Park de Alerces, but are there Alerce trees to be found?

  • S02E37 11.000 kilometers on my Royal Enfield Himalayan!

    • December 25, 2019

    In this episode my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Dhanno" gets a service because she clocked 11.000 kilometers. The next day, I'm heading back towards Chile from Villa la Angustura in Argentina. But first I am making a beautiful tour around Lake Traful in Argentina. One of those gems where you don't encounter anyone!

  • Webisodes and Shorts


    • December 25, 2021
    • YouTube


    • December 26, 2019

    Merry Christmas everyone! In this Christmas Special I am riding through the Villarica National Park towards Temuco in Chile. It turns out to be a challenging track though a beautiful Araucaria forest and over volcanic ashes spewed out by Volcano Villarica! To top is off, my Royal Enfield Himalayan gets a new front tyre for Christmas, and I am back to flying a drone again! So new drone footage in the next video again!

  • S02E39 Riding a motorcycle on an ACTIVE VOLCANO!

    • December 29, 2019

    In this episode I am riding my Royal Enfield Himalayan on active volcano Llaima in Conguillío National Park in Chile. Riding a motorcycle over volcanic ash and pumice towards an active volcano with snow on top I never imagined in my wildest dream! After riding on the volcano, I continued through the Araucaria forest which was dotted with the mysterious Monkey Puzzle Trees. A day in my South America trip I will never forget!

  • Webisodes and Shorts

    SPECIAL 0x27 Equador

    • December 30, 2021
    • YouTube

  • S02E40 Crossing the remote Paso Pichachen in Argentina by motorcycle

    • December 31, 2019

    Just when I thought the riding couldn't get any better after riding on active Volcano Llaima in National Park Conguillío, Chile - I did this. Crossing mountain pass "Paso Pichachen", right at the border of Argentina and Chile. I don't think the scenery of this amazing motorcycle ride can get any better than this!

  • S02E41 My motorcycle and me are boiling in the desert in Argentina

    • January 2, 2020

    In this episode I am riding through a desert in Argentina and temperatures are soaring. The road is not easy and the hostel is closed - it wasn't one of my best days but that's also part of long distance motorcycle riding!

  • S02E42 The final stretch to Mendoza, Argentina!

    • January 4, 2020

    I am riding to Mendoza to spend Christmas 2019 there! As in most countries, in Argentina Christmas is spend with family, so as a solo traveller, it's best to try and meet some other fellow travellers in a bigger city! This time, I'm leaving earlier in the day so I avoid the worst heat and that turns out the be a great decision!

  • S02E43 I'm so sorry, Dhanno!

    • January 6, 2020

    An unfortunate drop of my Royal Enfield Himalayan Dhanno in Mendoza resulted in a broken windshield.. It was one of those days! Luckily, that was the only misfortune of the day and the rest of the ride was great! I am riding my motorcycle through the San Juan province of Argentina on my way to the Paso Agua Negra so I can cross back into Chile!

  • S02E44 Riding at almost 5,000 metres altitude in the Andes, at Paso Agua Negra

    • January 8, 2020

    In this ride I am crossing the border again between Argentina and Chile. The border is right at the high mountain pass called "Paso Agua Negra", which is at 4753 meters altitude. Coming from the hot desert in Argentina, I am riding towards the snow, and then descend again into the hot valley on the other side. It was a spectacular ride through different temperatures and through the stunning, colourful mountains of the Andes. It took me 10 hours to ride my motorcycle from Calingasta in Argentina, to La Serena in Chile but I did it!

  • S02E45 Royal Enfield Himalayan Maintenance needed!

    • January 10, 2020

    In this episode I am riding from La Serena to Copiapo in Chile. There isn't much choice but to follow the Ruta 5, which is a pretty boring highway! The weather is not helping either, so I decide to just blast my way to Copiapo so I have time to get a service for Dhanno. It's been 3,000 kilometers since the last oil change, so I'm having the oil and oil filter changed. Because of the mineral rich grounds I have been riding on, Dhanno also gets much needed thorough wash here!

  • S02E46 Caught in a hail storm at 4700 meters altitude in the Andes!

    • January 12, 2020

    In this episode I am riding from Copiapo in Chile, to Fiambala in Argentina. I am crossing over the Paso San Francisco, above 4700 meters altitude. Right after the pass, I catch some bad weather! But that doesn't spoil this fantastic motorcycle ride across the Andes!

  • S02E47 Can somebody please explain me THIS?

    • January 14, 2020

    In this episode I am riding a shorter ride from Fiambala to Belen in Argentina. My intentions are to see some sights along the way such as a 18th century church and pre-Inca ruins but I am not very successful! Luckily, I managed to see a Catholic procession in Belen that evening which was interesting to watch.

  • S02E48 Riding in SAND - SAND - SAND!

    • January 16, 2020

    In this episode I am riding to Campo de Piedra Pomez in Argentina. From El Penon, it is 36 kilometers through a lot of sand and over a lot of badly corrugated washboard tracks, but I made it on my Royal Enfield Himalayan!

  • S02E49 Parts breaking off my Royal Enfield Himalayan to see this: Cono de Arita, Argentina

    • January 18, 2020

    In this episode I am riding from El Penon in Argentina to Tolar Grande on my Royal Enfield Himalayan. This is a very desolate and remote area in Argentina and the roads are tough! All the corrugated roads (also known as washboard) are beating up my motorcycle and me. When I finally arrived in Tolar Grande, I lost one part and broken another...

  • S02E50 I'm OUT!

    • January 20, 2020

    With too little rest after the previous ride, I try to do another big day riding at altitude, but I'm simply exhausted. I have to cut the ride off and stop in San Antonio. As already announced in the last live chat, I am taking a break! I need time to rest and to sort out a lot of things I didn't have the time to do while on the road all the time. See you in a couple of weeks!

  • S02E51 I'm BACK!!

    • February 11, 2020

    In this episode, I am continuing the ride towards Alaska! After a break of a few weeks, Dhanno and I are both ready to start riding again. In this video, I'm riding from Salta to Tilcara, Argentina. On the way, I'm passing by Purmamarca, the 7 coloured mountain - what an incredible geological feature! In Salta I had to change my rear tyre for the second time during this adventure. I have ridden about 8,000 kilometers with the Metzeler Enduro 3 Sahara, but all the riding over volcanic sediments and sharp gravel took their toll. It was not easy to find a new rear tyre in Salta, but eventually I found a Pirelli MT-60 again, so that's what I bought to continue my journey with!

  • S02E52 This Argentinean dog BIT me!

    • February 13, 2020

    In this episode, I am riding my motorcycle from Tilcara in Argentina to Salinas Grandes. On the way, I make a stop at Cerro Hornocal (14 coloured mountain), close to Humahuaca, but the weather is not in my favour and a cloud is blocking the mountain! I continue via a tiny backroad towards mining town Al Aguilar. I am riding between 3500 and 4300 meters altitude, which makes this ride challenging. As a bonus, I get bitten by a dog!

  • S02E53 Sleeping at 4,000 meters altitude at the Argentina-Chile border!!

    • February 15, 2020

    In this episode, I am riding my motorcycle from Salinas Grandes to the Paso Sico border between Argentina and Chile. I am staying the night right at the border, at 4,000 meters altitude, in a dorm at the customs/immigration office. Definitely one of the strangest places to stay for the night so far!

  • S02E54 Goodbye, Argentina!!

    • February 18, 2020

    After riding my motorcycle around Argentina for more than 3 months, it is finally time to cross the border into Chile one last time. I'm leaving Argentina behind me. It's been an absolute blast, but it's time to move on. I am crossing the border into Chile at Paso Sico - an incredibly beautiful area in the high mountains. But soon I am descending in the ever-dry Atacama Desert, where temperatures rise and water is scarce!

  • S02E55 I'm FLOATING!! in Laguna Baltinache, Chile

    • February 20, 2020

    In this episode, I am exploring the area around San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. First I ride through Valle de la Luna and next I continue to Laguna Baltinache. The pools in the Atacama Desert are so salty that you can float!!

  • S02E56 Crossing into BOLIVIA!

    • February 22, 2020

    In this episode I am riding from San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, to the border with Bolivia. I am entering Bolivia very remotely and at high altitude, ready to go and ride the famous 'Ruta de las Lagunas' : the lagoon route. On day one I can enjoy some nice thermal baths on the 'altiplano' but I have to prepare myself for some rough days ahead!

  • S02E57 Riding the Ruta de Las Lagunas in Bolivia by MOTORCYCLE

    • February 24, 2020

    In this episode I am riding to Laguna Colorado on the Ruta de las Lagunas in Bolivia. I'm riding at high altitude on tracks which are not very easy, but it's beautiful around here! I'm visiting geysers at no less than 4800 meters altitude!

  • S02E58 I’m LOST at 4,600 meters altitude in BOLIVIA

    • February 27, 2020

    I am riding my Royal Enfield Himalayan on the Ruta de las Lagunas in Bolivia. This is day three and things are becoming more difficult. Heavy rainfall made some of the tracks hard to ride, but mostly, it was difficult to navigate. I kept on getting lost on all the tracks and ended up riding some narrow gorge at high altitudes by myself. But what an incredibly beautiful area!!

  • S02E59 Surviving torrential downpour in Bolivia

    • February 29, 2020

    In this episode I am riding the last part of Ruta de las Lagunas in Bolivia, while on my way to Uyuni. I thought it would be a short 25 kilometer ride until I would reach the paved road but due to heavy rainfall in the days before, the tracks were flooded, washed away and TOUGH!

  • S02E60 ALONE on the road in Bolivia [Uyuni to Potosi]

    • March 3, 2020

    In this episode I'm leaving Uyuni and I'm riding to Potosi in Bolivia. Luckily, the road is newly paved, because there have been several days of heavy rainfall so I was a bit worried about very muddy trails. But the road to Potosi is beautiful, with fantastic scenery and absolutely no traffic!! How is this possible?!

  • S02E61 WARNING: SHOCKING!! This is where your silver comes from.

    • March 4, 2020

    In this episode I am going deep into the Bolivian Silver mines at Potosi. Mine Caracoles is at 4,400 meters altitude and the working conditions inside the mine are atrocious. It was a crazy experience for me, but unfortunately, the normal work environment for thousands of Bolivian people that work here every single day.

  • S02E62 The crater of Maragua, Bolivia - Does it exist?

    • March 7, 2020

    In this episode I am riding my Royal Enfield Himalayan from Potosi to Maragua. A route through stunning mountains, with the goal of reaching the so called 'Crater of Maragua'.. Spoiler alert: this is not a volcanic crater, but what we call in geology a syncline. Nevertheless, descending into this valley was one of the most spectacular views on my trip so far and very much worth it!!

  • S02E63 Why you should visit Maragua, BOLIVIA!

    • March 10, 2020

    I am riding from Maragua in Bolivia to Tomina, via Sucre. Riding through the valley of Maragua was absolutely fantastic! One of the most impressive places I've visited in a while. Don't miss this place if you are in the area!

  • S02E64 Che Guevara was EXECUTED right here..

    • March 12, 2020

    In this episode I am riding to tiny village La Higuera in the jungle of Bolivia. This is where more than 50 years ago, Che Guevara got executed. It's a place with a lot of history and some of the inhabitants of this village where there when he was shot. I get to speak with one of them, inside the school where it all happened..

  • S02E65 I'm STUCK here in Bolivia.

    • March 14, 2020

    I am stuck in La Higuera in Bolivia. Heavy rainfall made the tracks impossible and too dangerous to attempt. I don't want myself skidding off the mountain and into a ravine! So after 4 nights in La Higuera and lots of patient waiting, the tracks are finally dry and I'm good to go again. On to Santa Cruz de la Sierra!

  • S02E66 Riding a motorcycle through THE CLOUDS!

    • March 17, 2020

    In this episode I try to reach Trinidad in Bolivia by boat. So I ride my Royal Enfield Himalayan motorcycle to the town Puerto Villarroel.. only to discover that there is no longer any cargo transport by river there! So I decide to ride on and go to Cochabamba. It's a whopping total of 525 kilometres that day!!

  • S02E67 Bolivia in the rainy season - LANDSLIDES!

    • March 19, 2020

    Riding a motorcycle through Bolivia in the rainy season can be tricky! In this episode, I am riding to a small place called Independencia. I was planning to ride to Quime, but the ride took much longer than expected and 25 kilometers before I reached Independencia, it started raining. The roads quickly became muddy and slippery and the water crossings turned into violent mud flows. Not an easy ride this one!!

  • S02E68 ESCAPING more destructive rain in BOLIVIA!

    • March 21, 2020

    In this episode I'm riding 370 kilometers from Independencia to the capital of Bolivia: La Paz. More rain is predicted so I'm racing against to clock to get out of the mountains and to some paved road!

  • S02E69 Trying to get out of Bolivia because corona virus COVID-19 outbreak - ESCAPE!

    • March 24, 2020

    The corona virus COVID-19 outbreak has caused many countries to suddenly close their borders. I was having a great time in La Paz, Bolivia (where up to that point only 11 cases of Corona were identified), when it was suddenly on the news that they were closing their borders. So I had to rush to get to Peru, in order not to be stuck in Bolivia.. Times are changing fast now, and it's impossible to predict or anticipate on the measures that countries are taking now to try and get the situation under control..

  • S02E70 I have to leave my motorcycle behind...

    • March 26, 2020

    In this episode I am visiting Island Taquile, situated on Lake Titicaca in Peru. I tried to take Dhanno with me, but the boat was so small that I figured that might not be the best idea ever! So I left Dhanno behind and went alone to see the island. On the way there, the boat also made a stop at one of the floating islands there.. fascinating!

  • S02E71 I'm in LOCKDOWN in Peru.

    • March 28, 2020

    I am catching the last boat off island Taquile, to the mainland because Peru is going on a lockdown! For 15 days it is prohibited to travel in Peru due to the outbreak of corona virus world wide. I need to find a place where I can stay for 15 days to wait this out..

  • S02E72 Things took a turn for the worse in Peru...

    • April 3, 2020

    I am keeping a video diary of everything that happens while being stuck in Lampa, Peru for 14 days. It all started quite relaxed, but soon, things took a turn for the worse..

  • S02E73 Evacuation from Peru

    • April 5, 2020

    In this episode I am starting the long trip towards Lima, so I can get out of Peru. Leaving from Lampa, it's 1275 kilometers to Lima. So on this day, we are driving to Chala, about a 660 kilometer drive. We have only limited travel hours due to the curfew and many, many checkpoints along the way.. Will we make it in time??

  • S02E74 Evacuation from Peru - PART 2

    • April 7, 2020

    This is day #2 of my crazy journey to reach Lima so I can be repatriated to my own country.


    • April 9, 2020

    I am in Lima for one week waiting for the repatriation flight back to The Netherlands. I am allowed to go on the supermarket on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, so I grab my opportunity to buy some food!

  • S02E76 Repatriated from Peru

    • April 11, 2020

    In this episode, I am taking a repatriation flight back to The Netherlands from the military airport in Lima, Peru

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x12 Itchy Boots LIVE - What's Next?

    • April 18, 2020

    It's been one week since the crazy repatriation from Peru. Let's chat about what's next!

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x13 Most Memorable Events in 60.000 kilometers of Motorcycling the World

    • April 25, 2020

    My journey towards Alaska came to an abrupt halt because of the world wide crisis at the moment. Time to sit down and look back at the most memorable events of the past 60.000 kilometers of riding around the world.

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x14 Motorcycle CRASHES, SCARY moments & OUTTAKES of 60.000 kms Itchy Boots

    • May 2, 2020

    I decided it was time to share some of the lesser successful moments of my journey around the world! These are the times that traveling alone on a motorcycle were not so easy...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x15 I am going to show you MY country - Eps. 1

    • May 16, 2020

    Because I had to leave my beloved motorcycle "Dhanno" behind in Peru, while I was repatriated to my home country The Netherlands - I decided to record a series of videos in The Netherlands and this is the first one!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x16 Riding a motorcycle at 7 meters BELOW sea level?! - Eps. 2

    • May 23, 2020

    While I wait until I can get back to Peru to continue my journey to Alaska, I am exploring The Netherlands by motorcycle! Today I am riding to the lowest point of the country, I visit the windmills of Kinderdijk, have a snack in Dordrecht and ride past National Park The Biesbosch.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x17 A tragic day that affected my family.

    • May 30, 2020

    In this video I am taking you to Zeeland, one of the provinces in The Netherlands. The year that my father was born, 1953, there was a huge flood here, killing 1800 people, including people from my family. My dad explains what happened and after that, I am showing you how the Dutch have worked to make sure that this will never happen again.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x18 Never thought I would see this: Inside the vault.

    • June 6, 2020

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x19 Itchy Boots LIVE - What's Happening?

    • June 13, 2020

    With the Patagonia - Alaska trip on pause - let's chat about what's happening?

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x20 75 Years of Freedom

    • June 20, 2020

    In this episode of my tour around The Netherlands I visit three areas in which crucial events took place with regards to the surrender and liberation of The Netherlands in WWII. - Due to the world wide crisis, my journey from Patagonia to Alaska on my Royal Enfield Himalayan "Dhanno" is temporarily paused. Until I can resume the journey, I am exploring my own country: The Netherlands.

Season 3 - Denmark, Iceland, Norway & Sweden

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x21 I bought a new motorcycle!

    • July 4, 2020
    • YouTube

    I bought a new motorcycle!! Wait what?! Yes! Europe is opening its borders and I am going to tour around Europe for a while until I can go back to Peru. For that, I decided to buy a new (well.. second-hand) motorcycle. Exciting!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x22 New Motorcycle NAME revealed!

    • July 11, 2020
    • YouTube

    I am preparing for Itchy Boots Season 3, in which I am going to make a tour around Europe! I bought a second-hand Honda CB500X to go on this adventure and I am preparing the bike at the moment. A lot of great names were suggested for this motorcycle and I am announcing the winning name!

  • S03E01 Let the adventure BEGIN!

    • August 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    It is finally time!! Most of the borders in Europe are open again, so I am going to start doing what I love most in this world: traveling on my motorcycle and taking you with me! This season will probably be a lonely one, as I am isolating myself and my Honda CB500x called "Ronin" as much as possible. But - I'm sure the adventures will be there nonetheless!

  • S03E02 Crossing into DENMARK

    • August 18, 2020

    In this episode I am quickly crossing the border from Germany into Denmark. I am on my way to Hirtshals in Denmark, where I can catch the boat to Iceland! It's a rainy day, but luckily, it was dry for a short period so I could explore some viking history at the quaint Danish town of Jelling. Lots of motorcycling in the rain later, I reached my destination for the day.

  • S03E03 They moved the entire lighthouse!!

    • August 20, 2020

    In this episode I am exploring the North of Denmark, because I have one spare day before I board the boat to Iceland! I visit the Rudjerg Knude - a 70 meter high moving sand dune with a fascinating story! Riding my Honda CB500x called "Ronin" through the back roads of Denmark is such a blast. I never knew Denmark was so pretty and with such good motorcycling roads!

  • S03E04 Got tested, broke the door and got sick. What a day.

    • August 22, 2020

    In this episode I am boarding the Smyril Line to Iceland. Before I can board the ship, I have to do a Covid-19 test, which goes smoothly. But as soon as I am on board, things don't really go as planned. First I manage to break my cabins door, and next I am not feeling very well as we encounter 3-5 meter high waves to which my stomach does not agree! What am I getting myself into?!

  • S03E05 Passing the remote FAROE ISLANDS

    • August 25, 2020

    This is day 2 onboard the ship on my way to Iceland. This is the first time I have a glance at the remote Faroe Islands - what a stunning place. I would definitely like to go back there some day and explore those islands, but right now, I am staying onboard to get to Iceland. I am almost there and cannot wait to get off board!!

  • S03E06 I visit the Icelandic Queen of the ELVES!

    • August 27, 2020

    In this episode my HondaCB500x called "Ronin" and me finally arrive in Iceland. We are super lucky because the weather is amazing! We are riding north to visit the homeland of the elves and trolls...

  • S03E07 Riding through horrendous weather in ICELAND

    • August 29, 2020

    In this episode, my Honda CB500x called "Ronin" and me are dealing with rain, strong winds and the cold air of Iceland. But it's part of the adventure and there is lots of interesting geological stuff to see around here! From Icelandite rocks at the Dettafoss waterfall, to the lava fields of the Krafla Fires!

  • S03E08 Frozen trolls, Pseudo-Craters and Fjords

    • September 1, 2020

    In this episode I am checking out the frozen trolls of Iceland (or are they special geological features??), some awesome pseudo-craters and end with riding through stunning Fjords. Iceland has it all!!

  • S03E09 Motorcycling through the heart of ICELAND

    • September 3, 2020

    In this episode I am riding 200 kilometers of gravel, straight through the heart of Iceland, passing glaciers and thermal hotspots before traversing 180 square kilometres of ancient lava fields. Iceland is truly an off-road motorcycling dream!

  • S03E10 To Iceland's WEST FJORDS - by boat

    • September 5, 2020

    After a recommendation from a few locals, I change my plan and head to Iceland's West Fjords. It's pouring with rain most of the day, some I am quite glad when I can board the ferry for 2,5 hours or so!

  • S03E11 I've got ICELAND to myself!

    • September 8, 2020

    In this episode I am riding through Icelands stunning unpaved West Fjords, I try to get my second test at the clinic and finally I continue on paved road to find a camping spot for the night.

  • S03E12 I CANNOT believe this day of motorcycling Iceland!!

    • September 10, 2020

    This was without a doubt the most impressive day of motorcycling Iceland so far. I ride to Landmannalaugar, an incredible place, both scenery and geology wise!

  • S03E13 Game of Thrones film location in Iceland

    • September 12, 2020

    In this episode I am riding to the black sand beach of small town Vik, in Iceland. This is one of the film locations of Game of Thrones! I look at the beautiful basaltic columns and then do some off-road riding in the highlands again. What a day!!

  • S03E14 Spotting Wildlife in Iceland

    • September 15, 2020

    This episode is already the last ride in Iceland before I head back on the boat to Denmark! And what a day it was!!

  • S03E15 Iceland to Denmark with M/S Norröna

    • September 17, 2020

    And that was it already! My Iceland adventures have come to an end. I am boarding the M/S Norröna again and after 2 days of (smooth!) sailing, my Honda CB500X "Ronin" and I arrive back in Denmark. We are facing a temperature difference of some 30 degrees, making the camping experience completely different!

  • S03E16 Denmark has the BEST!

    • September 19, 2020

    I am making my way to Sweden through Denmark and in this relaxed episode I am visiting the Egeskov castle, Europe's best preserved moat castle!

  • S03E17 Sweden's most mysterious rocks

    • September 22, 2020

    In this episode my Honda CB500x "Ronin" and I are riding from Denmark into Sweden. We explore the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen on the way and also admire the mystical rocks at Ales Stenar, Sweden's own Stonehenge...

  • S03E18 This is Swedish FIKA

    • September 24, 2020

    In this episode I am traveling to the Swedish island called Gotland. The main town, Visby, is one of the most enchanting old towns I have ever seen. It is also a great place to experience my very first 'Fika'...

  • S03E19 He travels Sweden on a 150cc VESPA!

    • September 26, 2020

    In this episode I am exploring the Swedish island Gotland a bit more and even take a small ferry across to Fårö island! I go and check out the sea stacks (or... cool limestone formations) but not before I meet this great Swedish guy who travels around on a 150cc Vespa!

  • S03E20 Swedish Police are the BEST!

    • September 29, 2020

    In this episode I am riding my Honda CB500x "Ronin" to Stockholm to get some maintenance done. I indulge in some Swedish traditions such as eating pea soup with pancakes on Thursdays, ride around the historical city center and have an encounter with the Swedish Police..

  • S03E21 I tried World’s SMELLIEST food in Sweden

    • October 1, 2020

    In this episode I am trying a typical Swedish tradition - I am opening a can of Surströmming: fermented herring. Some say the smell resembles that of a dead body. Well, it was worse..

  • S03E22 Solo Motorcycling the Swedish TET - Trans Euro Trail

    • October 3, 2020

    In this episode I am riding part of the Swedish TET - Trans Euro Trail. The trail runs through entire Sweden but I'm only going to ride a section of it. The trail is easy to ride and runs through the Sweden's beautiful forests. I find a gorgeous isolated camp spot where I can set up my tent and built a fire for the night!

  • S03E23 New SHOES for my Honda CB500x

    • October 6, 2020

    In this episode I am riding to Umeå in Sweden to get some new tires for my Honda CB500X. It wasn't so easy to find dual purpose tires in this part of Sweden as the shops only sell street tires! Luckily, the Pirelli MT-60 tires didn't take long to order so that's what I went for. Ready to continue my journey North after this!

  • S03E24 Meeting Sami people in Swedish Lapland

    • October 8, 2020

    In this episode I meet some of my followers in Swedish Lapland and she tells me about discovering her Sami roots. Later I meet Jomi, who is also Sami and has his herd of reindeer up in the mountains. He was asked by his friend, the owner of my accommodation, to show me to the place. Along the way he teaches me which trees to use to built a good fire - best tips I ever got!!

  • S03E25 Swedish Lapland by Helicopter

    • October 10, 2020

    I am so lucky! In this episode I meet the owner of the Stora Sjöfallet Mountain Center (www.storasjofallet.com) while riding in the National park there. He invites me to stay in the lodge and even arranges a helicopter flight for me over the National Park. What an incredible place!!

  • S03E26 Refused at the border - Finland, NO!

    • October 13, 2020

    In this episode I am planning to cross the border into Finland from Sweden. But... when they see my Dutch passport at the border, I get a harsh respond. Finland, NO! Go Norway, or Sweden! So, I guess that's what I will do then!

  • S03E27 700-kilometer solo motorcycle journey to NORTH CAPE

    • October 15, 2020

    In this episode I am riding 700 kilometers in one day to reach North Cape. I am rushing because winter is coming and at 71 degrees northern latitude it is getting cold! It's a stunning ride with fantastic scenery and lots of reindeer along the way. Was it worth coming up all the way here? DEFINITELY!

  • S03E28 7,000 year old rock art in Norway

    • October 17, 2020

    In this episode I am quickly leaving North Cape as bad weather is coming this way! It's a fantastic ride back south and this time I stop at Alta to admire thousands of years old rock art. I end my ride in Trømso, a city in Northern Norway with a beautiful setting.

  • S03E29 Discover WILD & RUGGED Norway

    • October 20, 2020

    In this episode I am riding further south, trying to escape bad weather. From Trømso I am riding to Lofoten Islands. I don't manage to escape the rain entirely, but a small window of dry weather at Lofoten Islands is all that I need!

  • S03E30 Motorcycling in Norway? Don't miss out on THIS place!!

    • October 22, 2020

    In this episode I am further exploring the Lofoten Islands in Norway. The scenery is simply dramatic and despite some rain, it's a fabulous ride on my Honda CB500X called Ronin. I am taking the ferry back to mainland Norway, to Bødo, where I have to hunt for a new chain and sprockets because mine are worn!

  • S03E31 Is the Arctic Circle truly here?!

    • October 24, 2020

    Through rain, I ride my Honda CB500X Ronin through Norway. When I pass a motorcycle museum, I have to make a stop and check it out of course...

  • S03E32 1700 kilometres in 4 days: I'm BACK!

    • October 27, 2020

    My plans were to see the south west of Norway, with all of it's stunning fjords, famous roads and incredible scenery. But a low pressure area hanging over Norway caused a long period of continuous rain and low visibility so I decided I had to leave this part of Norway for another time! Let's chase the SUN!

  • S03E33 Upgrading my Honda CB500X in the LARGEST motorcycle shop in The Netherlands

    • November 3, 2020

    My Honda CB500X Ronin needs the 24.000 kilometre service AND she is getting a beautiful upgrade to an Akrapovic exhaust. This is the first step to make my motorcycle better suitable for harder offroad terrain and new adventures to come...

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x23 Itchy Boots LIVE - What is happening?!

    • November 28, 2020

Season 4 - The Dutch Moto Scene

  • S04E01 Itchy Boots goes mini-bike!!

    • November 10, 2020
    • YouTube

    This is the first episode of this new season! Unfortunately, traveling across the world is simply not possible yet with too many countries closing borders and enforcing lockdowns. That means I have to spent this winter in The Netherlands. I am using this time to create a video series for you where I am going to show you every aspect of the Dutch Moto Scene!! And today the season kicks off with a day at the junior training at TT Assen. What a fantastic day and start of this new season!!

  • S04E02 Racing TT Assen on a Honda CB500x

    • November 17, 2020

    Unfortunately, my travel plans all went into the bin because of new lockdowns and second waves everywhere. So, I've decided to make a video series about the motorcycle scene in The Netherlands. In this episode, I got the extreme luck to ride on an empty TT Assen race track, while getting race lessons from race legend Barry Veneman himself!! Despite the typical dutch weather, it was an awesome day and great way to get a peak behind the scenes of the Dutch motoGP.

  • S04E03 A dream come true...

    • November 24, 2020

    This day, a real Ducati dream came true when Ducati Zaltbommel lent me 3 bikes to ride for the day. Starting out with the Streetfighter 848, followed by the Monster 1200 S and finally the Panigale V2 from this year. What a fantastic day!!

  • S04E04 Training for new adventures around the world

    • December 1, 2020

    It's time to go back to school! What better way to improve my motorcycle skills then to learn from the best and by riding a trial bike for 4 hours, at www.trialschool.nl !!

  • S04E05 I learned how to motocross!!

    • December 8, 2020

    In this episode, Marcel van Drunen from www.supermotoschool.nl is teaching me how to motocross. What an absolute blast!! I also got to race with Jayson van Drunen - find him on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JaysonvanDr...

  • S04E06 Dutch Flattrack: the race is ON!

    • December 15, 2020

    In this episode I am trying flattrack for the first time: exciting!! I am first practising and riding on a Mash 125 and later I get to race on the Mash 650 too! What a great motorsports, atmosphere and dirt fun :D I was actually the first student of the brand-new Flattrack School: MD 58 x Mash Flat Track Academy, run by Maikel Dijkstra. If you want to try this out - check out his academy on instagram: @flattrackacademy or Facebook: @Flat Track Academy

  • S04E07 Itchy Boots First ride on an Electric Motorcycle as Park Ranger Assistant

    • December 22, 2020

    In this episode I am riding a Zero DSR, 2021 model electric bike. It's my first time on an electric bike, and what a totally different experience! No gear, no clutch, no sound, no vibrations, but huge acceleration and riding this quiet bike through a nature reserve was such a great experience!

  • Episodic Special


    • December 25, 2020
    • YouTube

    This is the 2020 Itchy Boots Christmas Special. This year was crazy, bizarre, sad and I don't think it went the way any of us thought. It's time to bring some smiles to people faces, and have a fun day riding a motorcycle .. dressed as Santa!

  • S04E08 I joined the POLICE ACADEMY

    • December 29, 2020

    In this episode I get to join the training programme of the Police Academy for a day! What an incredible opportunity and I did and learned so much today that it didn't even fit in one episode!! So this is just part 1, in which I get acquainted with two different police bike and try out the first exercise: braking in the corner at higher speeds! EXCITING!

  • S04E09 I can’t believe they MOTOCROSS at the POLICE ACADEMY!!

    • January 1, 2021

    Part 2 of my training at the Dutch Police Academy. Besides riding on pavement and doing my best (and failing) at lots of low speed handling exercises, we also take to cross! Part of the police academy training is riding in the dirt, and well.. I think it's obvious I LOVED it!!

  • S04E10 Itchy Boots tries Enduro - THIS IS HARD!

    • January 5, 2021

    In this episode, I am trying the ultimate king of the off-road motorcycle sports: ENDURO! And well, was that a bit more difficult than I anticipated. The tall, aggressive enduro bike threw me off a few times, so I switched to an electric KTM Freeride. With that lower and easier bike, it was still technical and difficult but a lot more manageable! For this episode I went to Belgium, and met up with Thierry Klutz, who has been riding enduro for 37 years and competed in all the major world championships. It was amazing to get taught by such a legend in this motorsports!! He also brought Tim Louis with him, a young talent who just switched from motocross to enduro and starts riding enduro championships this year. The two of them really pulled me through this! If you want to know more about Thierry - check out https://www.fmwb.be/stages-moto-pour-... or http://www.sport-adeps.be/index.php?i... (both in French!). This is also the last episode of season 4 (FOR NOW!)...

Season 5 - Southern Africa

  • S05E01 I AM BACK!!

    • February 27, 2021
    • YouTube

    It's been almost one full year since I had to leave Peru because of the pandemic. The past 2,5 months I haven't been able to create videos because of the lockdown and winter in The Netherlands, so I decided it was time to relocate. I am moving to South Africa!!! I will buy a local motorcycle and then we'll just see what happens.. LET'S GO!! .. big thanks to Robin from www.steadi-pt.nl who pushed me to get into shape and motivated me to train hard to get fit!!

  • S05E02 I bought a South African motorcycle!

    • March 2, 2021
    • YouTube

    I've moved to South-Africa and my first mission (of course) is to find myself a motorcycle. Without a motorcycle, I feel like a bird with clipped wings... taking an Uber around the city is just not my thing! I booked a guesthouse in Bryanston, a very posh neighbourhood of Johannesburg, because it's at walking distance from a motorcycle shop called Fire it Up. They sell second hand motorcycles, and that's exactly what I need. It didn't take long before I found myself a new partner in crime to start Season 5 with!!

  • S05E03 Ready to hit African dirt roads

    • March 4, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I tried to register my new Honda CRF250L that I bought in South Africa on my name. This is not easy as a foreigner and unfortunately it didn't work. But, the guys at Fire it Up motorcycles helped me out and got me a cross country permit so that I can take the bike to the neighbouring countries of South Africa if I want to, and if the borders are open. They also sorted me out with the accessories that I needed, so this bike got ready in no-time! It's time for Africa!!

  • S05E04 My first motorcycle ride in South Africa

    • March 6, 2021
    • YouTube

    The first real ride on my Honda CRF250L here in South Africa! I decide to leave the big city of Johannesburg en start riding North for a bit. The first asphalt and the first dirt on South African soil and I love it!!

  • S05E05 I CAN'T continue...

    • March 9, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I encounter an unexpected road block. My plan was to ride through the Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve. It should have been a great stretch of off-roading, but most likely, it were the heavy rains in the area in the weeks before, that had destroyed the road. I had no other option than to turn back, and backtrack --- a LONG way!

  • S05E06 I woke up to this..

    • March 11, 2021
    • YouTube

    I woke up this morning in Tzaneen, South Africa, to find the river below to have swelled enormously during the night. There had been an insane thunderstorm, waking me up at 4 in the morning, that came with torrential downpour. The lodge's river raft was gone and the the Tzaneen Dam was overflowing. I was planning to take a rest day and work on editing videos but it turned out to be an unexpected day of investigating the overflowing dam and locating the missing raft...

  • S05E07 ADVENTURE riding some of South Africa's incredible dirt roads!

    • March 13, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Tzaneen, to Graskop in South Africa. What a gorgeous ride through the mountains, while spotting some game behind the fences and exploring great dirt roads - welcome to South Africa!!

  • S05E08 The BIGGEST green canyon in the world

    • March 16, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am showing you a fantastic geological feature in South Africa - the Blyde River Canyon. It's the largest green canyon in the world and has a fascinating geological history. I'm also checking out Bourkes Luck Potholes, a foggy God's Window and the Graskop Lift Gorge. There is just so much to see in this area!

  • S05E09 2 BILLION ounces of GOLD were mined here

    • March 17, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am diving into the world of gold mining in South Africa. I visit the area around the town Pilgrims Rest, which was declared a goldfield in 1873. Having worked in gold exploration myself, 10 years ago, I'm fascinated by the sheer volume of gold that they've managed to extract here over the years: a whopping 2 billion ounces of gold. And they are still mining here today - let's see if I can get close to the activities..

  • S05E10 The long way round SWAZILAND

    • March 20, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from Kaapsche Hoop in South Africa to Pongola. The most logical and interesting route would be to ride straight through Swaziland. However, it means finding clinics, getting two covid tests and waiting several days for results. On top of that, Swaziland is a very small country and you can't really count on borders to remain open nowadays anymore. I don't want to risk getting stuck in a very small country! So, I'll just have to come back to Swaziland another time, and for now... ride the loooong way around Swaziland...

  • S05E11 Meeting the ENDANGERED cats of South Africa

    • March 23, 2021

    In this episode I am visiting the Emdoneni Cheetah project in South Africa. At this project, they rescue 4 different African cat species, rehabilitate them and participate in breeding programmes to try and save the population of the endangered cheetah. I learned so much about these animals and I hope you will too!

  • S05E12 Riding through the heart of KWAZULU NATAL

    • March 25, 2021

    In this episode I am riding my Honda CRF250L "Savannah" from Hluhluwe to Howick, South Africa. This is the KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa and it is an area of incredible scenery. But this episode is also about learning more about Nelson Mandela, apartheid, sad parts of South African history but also a message of hope. Unity. Ubuntu.

  • S05E13 South Africa’s DRAGONS MOUNTAIN

    • March 27, 2021

    In this episode I intend to ride from Howick to Sani Pass. But, the day turns out differently. Very differently!! Instead of attempting to scale Sani Pass, I find myself on horseback, galloping towards the 'Drakensberg', or the Dragons Mountain. This is just another slice of South African paradise for you!

  • S05E14 Attempt to ride Sani Pass on a Honda CRF250L - it's HECTIC!!

    • March 30, 2021

    In this episode I am attempting to scale the hardest mountain pass of South Africa: Sani Pass. Right at the border between South Africa and Lesotho lies this pass, and it is not for the faint hearted. These were the steepest, most washed away tracks I've ever attempted and without the option to slow down or pause, it was an adrenaline filled race to the top. HECTIC!

  • S05E15 Naude's Nek Pass - worse than Sani Pass??

    • April 1, 2021

    In this episode, I'm scaling another South African mountain pass with my Honda CRF250L called Savannah! It's called Naude's Nek Pass and wow, this was some incredible scenery - did you know that South Africa was so mountainous and green??

  • S05E16 I am joining a XHOSA community in South Africa

    • April 3, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Bulungula, on South Africa's Wild Coast. It's hard to reach, remote and one of the least developed areas of South Africa. I am going to stay with the local Xhosa community here to learn more about their culture, believes and way of living.

  • S05E17 I went to see a Xhosa herbalist

    • April 6, 2021

    In this episode, I am staying in Bulungula, on the South African wild coast. I am meeting a local Xhosa herbalist and he shows me how they use the different plants that grow there to make medicine. This is what traveling is all about in my opinion. Keep an open mind, and respect other peoples culture and believes - once you do, you will have amazing new experiences.

  • S05E18 Meeting the headman of a Xhosa village

    • April 8, 2021

    In this episode I am learning more about life in a traditional South African Xhosa village: Bulungula, on South Africa's Wild Coast. I am meeting the headman, a local healer and learn more about how they build there houses and the rules that apply in the kitchen!

  • S05E19 Riding solo back towards the mountains of SOUTH AFRICA

    • April 10, 2021

    In this episode I am leaving Bulungula in South Africa's wild coast. I am making my way to a tiny place called Hogsback, in the misty mountains of South Africa. On the way, something unexpected happened, both for me and a group of local girls!

  • S05E20 This day turned out differently...

    • April 13, 2021

    In this episode I am riding from Hogsback to Baviaanskloof. It's a long ride and when I'm getting closer to the gorge, I get some valuable information that changes everything for that day.

  • S05E21 Running out of petrol in Baviaanskloof - oh no...

    • April 15, 2021

    In this episode I am riding through South Africa's Baviaanskloof. It is the day that I can finally collect my two fuel bladders that I ordered, and exactly on this day - there is no petrol to be found and I am riding alone through Baviaanskloof...


    • May 1, 2021

    After a break from travelling and visiting my friend in Plettenberg Bay, it's time to hit the road again. And what a fantastic first day of riding again!! The ride led me over the 7 passes road and Montagu Pass, to Oudtshoorn - the ostrich capital of the world. Not too far from here are the wold famous Cango Caves, where I got a very special tour. It blew my mind.

  • S05E23 The ROAD TO HELL on a Honda CRF250L

    • May 4, 2021

  • S05E24 Nothing is what is seems in South Africa

    • May 6, 2021

  • S05E25 A 5.000 kilometers solo journey through South-Africa!

    • May 8, 2021

    In this episode, I reach Cape Agulhas, the southern most tip of the African continent. What a crazy feeling to be standing on the most southern point here and to learn more about the history of this place. The wind is crazy strong here and the weather can be treacherous..

  • S05E26 The final ride to CAPETOWN!!

    • May 11, 2021

    In this episode I am finally reaching Cape Town. The ride didn't quite go the way I wanted, as some angry looking weather had me change my plans a little...

  • S05E27 The ghost ship FLYING DUTCHMAN still haunts these waters...

    • May 13, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring the Cape of Good Hope - and my ride takes me to the most southern point of peninsula: Cape Point. It is these waters that the ghost ship the Flying Dutchman is still haunting until this day... Will I see the ghost ship??

  • S05E28 Why is Table mountain in Cape Town FLAT?!

    • May 15, 2021

    In this episode, Savannah gets some well needed work done, ánd I am exploring the gorgeous Cape Town a bit more. I ride around the colourful neighbourhood of Bo Kaap and attempt to get to the top of Table Mountain. Even though it's unfortunately too windy to get to the top, I will explain to you why this mountain is flat!

  • S05E29 I can't believe they found THIS in South Africa!!

    • May 18, 2021

    In this episode I am leaving Cape Town and after a small detour to the wine region of Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, I ride towards Jacobs Baai. On the way, I pass the West Coast Fossil Park, which turns out to be absolutely mind-blowing!!

  • S05E30 How did I end up on the BEACH?!

    • May 20, 2021

    In this episode I am leaving Jacobs Baai and I am riding back towards the mountains, the famous South Africa Cederberg. But on the way, when I find myself battling some sand dunes, I meet two locals, both on their Honda's as well. Our little troop of Hondas decide to ride together and it made for an absolutely unforgettable ride!

  • S05E31 Crossing South Africa's Karoo desert. ALONE.

    • May 22, 2021

    In this episode, I ride more through the Cederberg area, after which I enter the South African Karoo. A semi-desert, stretching for thousands of kilometres through South Africa. Magnificent scenery and I have to give full throttle to Savannah to make it through here and reach a place to stay for the night. After scaling the Ouberg Pass, I descend towards Sutherland, the star gazing capital of South Africa!

  • S05E32 Why did petroleum engineers come here?!

    • May 25, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from Sutherland back into the direction of Namibia, but not before I ride through the Tankwa Karoo National Park, over the Gannaga Pass. Time for a little bit of geology and learning more about the impact that potential fracking activities could have in the South African Karoo...

  • S05E33 I entered Namaqualand - is this another planet?

    • May 27, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from Vanrhynsdorp, to a small town called Kleinsee, along the west coast of South Africa. To reach Kleinsee, I cut straight through the Namaqua National Park, and well... it blew my mind!!

  • S05E34 I entered South Africa's Diamond Territory

    • May 29, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from Kleinsee, South Africa, right to the border with Namibia. I want to see the Orange river, the same river that has transported diamonds to a large part of South Africa over the past millions of years. This area has a fascinating history, but even now, unbelievable stories that go with diamond mining are ongoing!

  • S05E35 How did I get myself into this situation?!

    • June 1, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am planning to ride to Springbok, in South Africa. But not before I decide to ride past an active diamond mine, to have a quick look. I could not have known what I was in for this day...

  • S05E36 190 kilometers struggle through SAND in South African desert

    • June 3, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am leaving the diamond mine camp at the orange river. I am faced with 190 kilometers of unpaved terrain, mostly SAND! My sworn enemy.. especially the kind which is deep, fine and soft... After hour upon hour of struggle, I reach the paved road and can finally continue to the town of Springbok!

  • S05E37 Preparing to motorcycle NAMIBIA on my Honda CRF250L

    • June 5, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am staying in Springbok in South Africa. I am getting both my bike and myself ready for Namibia. That means picking up my parcel, send to me by Rev'it!, which has their brand-new adventure suit, the Sand 4, in it!! I also need to get a covid test, get Savannah washed, the airbox cleaned out, and I also install a new chain guard that has arrived after the original one got completely destroyed in the rocky desert somehow!

  • S05E38 Crossing into NAMIBIA

    • June 8, 2021
    • YouTube

    In this episode it's finally time! I'm riding across the border between South Africa and Namibia. Ready for new adventures in a new country! The border crossing goes smoothly and I am in for some amazing scenery on the other side!

  • S05E39 I had to ride HARD ENDURO to get here!

    • June 10, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to the Fish River Canyon, the second largest canyon in the world. It's not an easy ride to get there but once I do - I'll get some paper and a pen out and explain you how this canyon was formed!

  • S05E40 Shall I just do it?

    • June 12, 2021

    In this episode I am following the Orange river again, but this time, on the Namibian side. Again, I see people digging for diamonds everywhere. Sometimes there are large mining operations and sometimes just a few tents on the side of the road and small diggings. But everybody here is looking for diamonds!

  • S05E41 There are around 300 of them in Namibia!

    • June 15, 2021

    In this episode I am making my way from Aus to Luderitz in Namibia. On the way, I am on the look out for the feral Namib horses, that have adapted to live in this inhospitable desert. I also check out the Diaz cross, at the place where Portuguese navigator Bartholomeus Diaz passed on the way to Cape of Good Hope!

  • S05E42 An abandoned diamond mining town in Namibia

    • June 17, 2021

    In this episode, I am exploring the ghost town of Kolmanskoppe and learn a lot more about the diamond history here. It is absolutely mind-blowing to see and hear how things went down here a century ago, especially knowing how diamond mining is still going on today in Namibia and South Africa!

  • S05E43 A geological illusion in Namibia

    • June 26, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring some of the geological wonders of Namibia! Starting with descending into the Brukkaros crater - which is in fact not a crater at all! After a hectic climb, I continue to marvel at the Dolorite intrusions at the Giants Playground near Keetmanshoop. What a day!!

  • S05E44 The day I became a Namibian cattle farmer

    • June 29, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to a cattle farm in Namibia, where I help herd the cows for the afternoon! As you do of course! This is another stunning and remote part of Namibia where the nearest town consists of just a petrol station, shop and hotel!

  • S05E45 Crossing the NAMIB DESERT

    • July 1, 2021

    This episode has my favourite riding in Namibia so far! I am riding through a large part of the Namib desert and the scenery is simply breathtaking. The vastness of these landscapes is unlike any other place I have ever ridden. I also come across lots of Oryx that join me for a morning run!

  • S05E46 I have to get this fixed first!

    • July 3, 2021

    In this episode I have to go and change my plans. Instead of riding dirt roads towards Sossusvlei, I am riding the main highway of Namibia so I can make it to the capital city Windhoek. One of my fork seals is blown and I'm leaking fork oil everywhere. I decide to have the fork seal replaced before I get into more shenanigans in the Namib Desert!

  • S05E47 I can't believe I saw one!! So incredibly lucky!

    • July 6, 2021

    In this episode I am making my way back into the Namib Desert after having my fork seal replaced in Windhoek. Via the Spreetshoogte Pass I ride towards a tiny town in the desert, called Solitaire. On the way, I encounter a rare animal that very rarely shows itself during the daytime!

  • S05E48 NZ 0:00 / 20:35 DEADVLEI A Namibian APOCALYPSE

    • July 8, 2021

    In this episode I visit a famous place in Namibia, called Sossusvlei. Because of recent rains, Sossusvlei has water, but neighbouring Deadvlei hasn't seen water in hundreds of years. Walking around in one of the most surreal landscapes I've ever seen, it's as if the apocalypse was here..

  • S05E49 Caught in a sandstorm in Namibia

    • July 10, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to cover a large distance through Namibia so I am leaving at first light. Unfortunately, I get caught up in a sandstorm so I decide to knock on the door of a scientific research station - to see if I can wait out the storm and spend the night. I'm met by some very friendly scientists and the next day, the wind is gone and I can admire what I came here for: the sharp border between the Great Sea of Sand and the endless Gravel Plains. It is spectacular!

  • S05E50 Rescuing seals stuck in fishing lines in Namibia

    • July 13, 2021

    In this episode, I am joining Naude and his team to rescue Cape Fur Seals that are entangled in all sorts of human trash, like nets, plastics, fishing lines, volleybal nets and the list goes on. They are going out there every single day to help seals that are entangled. There are so many animals in need of help that last year alone, they rescued 600 animals. For this year, the count is already at 200 seals that they freed out of plastic waste. It soon became clear to me what a massive problem this is, and how amazing the work that these guys do. They release videos of rescuing seals every single day on their YouTube channel: Ocean Conservation Namibia. Check out their channel - you won't regret it!!

  • S05E51 Finding gemstones in Namibia

    • July 15, 2021

    In this episode I am riding from Walvis Bay to Spitzkoppe. On the way, I ride through a town called Swakopmund, but the famous Namibian morning fog prevents me from seeing much! My goal was to see the Spitzkoppe mountains anyway, and admire the beautiful gemstones that are found in these rocks!

  • S05E52 One of the most inhospitable places on earth

    • July 17, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to the Skeleton Coast. This is considered one of the most inhospitable places in the world and the coast line here is littered with shipwrecks. The San people call this The Land God Made in Anger. Even though it is wild, rough and inhospitable, I don't want to miss exploring this part of the world!

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x25 Itchy Boots LIVE from Africa

    • July 19, 2021
    • YouTube

    First time to catch up in a live chat since the start of season 5!! If I couldn't answer your question, please check out my website www.itchyboots.com - there are lots of answers to be found here as well - both in the FAQ section as well in the blog! :)

  • S05E53 Only one plant can grow here. EXTREME NAMIBIA!

    • July 20, 2021

    In this episode, I am riding through the Messum Crater in Namibia. This volcanic landscape in the hot Namib Desert is some of the most inhospitable environments I've ever crossed. And somehow, a very special plant thrives here: the Welwitschia. These plants are believed to be able to grow up to 2000 years old! This is far off the beaten track and that feeling of remote riding is just so special, it's hard to explain!

  • S05E54 Change my CRF250L for a Honda Africa Twin from 1988 with 150.000 kilometres?!

    • July 22, 2021

    In this episode I am doing some local exploring around Uis in Namibia. First I visit the famous rock painting called 'White Lady', hidden under a rock in the Brandberg, the tallest mountain of Namibia. After that, I go for a ride with Basil, who owns the Brandberg Rest Camp. We swap bikes and I get to ride his Honda Africa Twin from 1988 with no less than 150.000 kilometers on the odometer!

  • S05E55 Hidden secrets of Namibia!

    • July 24, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Twyfelfontein in Namibia. The area around Twyfelfontein has so many interesting sights, but you just need to know where to look and understand what it all means...

  • S05E56 Finding Namibia's DESERT ELEPHANTS!

    • July 27, 2021

    In this episode I am tracking the amazing desert elephants that live in Namibia. These animals are adapted to living in the desert and it's been a long time wish of me to see them in the wild. After seeing footprints and droppings for a while, I know I'm getting closer and closer!

  • S05E57 How a little off-roading got me into trouble..

    • July 29, 2021

    In this episode I am going off the beaten track and ride my Honda CRF250L through the African bush. I come across an elephant skeleton, but also get myself into some trouble. Oops. This is going to take a while to fix...

  • S05E58 Entering Namibia's TRIBAL LANDS

    • July 31, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Epupa Falls, gorgeous waterfalls right at the border between Namibia and Angola. The border with Angola is closed, so I can't cross here unfortunately. In this part of Namibia, people of the Himba tribe live.

  • S05E59 How a Himba tribe reacts when they meet me

    • August 3, 2021

    In this episode I am visiting the Himba head man of the Himba villages in the area. What a fascinating culture! But even though there are many differences, I still connected with the women of this tribe and we laughed a lot! :)

  • S05E60 Solo off-roading at the border between Namibia and Angola

    • August 5, 2021

    In this episode I am following the Kunene river, right at the border between Namibia and Angola. The road is a little tricky sometimes but the scenery absolutely magnificent!!

  • S05E61 He wants to come with me and I say: THANK YOU!

    • August 7, 2021

    In this episode I am making my way to Etosha Heights, a private game reserve and custodian of the Black Rhino. I am very excited to ride my motorcycle "Savannah", a Honda CRF250L through this reserve - and all the animal encounters that are awaiting me! On the way, I pass another animal disease control point, and I have a rather awkward conversation there..

  • S05E62 This ELEPHANT is going to CHARGE!

    • August 10, 2021

    In this episode I get the rare opportunity to ride my Honda CRF250L through the Etosha Heights Private Reserve. What an incredible experience to be face to face with lion, elephant and all other sorts of wild animals. I follow Esso on his daily duties around the reserve. He rides his motorcycle here every day, checking the fences, making sure the water holes are full and checking up on the health of the animals in the meantime. What a job!!

  • S05E63 Face to face with THREE MALE LIONS in Namibia

    • August 12, 2021

    This is part 2 of the episode in which I am following Esso around on his daily duties. He rides his motorcycle around the Etosha Heights Private Reserve every day, looking after the fencing, checking up on the waterholes and keeping on eye on the animals that roam around. I didn't expect to come face to face with three male lions though. They are so well camouflaged that when they were lying down, I could barely see them!

  • S05E64 Onboard the 24/7 Anti-Poaching Unit

    • August 14, 2021

    In this episode I am visiting Etosha Heights in Namibia. They are custodian of black rhino and are fighting hard to protect these beautiful animals from poachers. I get to see some of their work, both from the air and from the ground and even come face to face with two black rhino myself. While on my Honda CRF250L!!

  • S05E65 Let's change to four wheels instead of two!

    • August 17, 2021

    In this episode I am leaving Etosha Heights and I am riding to Grootfontein for some logistical things. Savannah needs some new tires and after quite a mission to find the motorcycle shop, they lend me a quad to ride around while they change my tyres. Who am I to say no to that!!

  • S05E66 Crossing into BOTSWANA

    • August 19, 2021

    In this episode I am crossing the border from Namibia into Botswana! It's time for a new country - LET's GO!!

  • S05E67 The realm of the ancestors. Botswana.

    • August 21, 2021

    In this episode I am riding the first full day in Botswana! I decide to visit the Tsodilo Hills, which are a UNESCO World Heritage site and have an incredible history. But often when you have high expectations.. reality turns out to be a bit different!

  • S05E68 An eerie swamp in Botswana

    • August 24, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Maun, in Botswana. On the way I pass lake Ngami, and I decide to check out the lake. I'm not sure what happened here, but I ride straight into a spooky scene out of some horror movie!

  • S05E69 Is it coming after me??

    • August 26, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring the nature around Maun, in Botswana. I am planning to make a round trip, avoiding the national parks, as I'm not allowed to enter those on my Honda CRF250L. The animals don't care much about the National Park boundaries though, so I bump into a group of elephant, hippo, giraffe and many more animals, before I finally encounter a dodgy bridge which means the end of this day's adventure in Botswana!

  • S05E70 CAREFUL!!

    • August 28, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring the area around Maun, in Botswana. I'm trying to find my way to the poling station, from where I want to take a local kano over the river. Little did I know it was an absolute maze of tracks and swamps everywhere... Then I decide to visit an elephant sanctuary, but to reach it, I have to cross not one, not two, not three, but four scary bridges. And that's only one way...

  • S05E71 I raced a Dakar Rally LEGEND!

    • August 31, 2021

    In this episode, all my plans go out of the window when I randomly bump into three incredible riders while exploring Botswana. They invite me to come to Kubu Island with them - an invitation I simply can't turn down. Especially because I get to ride with an absolute Dakar Rally Legend!!

  • S05E72 The hardest place to find in Botswana!

    • September 2, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to find the ruins of Old Palapye, in Botswana. But I have a few hoops to jump through and rides up and down before I can finally get access to it!

  • S05E73 Go off the main track and they will shoot you

    • September 4, 2021

    In this episode I am riding from Palapye in Botswana, towards the Tuli Block, right at the border with South Africa. What an incredible ride - I can't believe I am riding straight through elephant territory again and get to see so much wildlife. That they are serious about anti-poaching here in Botswana becomes clear to me when I see the sign saying that you will be shot if you stray off the main road...

  • S05E74 Where is your permit?!

    • September 7, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to ride to Francistown. I am passing another veterinary checkpoint, which is set up to control an outbreak of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle. What I don't realise is that they are using the same checkpoint as a region border checkpoint and I need a permit to cross it. The online system to apply for such a permit didn't work properly, and it looks like he is not going to let me pass at first...

  • S05E75 The entire town is out of petrol in BOTSWANA

    • September 9, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Kasane in Botswana. After an amazing time with wild elephants I continue my way, but petrol stations are quite far apart in Botswana. When an entire town is out of petrol, even with my extra fuel bladders, I am not going to make it all the way to Kasane..

  • S05E76 Crossing into ZIMBABWE

    • September 11, 2021

    NZ 0:05 / 17:07 VICTORIA FALLS, ZIMBABWE Crossing into ZIMBABWE [S5 - Eps. 76] 614,387 views Sep 11, 2021 37K Dislike Share Save Itchy Boots 998K subscribers In this episode I am crossing the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe. I stay the night at Victoria Falls and go and check out these amazing waterfalls. They are a lot more impressive than I expected, and I came a little closer to a family of warthog than I would have liked...

  • S05E77 To the heart of ZIMBABWE

    • September 14, 2021

    In this episode I am riding from Victoria Falls to Bulawayo, towards the heart of Zimbabwe. It's a long ride and I stop along the way to have a look at a conservation centre for African Wild Dogs. It's the first time I see these beautiful animals and it's great to see these conservation efforts! Oh, and along the way I stock up on some carrots too. As you do!

  • S05E78 Trying to eat Mopane Worms for the first time. Zimbabwe.

    • September 16, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring the area around Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. The national park here has the highest concentration of leopards in the world, as well as thousands of ancient cave paintings! I don't get to see a leopard, but I do get to see some of these paintings. In a small shop I buy some typical Zimbabwean delicacy too: mopane worms...

  • S05E79 These are the dark caves of Zimbabwe.

    • September 18, 2021

    In this episode, I am visiting quite a special place in Zimbabwe. The route to get here is long and scenery wise not too interesting. Sometimes it is about the destination though, and the incredible color of this cave more than makes up for the journey to get here! Absolutely speechless!

  • S05E80 He wants to jump on the back!

    • September 21, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring around the capital of Zimbabwe: Harare. The city is hustling and bustling, but as soon as you get out of the city, you immediately are surrounded by nature and mountains! The locals in Harare are quite eager to catch a lift on my Honda CRF250L Savannah. I decide to give a lift to a teenager, saving him an hour of walking and giving him a big smile on his face!

  • S05E81 These are the mountains of ZIMBABWE

    • September 23, 2021

    In this episode, I am quickly riding into the city centre of Harare, Zimbabwe, to get my hands on cash. It's US dollars that are in demand here and they are not always easy to find! After a successful mission for dollars, I quickly make my way out of the city. To the Zimbabwean mountains we go!!

  • S05E82 Got into bad weather in the Zimbabwean mountains

    • September 25, 2021

    In this episode I decide to start riding, even though there has been some torrential downpour in the mountains. Hoping for the best, I set off and well - the weather is not the easiest to ride in, when the visibility is this poor...

  • S05E83 These roads in Zimbabwe are a DISASTER

    • September 28, 2021

    I tried to wait out the bad weather, but as there is no improvement in sight, I have no other option then to just start riding! The rain of the past couple of days have turned some of the mountain roads into thick mudslides and soon my tyres are caked all around with mud, leaving me with zero grip...

  • S05E84 Motorcycling the wild Chimanimani mountains in ZIMBABWE

    • September 30, 2021

    In this episode I am riding around the Chimanimani mountains in Zimbabwe. I thought I was taking a main road, but as it turns out, I find myself riding the tiniest mountain roads through thick forests, getting lost on single trails.. Looking for adventure riding in Zimbabwe? THIS IS THE PLACE!

  • S05E85 The best ruins I have EVER seen?!: GREAT ZIMBABWE

    • October 2, 2021

    In this episode, I am visiting Great Zimbabwe. What a mind-blowing place, I cannot believe the location and the size of it. Exploring it all alone, was an experience I won't easily forget!

  • S05E86 Attempting to leave Zimbabwe - will they let me go?

    • October 5, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to leave Zimbabwe, to go back to South Africa. The border I am using is still closed however. Trying to save a 3-4 day detour, I am going to give it a go. Will they let me out?

  • S05E87 22.000 kilometer solo motorcycle journey through Africa - ITCHY BOOTS

    • October 7, 2021

    My journey through Southern Africa on a Honda CRF250L is complete. I rode 22.000 kilometers through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe and it was a journey to never forget. The highs, the lows, the struggles and the euphoria - in this video you get to see these countries in just 20 minutes. For the full experience, check out my entire Season 5 series with almost 90 full episodes!

  • S05E88 READY for the KALAHARI RALLY?!

    • October 9, 2021

    Let's end this season with a bang and ride the KALAHARI RALLY! This is a Dakar qualifier and the winner of this rally goes home with an actual ticket to Dakar. I've entered the Adventure Raid class so I don't need a navigation tower with roadbook, but I can just navigate on GPS. This is my first ever rally and I am nervous and excited at the same time. I'm the only woman, only 250cc rider and only European to enter the competition so I better do good!

  • S05E89 Itchy Boots rides Kalahari Rally 2021 - SUPER SPECIAL

    • October 12, 2021

    In this episode I am riding the 100 kilometer long Super Special stage of the Kalahari Rally in South Africa, which is the time qualifier for Stage 1. After a short convoy, we can really start racing and wow - this is AWESOME!!

  • S05E90 Itchy Boots rides KALAHARI RALLY - Stage 1. TROUBLE EARLY ON!

    • October 14, 2021

    This is the real start of the Kalahari Rally in South Africa! We have to leave early morning and start riding in the dark still. Things don't exactly go to plan this stage though!!

  • S05E91 Itchy Boots rides KALAHARI RALLY - Stage 2. Racing with wild horses.

    • October 16, 2021

    In this episode I have to cover over 700 kilometers in one stage. Its the farthest distance I've ever ridden in one day, and the far majority is on sand, dirt and gravel! Somewhere during the stage, three wild horses join the race too!

  • S05E92 Riding KALAHARI DESERT DUNES on a CRF250L - Stage 3

    • October 19, 2021

    In this episode I am riding Stage 3 of the Kalahari Rally - Adventure Raid class. We are hitting the Kalahari sand dunes for the first time! I've never ridden in sand dunes before and had serious doubts whether a 250cc motorcycle would be powerful enough to fight through sand dunes. And well... see for yourself whether it's possible!!

  • S05E93 KTM EXC 450 vs. Honda CRF250L in KALAHARI RALLY 2021

    • October 21, 2021

    In this episode I am trying my luck on some more Kalahari sand dunes in Stage 4 of the Kalahari Rally. I also get to try out Ryan's bike, which is a modified KTM EXC450. What a powerful beast!! Going back to my CRF250L after that is a bit... well.. underwhelming!

  • S05E94 PROBLEMS on the longest stage.. Itchy Boots rides Kalahari Rally - Stage 5

    • October 23, 2021

    This is the longest stage of the Kalahari Rally. From Rietfontein all the way back to Mahikeng. Lots of sand, bike troubles and fuel searching. 12 hours on the bike - crazy long and I'm exhausted!!

  • S05E95 I BROKE my Honda CRF250L into two pieces. Kalahari Rally - Final Stage 6.

    • October 26, 2021

    In this episode I ride the last stage of the Kalahari Rally, stage 6. Unfortunately, my race ends here... my CRF250L breaks in two pieces! Now, my mission is to just reach the finish line. One way or another!

  • S05E96 It's over. Itchy Boots - SEASON 5 FINALE

    • October 28, 2021

    This is the last episode of Season 5. With my motorcycle transported to the Motorcycle Museum in Knysna.. all that is left for me is to go back to The Netherlands and start preparing for my next adventures! This means there will be a break on my YouTube channel as I work hard to prepare everything! In the meantime, check out my store to find some awesome Christmas gifts like the Itchy Boots Hoodie and 2022 calendar!! www.itchyboots.store

Season 6 - Project Alaska

  • S06E01 I bought a new motorcycle for more Itchy Boots adventures!!

    • December 2, 2021
    • YouTube

    A brand new season, starts with purchasing a brand new bike! I am so excited to share with you which bike I bought, and where the new adventures are going to take place!!

  • S06E02 Getting ready to return to South America!

    • December 4, 2021

    In this episode I am getting all my equipment and gear ready to return to South America. I am very happy with my new custom painted helmet from Arai, a total new motorcycle outfit from Rev'it!, which is made especially for riders that like to do lots of off-roading, and my Mosko Moto bags also fit nicely on my CRF300 Rally. Big thanks to my supporters REV'IT!, Arai and Mosko Moto for making this all possible!

  • S06E03 Shipping my motorcycle to South America.. by plane!

    • December 7, 2021

    In this episode I am finally returning to South America. I am getting my new Honda CRF300 Rally to another continent the same way as I did two years ago when I first attempted to ride to Alaska: I took the ferry to the UK, dropped off the bike at James Cargo, around Heathrow and flew from there to South America. It's now the third time that I transported a motorcycle by airplane and its nerve wrecking as always!

  • S06E04 Trying to get my motorcycle out of the airport in Quito, Ecuador!

    • December 9, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to get my motorcycle through custom clearance on the airport in Quito, Ecuador. It took over 7 hours and lots of jumping through hoops but finally... my bike is here and the adventure can begin!!

  • S06E05 Motorcycle adventures in Ecuador BEGIN!!

    • December 11, 2021

    This is really the first ride in Ecuador of this new season and I am so happy to be back on the road. I decide to ride from Quito to Mindo Valley - a relatively short ride through the mountains, to get used to the new bike, the set up and the country. The scenery is so lush and green, it's incredible and Mindo is one of the cutest towns I've seen!

  • S06E06 This river crossing is like BLIND ENDURO

    • December 14, 2021

    In this episode I am trying to ride from Mindo Valley in Ecuador to Quilotoa. I am taking some obscure backroads and I get obstacle after obstacle thrown my way! The first one is a wide river crossing with big, slippery rocks. Because of the water, I can't pick my line, so this is like riding enduro, but then blind! I have no other choice but to walk my bike through the river, as I'm not willing to take the risk of drowning my bike! It turned out this was only the first obstacle of the day and so much happened that It didn't even all fit in one episode!

  • S06E07 You have to pay to enter this Ecuadorian village!

    • December 16, 2021

    In this episode, I am finally reaching Quilotoa, after a long day full of obstacles and challenges (and with wet boots still!). I came to Ecuador for adventure motorcycling, and well, that's what I am getting! To my surprise though.. I have to pay 2 dollars to enter the village Quilotoa.. that's a first!

  • S06E08 I hope this volcano won't erupt today!

    • December 18, 2021

    In this episode I am exploring locally around Quilotoa in Ecuador. This volcano erupted 8 times in the past 200,000 years, so I guess the odds it will erupt today are small. Right? It gives me such a thrill to ride my Honda CRF300 Rally around the top of the craters edges - unbelievable!!

  • S06E09 Finding the most expensive animal on Ecuadorian mountain market

    • December 21, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to a tiny town called Angamarca. But not before I visit the weekly Andean market close to Saquisili where people come from far to buy and sell their produce. I'm intrigued with the prices for the animals but eventually, the screaming of the pigs force me to leave the market..

  • S06E10 You are the closest to outer space on THIS place on earth!

    • December 23, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. This is a special place, because due to the bulging effect of the earth, you are the closest to outer space (and the furthest from the centre of the earth) when you climb to the top of the volcano. There is a big glacier on the top and unfortunately, clouds covered the top all the time that I was there. Still - an absolute magical place with stunning scenery!

  • S06E11 I can't believe the ingenuity of the Inca Temple of the Sun!!

    • December 25, 2021

    In this episode, I am riding to Ingapirca, to visit the 500 year old Inca and Canari ruins there. I am blown away by the ingenuity of these buildings and the history and stories behind it. Definitely worth a visit!!

  • S06E12 Don't go to this part of Ecuador!

    • December 28, 2021

    In this episode I am riding to Cuenca, because I am in need of some good internet and get ready for the jungle for the next couple of days. On the way, I stop at Iglesia del Rocio, a stunning church built on the side of a mountain. There, I meet Maria, who tells me which area of Ecuador is not so safe to visit..

  • S06E13 From 4000 meters altitude straight back into the Ecuadorian JUNGLE!

    • December 30, 2021

    In this episode I am riding from Cuenca to Machala, on the coast of Ecuador. I chose a route straight through the mountains, so I don't have to ride the asphalt main roads. After climbing up to 4000 meters, I am descending straight into lush green jungle. That's Ecuador for you!!

  • S06E14 Ending 2021 in the AMAZON

    • January 1, 2022

    In this episode I am riding towards the Ecuadorian amazon, to a small town called Zamora and I'm checking out a local waterfall there. But on route, I stop in Zaruma, which is dubbed 'Ecuadors prettiest town'. The gold history of the place.. is not so pretty though..

  • S06E15 I stayed with the indigenous Achuar and Shuar people of Ecuador

    • January 4, 2022

    In this episode I am going deeper into the Amazon in Ecuador and find a couple who are part of the Achuar and Shuar indigenous people of Ecuador. After a long and sweaty hike in the jungle, I stay the night at their waterfall - and it is absolutely magical..

  • S06E16 Crossing an amazon river with my CRF300 Rally. REALLY?!

    • January 6, 2022

    In this episode I am trying to get deeper into the amazon jungle in Ecuador, but here, there are no bridges over the wide amazonian rivers. All there is are steel cables with little baskets underneath, carrying you high over the river to the other side. I decide I am going for it and attempt to get across together with my motorcycle 'Alaska'... what was I thinking!?

  • S06E17 Motorcycling the mighty COTOPAXI volcano in Ecuador

    • January 8, 2022

    In this episode I am riding to the Cotopaxi volcano, and wow, it's spectacular!! Motorcycles are not allowed inside the national park, but luckily, this volcano is so big, that I get some pretty good views from just outside the park. I continue to Quito to get some new tyres. As always, when you are on the road, you can expect to get tyres that you really want. Instead, you just try and get your hands on any tyre that fits your motorcycle. In this case, I manage to get some Heidenau K-60, so not bad at all!

  • S06E18 Trying to cross the border into COLOMBIA

    • January 11, 2022

    In this episode I am trying to leave Ecuador and cross the border into Colombia. The Ecuadorian border is still closed, but Colombia is open, so all Ecuador has to do, is to let me leave. But will they??

  • S06E19 Surviving Colombia’s "TRAMPOLINE OF DEATH"

    • January 13, 2022

    In this episode I am riding to Mocoa, in Colombia. I take the Trampoline of Death road, and well.. I can see why it's called that. Insane, this is truly insane.

  • S06E20 I got my CRF300Rally stuck in mud in COLOMBIA

    • January 15, 2022

    In this episode I am on the hunt for mystical statues and hidden burial mounts in Colombia. Nobody knows who made them and why, but they are incredibly old and belong to a civilization which is long gone.. On the way, I unfortunately encounter some deep mud and get myself into a bit of a pickle..

  • S06E21 From JUNGLE into the DESERT of Colombia

    • January 18, 2022

    In this episode I am riding to Desierto de Tatacoa, named after the rattlesnakes of the region. What a dramatic change of scenery and it's incredible to ride alone through an arid region like this, with just cacti growing everywhere!

  • S06E22 Don’t ride off the edge!! This is Colombia

    • January 20, 2022

    In this episode, I am trying to make my way to Salento, starting from the Tatacoa desert. I end up somewhere remotely in the mountains after heavy rainfall and this day just turns out different than I thought!

  • S06E23 Not what I expected to find in these remote mountains in Colombia

    • January 22, 2022

    In this episode (which is part 2 of a long day!) I am trying to reach Salento in Colombia. On the way, I pass some very tall palm trees (wax palms) that even turn out to be the tallest palm trees in the world. Not what I expected at 2500 meters altitude in the Colombian mountains!

  • S06E24 Attempt to cross an abandoned railway bridge in Colombia

    • January 25, 2022

    In this episode I am riding past Amagá, in Colombia - a place that used to be an important connection for the trains connecting big cities such as Calí and Medellín, for the transport of coffee and sugarcanes. The era of the railway lines has long past now, and what's left are furniture businesses, using the old railway sleepers to make furniture from, and the old tunnels and bridges for the trains. I try to cross the old line by motorcycle, which results in a hairraising experience!

  • S06E25 My plan to cross the DARIEN GAP.

    • January 27, 2022

    In this episode I'll explain what the Darien Gap is and how I am thinking of trying to cross it. There are a lot of unknowns still, but I'll take it step by step. The first step is to ride to Turbo, a port town in Colombia from where I'm trying to find a cargo ship for my motorcycle and a speedboat for myself...

  • S06E26 A NERVE-WRECKING boat ride avoiding the Darien Gap

    • January 29, 2022

    In this episode I'm trying to get to the small town Capurganá, which is right at the border of Colombia and Panama. There are no roads to this town, so I'll have to take a small boat from Necocli. With my motorcycle on it! What an incredibly nerve-wrecking ride!!

  • S06E27 Crossing the border into PANAMA past the Darien Gap

    • February 1, 2022

    In this episode I am officially crossing into Panama. It's a long, long journey on sea and along the way we pass several islands where indigenous Kuna Indians live.

  • S06E28 Race against time to import my motorcycle

    • February 3, 2022

    In this episode I am finally arriving in Panama City, after a 3 day border crossing from Colombia over sea! The problem is.. my motorcycle is not quite 'legal' in the country yet, as I haven't got a temporary import permit yet. Customs in Colón is slow and they require lots of paperwork and I've got 1,5 hours to get it done. The race against the clock begun!

  • S06E29 You won't believe how genius this is.

    • February 5, 2022

    In this episode I am showing you the Panama Canal. It's such an ingenious piece of marine engineering with a fascinating history!

  • S06E30 How I ended up in a riverbed in the jungle of Panama

    • February 8, 2022

    In this episode I am trying to reach Playa Escondido, a remote beach in Panama. According to my gps instructions, it looks like there is only one way to reach it, but that leads me straight into a rocky riverbed. Time for some enduro on a fully loaded CRF300Rally!

  • S06E31 I don't know what I am doing. Mountains of Panama.

    • February 10, 2022

    In this first part of my day in which I am trying to reach Sante Fe in Panama, I end up in a remote area in the mountains, where the roads are challenging and the rivers deep. Very deep..

  • S06E32 I am lucky to get help.

    • February 12, 2022

    In this second part of my hectic day to reach Santa Fe in Panama, I luckily get some help from a horseman to get my motorcycle back up the stairs to the bridge. It had already been a long day of 8 hours of riding and I am exhausted!

  • S06E33 They won't let me climb the volcano.

    • February 15, 2022

    In this episode, I am riding to Boquete, in Panama. I have to follow the Panamerican highway for a while, which is so boring that I am looking forward to do some adventure riding in Boquete and get up Volcano Barú. The park ranger however, is telling me something else..

  • S06E34 Can't find the trail on this jungle island in Panama!

    • February 17, 2022

    In this episode, I am riding to Bocas del Toro, one of the tropical islands off the coast in Panama. I am exploring the only island where you can go with a motorcycle, but soon the trail is gone and it's starting to get a little adventurous..

  • S06E35 I joined the indigenous Naso tribe of Panama

    • February 19, 2022

    In this episode, I am visiting some members of the Naso tribe in Panama. Orlando is showing me around the area that they live, and the importance of the river Teribe, for the existence of their people. It was a visit that left the biggest impression on me during my entire stay in Panama.

  • S06E36 Crossing into COSTA RICA

    • February 22, 2022

    In this episode, I am crossing the border from Panama into Costa Rica. Will it be a smooth border crossing or one of those slow and confusing ones?!

  • S06E37 They won't let me get any closer - this volcano in Costa Rica just got active!

    • February 24, 2022

    In this episode, I am riding to Volcan Turrialba in Costa Rica. Besides two large eruptions in 2010 and 2015, there is regularly some activity going on, and that's also the case right now so they closed access to the volcano. Luckily I manage to find a place to stay nearby and get a small peek into the lives of Costa Rican cattle farmers!

  • S06E38 I can only stay here for 20 MINUTES

    • February 26, 2022

    In this episode, I am visiting another volcano in Costa Rica: the Poas volcano. I'm only allowed to stay here for 20 minutes as there are potential toxic gases that you can't be exposed for, for too long. What an incredible sight!

  • S06E39 Crossing three rivers in Costa Rica with CROCODILES

    • March 1, 2022

    What am I doing?? I completely forget that these rivers in Costa Rica all have crocodiles in them. And now I am checking how deep it is, to see if I can cross it on my motorcycle... I make a quick escape and from now on, I only cross rivers around here as fast as I can!

  • S06E40 Change of plans.

    • March 3, 2022

    In this episode, nothing goes to plan any longer. Camera issues, border crossing requirements, a motorcycle drop and subsequent laptop breakdown... it's all part of the journey, and I just have to fix it. One problem at the time!

  • S06E41 Crossing into NICARAGUA

    • March 5, 2022

    In this episode I am trying to cross the border from Costa Rica into Nicaragua and well.. I have a lot of hoops to jump through and I get questioned by immigration for a long time..

  • S06E42 Should have better secured my bike!! Nicaragua

    • March 8, 2022

    In this episode, I am riding from Managua, to Isla de Ometepe in Nicaragua. But not before I get a feel of the water inside Laguna de Apoyo and ride through the centre of the colonial town of Granada. The ferry crossing to the volcanic island of Ometepe however, turns out to be a little rougher than I anticipated...

  • S06E43 The ancient, secret map of Nicaragua

    • March 10, 2022

    In this episode I am hunting for ancient petroglyphs, left scattered around the volcanic island of Isla de Ometepe by indigenous Indians. I'm also searching for a hidden waterfall in the jungle, which is not so easy to reach!

  • S06E44 Making the impossible possible in Nicaragua

    • March 12, 2022

    In this episode I am leaving Isla de Ometepe with the night ferry to San Carlos. But I've got a crazy plan. I want to reach San Juan de Nicaragua, a tiny town on the Caribbean coast that can only be reached by navigating the 200 kilometer long river San Juan. Small passenger boats cover this route, but... I want to bring my CRF300Rally with me...

  • S06E45 Nobody ever brought a motorcycle here in Nicaragua

    • March 15, 2022

    In this episode I am continuing the river journey from El Castillo to San Juan de Nicaragua. I get to experience how life works here, how goods are being transported to this remote corner of Nicaragua where no roads lead to and how the locals go around their daily lives.

  • S06E46 Hunting for the lost city of Nicaragua with the Rama Indians

    • March 17, 2022

    In this episode I'm heading deep into the Indio Maiz Nature Reserve with two Rama Indians, Santo and his brother. We are trying to reach a place called Canta Gallo, hidden deep in the jungle. With the hurricane, the unrest and the pandemic, nobody has been here for years. Needless to say it's gotten slightly overgrown!

  • S06E47 First on-road surgery for my CRF300 rally!

    • March 19, 2022

    In this episode I'm having a final breakfast with the Rama Indians along the river Indio, and then the mission to reach Bluefields begins. There are no roads to and from San Juan de Nicaragua, and no road from there to Bluefields. I'll have to go via water again, but the rough ride hurts poor Alaska a little..

  • S06E48 I entered an underground gold mine in Nicaragua

    • March 22, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I ride over 400 kilometers from Bluefields, towards Matagalpa in Nicaragua. My plan was to check out an abandoned gold mine, but when I arrived, I learned they opened up the mine again a year ago. I get a close look on how gold mining works here. It's an interesting and heart breaking peek into the lives of the people that work here.

  • Cast Interviews

    SPECIAL 0x28 Itchy Boots LIVE from Central America

    • March 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    One million subscribers.. I can't believe it. Let's chat!! First time to catch up in a live chat since the start of season 6!! If I couldn't answer your question, please check out my website www.itchyboots.com - there are lots of answers to be found here as well - both in the FAQ section as well in the blog! :)

  • S06E49 Boarding down an active volcano in Nicaragua

    • March 24, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to Léon, in Nicaragua. After some walking around town, I find a local, Norlan, who joins me while motorcycling to volcano Cerro Negro, some 20 kilometers from Leon. We hike up the active volcano, and I get to board down it again. So much laughter and fun!

  • S06E50 This is my final ride in Nicaragua

    • March 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this video I am making my way towards the border of Nicaragua and Honduras, but not before taking another sandy trail in between two volcanoes. As you do in Central America!

  • S06E51 Crossing the border into Honduras

    • March 29, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am crossing the border between Nicaragua and Honduras. Another border crossing - how will this one go?

  • S06E52 They try to trap me in Honduras DANGEROUS!

    • March 31, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding mostly offroad in Honduras, to reach a place I want to visit with caves. After an amazing ride, just before I reach the town, I encounter a dangerous trap. I can't believe people do this.

  • S06E53 A mysterious cave in Honduras - The cave of the GLOWING SKULLS

    • April 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Trujillo. But before I do, I visit the Talgua Caves, or: the cave of the glowing skulls... What a fascinating and eerie place...

  • S06E54 Forced to ride my motorcycle in the nighttime in Honduras.

    • April 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am making my way to the island Roatan, off the coast of mainland Honduras. By the time I arrive on the island, it's dark and I still have to find a place to stay. I do not like riding a motorcycle in the dark!

  • S06E55 Nobody knows this deserted island in Honduras

    • April 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am first going to the big island of Roatan, just off the coast of mainland Honduras. But after a little exploration, I find another small boat to take me to some incredible little deserted islands.. welcome to the Caribbean!!

  • S06E56 It took me 11 hours to find this place in Honduras

    • April 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, it's time to go back to mainland Honduras. But what a journey!! It takes me 11 hours to get to Lake Yojoa!

  • S06E57 The biggest mystery of Honduras

    • April 12, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am looking for a very specific place in Honduras. It's not indicated on any map, so I have to ask the locals to point me into the right direction.

  • S06E58 Crossing the border Honduras - El Salvador

    • April 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    It's time for another border crossing! In this episode, I am crossing the border into El Salvador. I'm using a very small border and it turns out that this gets my motorcycle into trouble. Big trouble.

  • S06E59 First service HONDA CRF300Rally after 12.000 kilometers. El Salvador

    • April 16, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to the capital of El Salvador: San Salvador. I have to go here because my Honda CRF300L Rally needs her first big service. In the last 12,000 kilometers I managed to break a couple of things (mostly because of crazy sea crossings in tiny boats) and some parts simply got worn after so much abuse...

  • S06E60 Trying to make it out of El Salvador - one day ride to border

    • April 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am leaving the capital San Salvador, after having my Honda CRF300L Rally serviced. I ride towards the Santa Ana volcano, and after a good day of riding dirt trails, I reach a small town called Apaneca. I didn't come here without any reason.. I am meeting an absolute motorcycle legend here!!

  • S06E61 Charly Sinewan helps me get my illegal motorcycle out of El Salvador!

    • April 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding with my friend Charly Sinewan, who is also in El Salvador! I asked him for help as soon as I realized my motorcycle was illegally in El Salvador (not intentionally!) and he came to help me get out of El Salvador. Even though we are both traveling around the world for a long time, we still made one mistake ...

  • S06E62 I cross the border alone in GUATEMALA

    • April 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I say goodbye to my friend Charly Sinewan and I cross the border from El Salvador into Guatemala. Things turn quite serious quite quickly, as I try to cross the lava fields of the Pacaya volcano...

  • S06E63 I have to cross these LAVA FIELDS of active Volcano Pacaya

    • April 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I keep on battling the lava fields of volcano Pacaya in Guatemala. The slopes are steep, the rocks are big, uneven and sharp. I continue to crash and fall and start to doubt whether I will make it to the other side.

  • S06E64 Attempt to reach Lake Atitlan in Guatemala is harder than expected

    • April 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    I am trying to reach Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, but to get there is a bit harder than I thought. On the way, I first make a stop at beautiful Antigua though!

  • S06E65 Guatemalan POLICE escorts Dutch biker and her motorcycle through area with BANDITSGuatemalan POLICE

    • April 30, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I called in the help of the Guatemalan police because I have to cross an area with frequent attacks and robberies by bandits. They tell me not to go alone but go with an escort. Things turn out quite differently and the police end up riding my motorcycle across!

  • S06E66 More damage to my CRF300L Rally in GUATEMALA

    • May 3, 2022
    • YouTube

    One little dirt road can ruin your day. Enough said.

  • S06E67 Only my motorcycle can pass here - I have to find an IXIL house in GUATEMALA

    • May 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    I am trying to visit some Ixil communities in these mountains in Guatemala, but the locals that are trying to give me an escort, they cannot pass with their car so I am on my own again.

  • S06E68 An insane search on motorcycle for one lady in the mountains of GUATEMALA

    • May 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am looking for Feliciana. With only a name and a phone number, it's not so easy to find her and I end up finding two other Feliciana's before I finally get to her!

  • S06E69 I found a HIDDEN PARADISE in the mountains of GUATEMALA

    • May 10, 2022
    • YouTube

    What to say. Semuc Champey is absolute paradise and worth the rough dirt road to get here!!

  • S06E70 You won't believe this THERMAL WATERFALL in Guatemala

    • May 12, 2022
    • YouTube

    I never even knew this existed. I've been to hot springs before, but a natural thermal waterfall? Another slice of paradise hidden in Guatemala.

  • S06E71 Solo motorcycle adventure in GUATEMALAN jungle gone wrong

    • May 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    Trying to reach the remote Nakum Mayan ruins turns pear shaped. The track is in horrible condition and part swamp, part mudpit. I get stuck with my motorcycle and then the enormous struggle begins. How am I getting out of here?!

  • S06E72 The long lost Mayan temples of Nakum - Motorcycling deep into Guatemalan Jungle.

    • May 17, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E73 Crossing the GUATEMALA - BELIZE land border

    • May 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Yaxha in Guatemala, to Hopkins in Belize. It's time for another border crossing, another country!

  • S06E74 They won’t let me through (security cameras). Belize

    • May 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am trying to reach Lamanai, a site with Mayan temples. In an attempt to avoid the long northern, or long southern detour, I attempt to ride straight to the site. That turns out to be much harder than expected..

  • S06E75 The best petrol station of Belize (amazing system)

    • May 24, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am attempting again to reach the Lamanai ruins in Belize. But before I go anywhere, I have to fill up the tank of my motorcycle in Crooked Tree, a small town in Belize...

  • S06E76 Crossing the landborder into MEXICO

    • May 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am crossing the border from Belize, into Mexico, on my motorcycle! Another border crossing, let's see how this one will go...

  • S06E77 Mexican POLICE keep stopping me for questioning

    • May 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am trying to reach Misol Ha in Mexico. But Mexico is a huge country and distances are big, so I have to ride almost 400 kilometers of boring road to get here and on the way, I get stopped at every police stop..

  • S06E78 Riding into flooded forest in Mexico - in search for the Maya people

    • May 31, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am heading further in the state of Chiapas, in Mexico. I am looking to meet some of the Mexican native people, the Lacandones. They live in a mystical area of the jungle, with scattered lakes and cenotes and abundant wildlife. Many thanks to my friend Jesus from Sport Cycle Tours Mexico, who helped me with this route and to find the Lacandones people. They actually organise motorcycle tours in Mexico, so if you are interested, check out their instagram @instachuchogram or write them at [email protected] !

  • S06E79 Mexico's most dangerous road?

    • June 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am trying to ride to San Cristobal de las Casas. I leave the peaceful and tranquil community of Lacandon Mayas, and quickly enter a very different world. I try to avoid the road which has lots of warnings, but the alternative road isn't free of obstacles either. I am on edge and do not trust anybody here.

  • S06E80 Escaping more road blocks in Mexico

    • June 4, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am hunting for tyres again (no luck unfortunately), so I push on towards the Pacific coast. On a big highway, there is another road block in the middle of nowhere. I don't know why it's there and whether or not I will be faced with any aggression so I decide to not hesitate and just go for it..

  • S06E81 Trying to save baby sea turtles on Mexican beach

    • June 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    Want to help and support saving of sea-turtles? I've donated to the project here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/chaca... This is a small scale project run by volunteers, so all help is greatly appreciated and goes directly to the project! Find more information on what they do here: Instagram: @tortugaschacahua Facebook: Campamento tortuguero Bahia de Chacahua In this episode I visit a terrible relic from the past, the town where there used to be a turtle slaughterhouse and where millions of turtles were killed in Mexico for their meat, leather and eggs. I continue along the coast to find a place where they protect turtles but to my shock, I learn that those operations have mainly stopped since the pandemic because there is no more money. Without any governmental funding either, these projects are mostly stranded. One is still going and is run completely by volunteers - I am in awe of the dedication to save these species and am grateful for the opportunity to see their incredi

  • S06E82 The BEST motorcycle shop of Mexico

    • June 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Oaxaca, in Mexico. On the way, I stumble upon a small motorcycle shop that turns out to have the parts that I have been looking for for weeks and weeks in El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. I cannot believe they have EVERYTHING!

  • S06E83 “People with guns are blocking the road”. MEXICO

    • June 11, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Oaxaca in Mexico to Puebla. What starts out as a lovely day riding dirt roads in the mountains, quickly changes when I get to the main highway which turns out to be blocked by people with guns.

  • S06E84 Mexican tunnels to secretly move the army against the invaders

    • June 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring some interesting parts of Puebla, in Mexico. After a good dose of history and culture, I ride to Mexico City, but not just via any route - I choose the route via Volcano Popocateple, one of Mexico's most active volcanoes...

  • S06E85 The biggest time telling device on Earth - in Mexico

    • June 16, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding across the "Sierra Magica", or the Magical Mountains of Mexico, on my way to the spectacular ruins of El Tajin.

  • S06E86 I rode into a dead end canyon in Mexico

    • June 18, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to the small town of Zimapan in Mexico. The beginning of the ride is on tarmac, but as soon as I hit the dirt roads, the fun can begin. These lush and green canyons in Mexico completely blow my mind !!

  • S06E87 Motorcycling planet MARS in MEXICO (unbelievable landscape)

    • June 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am discovering the area around Zimapan. First I visit the Red Dunes, and am amazed how I can ride around a landscape that looks just like mars! Next, I continue to a canyon and I am surprised by an even more incredible place...

  • S06E88 This is not what I expected solo motorcycling through Mexico to be like

    • June 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding through a remote mountain area in Mexico and ride straight into a small canyon. What a ride, I never knew this type of scenery existed in Mexico and there were so many mountain passes and canyons to ride through. On dirt roads!!

  • S06E89 “The road is bad like this everywhere?” - Mexico

    • June 25, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I want to reach Real de Catorce, high up in the mountains of Mexico. I take a route which turns out to be not very common and quite rough in parts.. Did I make a mistake coming this way?

  • S06E90 "Don't go there, very dangerous. A lot of cartel activity" - Mexico

    • June 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I get valuable information that I shouldn't ride my planned route through Zacatecas in Mexico because it's a very dangerous area. That means that instead of 400 kilometers of roads through the mountains, I have to ride 600 kilometers over the highway to avoid this area. Will I even make that in one day on a CRF300Rally?

  • S06E91 Area 51 in Mexico: the ZONE of SILENCE

    • June 30, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding my motorcycle through the Zone of Silence in Mexico. UFO sightings, meteorite impacts, compasses that spin out of control and no radio signals. This is one of the most mysterious places in Mexico, and maybe even thew world...

  • S06E92 Motorcycling Mexico's most dangerous state : Chihuahua

    • July 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this video, I am riding to Creel, which is right at the edge of the Copper Canyon, worlds second largest canyon. I am trying to cross over to the coast so I can take the ferry to Baja California, but to get there, I have to ride through Chihuahua and Sinaloa, two notorious states in Mexico.

  • S06E93 Entering Cartel Territory - off-roading the COPPER CANYON in Mexico

    • July 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Creel to Urique. I cross the worlds second largest canyon in the world, the Copper Canyon. This is also cartel territory and I have to take precautions to try and secure a safe passage.

  • S06E94 Getting out of Mexico's Copper Canyon into SINALOA

    • July 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from Urique to El Fuerte. That means I am trying to get out of the Copper canyon and cross the state border from Chihuahua into Sinaloa.

  • S06E95 Leaving SINALOA in Mexico during nighttime

    • July 8, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving the State of Sinaloa in Mexico and take the overnight ferry across to Baja California with my motorcycle. It all sounds very simple, but one must jump through quite some hoops to make that happen...

  • S06E96 Brand new aggressive offroad tires to ride BAJA - MEXICO

    • July 11, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I have to replace my tires as my rear tire is too worn to get me through another 2000 kilometers until I reach the USA. I manage to get my hands on some nice tires and off I go into the Baja desert!

  • S06E97 Searching for FUEL in the BAJA CALIFORNIA desert of Mexico

    • July 13, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I continue riding north through Baja California. The dirt roads here are absolutely fantastic, but finding fuel is a little more unconventional.. Loving these 'petrol stations'!

  • S06E98 I ended up in a rally through Baja, Mexico by accident

    • July 15, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I brace myself for a very long day of riding. Soon however, I realize I am riding on a rally track, but in opposite direction... Luckily, soon after, the track branches and I manage to lose the rally riders and have the whole place to myself again... and wow, this is the best motorcycle ride in a long time!

  • S06E99 They only live here for 3 months each year

    • July 18, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, the ride continues through the incredible desert of Baja California and I have a very lucky lunch encounter...

  • S06E100 Crossing MEXICO - USA ???????? land border on a motorcycle

    • July 20, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E101 Will the next big earthquake hit Los Angeles or Seattle?

    • July 22, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E102 Crossing the Mojave Desert riding with an unlikely friend

    • July 25, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E103 I injured myself in the Nevada desert

    • July 27, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E104 He drove 425 miles to rescue Itchy Boots

    • July 29, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E105 How to get to Alaska with an injured ankle?

    • August 1, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E106 Can I ride my motorcycle again?

    • August 3, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E107 BACK ON THE ROAD : Alaska here I come!

    • August 5, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E108 What did I get myself into?! METERS of SNOW on the high mountain passes of Colorado

    • August 8, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E109 His Suzuki is not starting at 4000 meters altitude - welcome to Colorado!

    • August 10, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E110 Is this Utah or Colorado?? Hidden canyon in the USA

    • August 12, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E111 Getting caught riding my motorcycle through a snowstorm in Colorado, USA.

    • August 15, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E112 I can't believe the motorcycle riding in Wyoming!!

    • August 17, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E113 Motorcycling straight towards a terrifying storm in the USA

    • August 19, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E114 What you didn't notice before at Teton National Park

    • August 22, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E115 Grizzly bear + 3 cubs encounter on motorcycle - YELLOWSTONE

    • August 24, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E116 Scientists don’t understand this mysterious rock formation in Montana

    • August 26, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E117 I got lost in the forests of Idaho

    • August 29, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E118 This man with his chainsaw SAVED the ride!

    • August 31, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E119 America's CREEPIEST town

    • September 2, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E120 Crossing the USA - Canada LANDBORDER

    • September 5, 2022
    • YouTube

  • S06E121 You can see this place in Canada FROM SPACE

    • September 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I'm riding through the Rocky Mountains Trench, an incredible feature that is so large, it can be seen from space. Besides riding through this amazing part of the world, I also have some more wildlife encounters...

  • S06E122 Canada won't have these for much longer

    • September 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I'm riding my Honda CRF300L rally to Jasper, Canada. I'm visiting Emerald Lake, Lake Louis and ride the Icefields Parkway road - the scenery of the Rocky Mountains here is just breathtaking!

  • S06E123 New springs for my CRF300L Rally Raid suspension

    • September 12, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I first ride to Williams Lake because I want to visit Soda Creek and ask a specific question to the First Nations people here. It turns out to be a very interesting visit, and afterwards I continue to Prince George, to replace the springs of my rear shock with stiffer ones.

  • S06E124 I did not know this about Canadian history...

    • September 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am visiting Fort St. James, where the living museum gives insight in the fur trade of the late 1800's in Canada. I had no idea this was how it was going down there at the time!

  • S06E125 Motorcycling the Canadian backroads

    • September 16, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Kitimat, in British Columbia, Canada. I start the day leaving an airbnb on a beautiful farm in the woods, and ride as many backroads as I can to reach Kitimat. At some point, I have no other choice but to get on the paved road, as there are too many snowy mountains ahead of me!

  • S06E126 I hope there are no bears in this Canadian forest

    • September 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am making my way to Haida Gwaii, a collection of over 300 islands off the coast of Canada. Get ready to be mesmerized!

  • S06E127 Motorcycling remote islands you didn’t know existed in Canada

    • September 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the large, northern island of Haida Gwaii: Grahams Island. This island is full of deer, bears and incredible beauty.. LET'S GO!

  • S06E128 Meeting the Haida people on the islands of Haida Gwaii

    • September 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the remotest islands of Haida Gwaii and get to meet several Haida watchmen, who watch over their sacred sites.

  • S06E129 The mysterious underwater creatures of Haida Gwaii

    • September 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I continue my exploring of the south parts of the island group of Haida Gwaii, land of the Haida people. From the magical forests, to the colorful underwater life - they also call this place the Galapagos of North America.

  • S06E130 Back on my motorcycle! Encountering the Nisga'a people of Canada

    • September 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am entering Nisga'a territory, along the banks of the Nass river. A volcanic eruption about 250 years ago forever changed the landscape and its people.

  • S06E131 Motorcycling above a sea of ICE - Canada

    • September 30, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the Salmon Glacier, close to Stewart. To reach it, I have to briefly cross the border into Alaska, and continue from there back into Canada. Even though this is not the largest glacier of Canada, to be able to ride high up in the mountains and look down at the glacier is just unique...

  • S06E132 The most remote village of British Columbia reachable by motorcycle

    • October 3, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to Telegraph Creek, in Canada. It's a remote place, and only a dirt road leading to it. I didn't really know what to expect, but... well, let's say it exceeded all of my expectations!

  • S06E133 Over 800 kilometers in ONE day on a Honda CRF300L Rally

    • October 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this video I am doing a monster day of over 800 kilometers in one day. On a little CRF300L Rally! Welcome to CANADA!

  • S06E134 Riding my CRF300L Rally through the DESERT of CANADA

    • October 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the Carcross desert in Canada, also called 'the worlds smallest desert'. But is it really a desert though? Let's find out while riding some dunes!

  • S06E135 How I ended up in a Alaskan Gold Rush BROTHEL from 1896

    • October 10, 2022
    • YouTube

    I did not see this coming when I rode into Skagway, Alaska! What a quirky little town, with lots of gold rush history. Turns out, no visit to Skagway is complete without visiting the famous Red Onion Saloon...

  • S06E136 Absolute CARNAGE in the Canadian Woods

    • October 12, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding back into Canada for one last time. And well, when I spot a little trail through the woods, I decide to take it but it gets a little challenging. Quite unnerving have a motorcycle on the ground after having spotted two bears that day already..

  • S06E137 Not what I expected to find, deep in the Yukon, Canada

    • October 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this video I am visiting a remote corner of the Yukon, where once, huge amounts of silver were mined here and transported through the mountains loaded on the backs of horses. This is where I find the coolest snackbar I have ever been to...

  • S06E138 I’m not supposed to be here.

    • October 17, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Dawson City in Canada. This town and all the infrastructure this far north into the Yukon would not have existed without the discovery of gold in 1896. It was the start of the Yukon Gold Rush and I didn't realize, that 125 years later .. they are still mining gold here.

  • S06E139 Will this geologist find GOLD in the YUKON of Canada?

    • October 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am investigating the gold exploration and mining scene of Dawson City. I get to see how the locals run their gold operations up close and learn from them. Let's do some panning and see if there is any gold left!

  • S06E140 I blew up my panties. Welcome ceremony of ALASKA

    • October 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this video I finally cross the border into the main part of ALASKA!! What a great feeling to finally reach it. I pass the tiny town of Chicken and they have a very odd tradition over here...

  • S06E141 Now I blew up my Honda CRF300 Rally Fork Seal

    • October 24, 2022
    • YouTube

    From blowing up underwear in an Alaskan bar, to blowing a fork seal. What's going on here in Alaska?! I am surprised this happened as I'd just had the seals replaced in Canada. Luckily, I bump into Chris from Unchained Tours, who is leading a motorcycle tour through Alaska and they help me with some ingenious British invention!

  • S06E142 Inside an abandoned copper mill in remote Alaska

    • October 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am visiting McCarthy - a remote place in Alaska. In the early 1900s, the worlds richest copper ore deposit was discovered here and I get to see the inside of the mill, after having sit abandoned for almost a century....

  • S06E143 Tasting 600 year old ICE on the Matanuska Glacier, ALASKA

    • October 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I visit the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska. What an impressive sight. Because of dangerous crevasses, I am only allowed to walk on the glacier with a guide who knows the ice very well.. The next day, I continue to Anchorage, where I drop off my CRF300Rally with Bill, from Bayshore Moto. He did a fantastic job on my bike and can recommend him to everyone needing service on their bikes.

  • S06E144 The USA bought a polar bear park for 0,02 dollar/acre

    • October 31, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the Kenai peninsula of Alaska. Besides world class scenery, this area has a lot of history too. Alaska used to be colonized by the Russians, until they sold Alaska to the Americans in the 60s.

  • S06E145 I rode my motorcycle through an active train tunnel in Alaska

    • November 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the Kenai peninsula a bit further and end up riding to Whittier. The only way to reach this place, is to ride through the same long tunnel that the Alaska train takes - this was definitely a first!!

  • S06E146 Hit by true Alaskan weather. Change of plans!

    • November 4, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving Anchorage, for the final push towards the Arctic Ocean. After some glorious weather, the tables have turned and I get hit by downpour all day. It's time to reconsider my plans..

  • S06E147 Will 250,000 US$ fund my next adventure? The Ice Challenge of Alaska

    • November 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I arrive in Nenana, a small village in Alaska, after some epic motorcycling in the area around Denali. Turns out, I can enter the long standing tradition of betting on the ice breaking here. Who am I to break such a tradition!

  • S06E148 I reached the DALTON HIGHWAY. Last frontier of ALASKA

    • November 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    n this episode, I am finally reaching the Dalton highway - the only road that leads all the way to the Arctic Ocean. My plan is to reach Wiseman, which is the last place to stay before I have to cross the Brooks Range and the final stretch towards the end of this journey...

  • S06E149 Itchy Boots THE MOVIE: The end of an era

    • November 13, 2022
    • YouTube

    In this film, I finally reach the Arctic Ocean, which marks the end of a journey that took me nearly three years to complete. I look back at some of the most important memories I have on this adventure. Thank you so much for joining me in this journey and I will be back soon again for new adventures, but first.. I need a little break!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x29 What happened after I reached Prudhoe Bay in Alaska…

    • December 13, 2022

    In this episode, I have left Alaska briefly while I am waiting for motorcycle parts to arrive there. I figured I'd work on my motorcycling skills in the meantime and go and race a cross country rally! For this rally, I am renting a 500 RRS Beta - my first experience with such a beast. I also need to learn how roadbook navigation works, so this is going to be a steep learning curve!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x30 This Beta 500 RRS is an absolute BEAST

    • December 15, 2022

    In this episode, I am finishing up my roadbook navigation training in Montana and Wyoming on the Beta 500 RRS. Trying to race, while deciphering the graphic indications of where you need to be, while catching waypoints on the way.. and filming the whole thing too at the same time.. not so easy! But it's an absolute blast and I am ready to hit the road and make my way down to Mexico for the rally!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x31 The BEST motorcycling in the USA (unreal dirt biking place)

    • December 17, 2022

    In this episode I am making my way down south through the USA towards Mexico to race the Baja Rally. On the way, I make a stop in Nevada to practice some sand riding on Sand Mountain. What an absolute epic place to ride a motorcycle!! I am blown away!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x32 Learning Rally Racing from an American PRO

    • December 20, 2022

    In this episode, I am making my way into Southern California, to train with Mason Klein. At 20 years old, he rode his first Dakar and got 9th place! An incredibly talented rider, and patient teacher - he taught me some very valuable motorcycle and navigation lessons. He is not a factory rider (yet), and is still trying to get enough funds to compete in Dakar which starts in a couple of days from now! If you want to help support a young rider and cheer him on to the podium of Dakar - check out his GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/Mason-Daka... Follow MASON KLEIN on: YouTube: www.youtube.com/@rallywithmason3597 Instagram: www.instagram.com/mason_klein1

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x33 Itchy Boots races BAJA RALLY. Stage 1 - CRASH & BROKEN TOWER.

    • December 22, 2022

    In this episode I am starting on the start line of the 6 day BAJA RALLY in Mexico. And well, anything can happen in rally, but I'm not off to a good start...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x34 Itchy Boots races BAJA RALLY - THE INJURY and the MOUNTAIN of HELL

    • December 24, 2022

    In this episode I am racing stage 3 and 4 of the BAJA RALLY and stage 4 was very tough for me. Multiple crashes and a bad injury made this a fight I will never forget.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x35 Will ITCHY BOOTS cross the finish line of the BAJA RALLY ?

    • December 27, 2022

    In this episode I am riding Stage 5 and 6 of the BAJA RALLY and I'm trying to make it across the finish line. After my leg injury in the previous episode, this is going to be a big fight...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x36 What have I done... COMPLETELY taken my Honda CRF300L RALLY apart.

    • December 29, 2022

    This episode is the beginning of making my Honda CRF300L Rally ready for new adventures around the world. In the past 43,000 kilometers , the motorcycle got quite some abuse and I want to make sure it's in tiptop condition before I set off in the the wilderness again!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x37 REBUILDING my Honda CRF300L Rally from SCRATCH

    • December 31, 2022

    In this episode, the rebuilt starts. Will the bike start when we put it back together?!

Season 7 - Return to Africa

  • S07E01 ITCHY BOOTS New Season: this is where I am going!

    • February 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, the new season of Itchy Boots is finally beginning! I have waited for this moment for months but finally my Honda CRF300Rally 'Alaska" has arrived back from Alaska and I am ready to kick off new adventures!!

  • S07E02 I need their help

    • February 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    This episode is my first ride in Morocco! I am quickly leaving Tanger Med, and I am riding to Chefchaouen, through the beautiful Rif Mountains. Riding a motorcycle in Morocco in February means chances of encountering snow, so I have to ride carefully! But will I even make it up the Rif mountains if the toll gates don't open?

  • S07E03 No motorcyclists have gone here before

    • February 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to the small town of Bhalil, just south of Fez. Almost nobody visits this place and there is only one guesthouse in town. I am trying to reach the guesthouse but with these tiny alleys and stairs everywhere, that's a bit of a mission! Kamal tells me that no motorcyclist managed to reach his guesthouse before..!

  • S07E04 How I ended up in a Berber village in Morocco

    • February 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I'm headed towards the High Atlas mountains of Morocco. But in February, it's still deep into winter here! Especially high up in the mountains, it gets very, very cold...

  • S07E05 Motorcycling solo into the Sahara Desert of Morocco

    • February 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from the High Atlas Mountains, straight to the Saharan sand dunes - what an epic ride! Outside of the sand dunes, the desert is mostly flat and I am not sure which track to follow as I am surrounded by endless desert on all sides. To my surprise, there are people living in harsh places like this and I meet several Amazigh, who point me into the right direction.

  • S07E06 I get stuck trying to cross the Saharan sand dunes of Morocco

    • February 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring Erg Chebbi, the sand dune field at Merzouga. I am riding over 100 kilometers into the desert and try to ride some sand dunes along the way. I am inexperienced with sand dunes and my CRF300L Rally is heavy - Even though I didn't bring much luggage, a full tank of fuel will do the trick and I soon get buried into the sand with my rear tyre.

  • S07E07 DESERT OASIS explained: this is how they do it.

    • March 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, the manager of the guesthouse where I am staying is showing me around the oasis that was created here and explains how water is managed to sustain the life of the people here. The way the community works together in the oasis, the women and children centre and the community bakery is fascinating to see. In environments like these, you have to work together when resources are scarce!

  • S07E08 MORDOR lies here: in Morocco.

    • March 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding 300 kilometers off-road, first through the desert and then back into the Atlas mountains. I find the most amazing dirt track and I feel like I have just entered Mordor (Lord of the Rings). What an incredible place to ride a motorcycle!

  • S07E09 Scaling the HIGHEST ROAD of MOROCCO

    • March 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Todra Gorge to Dades Gorge, via the highest road in Morocco. There! It's cold, it's snowy and it's mind-blowing. There is also a tiny mishap with my chain guard.. all part of the journey!

  • S07E10 Motorcycling the Atlas Mountains of Morocco gone WRONG

    • March 8, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I have plotted myself a route straight through the high Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The day turns out to be extremely challenging as I find myself on a steep downhill path which is washed out and very rocky. With steep cliffs on the side, I am just trying not to slide off the mountain entirely.

  • S07E11 Limping back to a Moroccan city after damaging my motorcycle

    • March 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am still trying to get out of those insane mountains, when I realize that I bent my gear shifter.. Struggling to get it over 3rd gear, I am limping back to find a mechanic, which turns out to be 150 kilometers still to Ouarzazate!

  • S07E12 This is a serious problem with my motorcycle

    • March 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    When I want to clean my air filter and open up my airbox of my motorcycle, I'm in for an unpleasant surprise... I need the help of the local mechanics in Tata, Morocco.

  • S07E13 Crazy weather conditions in Morocco

    • March 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I finally manage to leave Tata. There has been a strong cold and rain front that went over Morocco, causing heavy rainfall and snowfall. The usually dry riverbeds, the wadis, turned into raging brown rivers, resulting in the closure of roads. On top of that, strong winds cause more sand to be picked up in the air, and reducing the visibility. Somehow, I decide to ride 640 kilometers though!

  • S07E14 Was this even a good idea?

    • March 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Dakhla. I start in Esmara and will cross straight through the Sahara desert, off-road. One of the most memorable days of motorcycling of my entire journey.

  • S07E15 This day in Dakhla is not panning out like I thought

    • March 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this video, I'm exploring around Dakhla, but I'm in for a few surprises..

  • S07E16 Crossing into MAURITANIA

    • March 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I'm crossing the border from Morocco into Mauritania!

  • S07E17 Changing my US dollars at the border of MAURITANIA

    • March 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am starting my adventure to follow the Iron Ore Train, which runs 700 kilometers through the Sahara, in Mauritania. But before I ride to a remote part of Mauritania, I need to make sure I bring enough cash with me. The ATMs don't work, so I have to change all my US dollars for local currency, at the border of Morocco and Mauritania..

  • S07E18 My bike doesn't start anymore and I’m alone in the desert of Mauritania

    • March 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    This episode is part 2 of a crazy desert adventure where I attempted to follow the train tracks of the Iron Ore train that runs 700 kilometers through the Sahara. About halfway, I crash, and my motorcycle doesn't start anymore. Time for plan B. Or C, or D. Any plan really.

  • S07E19 Invited by NOMADS in Mauritania for some CAMEL MILK

    • March 29, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this final part, I follow Ahmed through several dune fields, past Ben Amira and other incredible rock formations, to finally reach Atar.

  • S07E20 Was this the real location of the lost city of Atlantis? Deep into the Mauritanian desert

    • March 31, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am starting the big adventure to try and reach the Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara or the Eye of Africa. An incredible feature that lies in the remote Mauritanian desert. I decide to team up with Ahmed, who I met earlier and is very knowledgeable about this part of the country. He also carries my 40 liters of fuel, all the water, my luggage and camping equipment, so my bike is much easier to handle through the sand and over the steep rocky mountain...

  • S07E21 Hectic mountain climb on motorcycle to reach Richat Structure (Atlantis?)

    • April 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I have to climb the mountain range that I was riding parallel to in the previous days. The track is steep, with extremely loose boulders and quite technical.. How far still till I reach Atlantis?

  • S07E22 World’s most fascinating feature, but is it Atlantis?

    • April 5, 2023
    • YouTube

    After days of riding through the desert, and facing thick sand, dunes and steep rocky mountain climbs - I am finally at the Richat Structure and able to ride straight through the Eye of the Sahara. UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE!

  • S07E23 Ancient desert library with a secret key

    • April 7, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I reach Chinguetti! This was the final destination of my desert adventures with Ahmed. From here on, I'm continuing on my own again. Chinguetti is a fascinating desert town, on the old trans-saharan trade routes and hosts several libraries with ancient books. What an incredible place!

  • S07E24 Brand new road already swallowed by desert in Mauritania

    • April 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I say goodbye to Ahmed and continue my journey through Mauritania on my own. I am trying to make my way to the border with Senegal through a remote route through inland Mauritania, but the route is filled with challenges.

  • S07E25 Chaos at Mauritania - Senegal land border

    • April 12, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am doing a monster ride from Tidjikja in Mauritania all the way to Saint Louis in Senegal. 700 kilometers AND a border crossing! The reason for this crazy day is that I barely have any cash left and there are no ATMs in this part of Mauritania, and on top of that, once in Senegal I only get 48 hours to have my motorcycle papers stamped in Dakar. So... prepare for a monster day..

  • S07E26 River crossing with motorcycle to enter SENEGAL

    • April 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I finally manage to cross the border into Senegal. But, with the previous video included, I rode 700 kilometers this day, with the river crossing at Bogué and then the hectic customs procedure at Rosso Border. I think I've never been more shattered after one day. BUT - I didn't have much choice. Due to no money (no ATMs or ways to get cash anywhere) and the customs procedure with the passe-avant, I just didn't have any choice but do it this way. As long as the plan works, it's all good in the end!

  • S07E27 First leg of the African Continent COMPLETE - Reaching DAKAR

    • April 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I reach DAKAR!! This means that the first leg of this journey around the African Continent is complete and I'll be taking a little break with the channel, to properly prepare for the next leg through West Africa!

  • S07E28 Fixing up my bike to continue down Africa

    • May 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am getting ready in Dakar for the next leg of my journey around the African continent - my Honda CRF300 Rally needs a service after all the riding in the Sahara. The fine Sahara dust gets everywhere, including the tank and fuel pump!

  • S07E29 My motorcycle is BANNED here in Senegal

    • May 7, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding to Fadiouth in Senegal, but I have to leave my motorcycle in Joal, on the other side of a wooden bridge. Even though I could easily ride over the bridge - motorcycles are not allowed on Fadiouth, and they have a very good reason why!

  • S07E30 Getting across the SALOUM DELTA in Senegal is not as easy as I thought

    • May 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    To reach the Saloum Delta in Senegal, I will have to find a boat to take me and my motorcycle across. From the small town of Djiffer, there are lots of boats (called "pirogue") and it's busy with people, animals, boats and all sort of goods. It takes a little time but eventually, I find a boatmen who is willing to bring me across (for a good price of course!)

  • S07E31 I become a free mototaxi driver on an island in Senegal

    • May 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I explore one of the islands in the Saloum delta in Senegal. To get here with a motorcycle was not so easy, and so people are not used to seeing a foreigner on a motorcycle! Nevertheless, I was welcomed with open arms and meet tonnes of new people in this episode. What an incredible place, with incredible people..

  • S07E32 Gambian men cannot believe their eyes

    • May 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am crossing the Saloum Delta in Senegal, on my way to The Gambia. Another border crossing yes! The border crossing is fine - but the chaos truly begins when I board the ferry to cross the river Gambia! There are many, many, police and army checkpoints in The Gambia and they all ask me tonnes of questions. They don't get to see women on motorcycles here often..

  • S07E33 These river crossings are getting RIDICULOUS

    • May 21, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am visiting several villages in The Gambia with Jalamang, a local. But to get there, we have to cross the river Gambia. I have done many river crossings with my motorcycle, but it's just getting a bit ridiculous now. This is starting to look like a re-enactment of Titanic. Jack, I can fly!

  • S07E34 Finding WILD Chimpanzees with Captain Hippo

    • May 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am going on a small boat with Captain Hippo to look for Chimpanzees. The original chimpanzees were re-introduced here in The Gambia and were all rescued chimps. Now, the third generation of chimpanzees has been born in the wild here.

  • S07E35 Will I get the right stamps to get out the The GAMBIA?!

    • May 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am trying to leave The Gambia and cross back into Senegal. The immigration post forgot to bring their stamp though because they were running a bit late that morning..

  • S07E36 I need to speak PORTUGUESE here in GUINEA - BISSAU

    • May 31, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this video I am crossing the border into Guinea-Bissau. Guinea-Bissau was under the rule of Portugal for many centuries and Portuguese is still the official language here. By far the majority of the locals speak Creole or other languages, but since I don't speak those languages, I have to try my best Portuguese here.

  • S07E37 EPIC border crossing in Africa to enter Guinea

    • June 4, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I cross the border from Guinea-Bissau into Guinea. The border crossing involves getting across a wide river in the middle of nowhere. Next, I ride another 250 kilometers of rough roads through rural Guinea. Exactly the type of adventure that I have been craving!

  • S07E38 My motorcycle and I get an absolute beating in the highlands of GUINEA

    • June 7, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding into the Fouta Djallon Highlands of Guinea. It feels like I entered Jurassic park - I am blown away by these landscapes. Trying to cross these plateaus turns out to be extreme rock riding and I ride over 100 kilometers of rocks!! My motorcycle is getting a real beating, but I hope it's all worth it - wait till you see where I end up in part 2 of this ride, in the next episode

  • S07E39 The INSANE escape mechanism of the Guinean People

    • June 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am visiting the Echelles de Lelouma - centuries old handmade staircases hugging the steep cliffs of Guinea. There is a fascinating history to these stairs and it baffles me that they are still being used until today...

  • S07E40 My journey brings me to the edge of GUINEA

    • June 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding through the highlands of Guinea and I am visiting two amazing waterfalls. This is just the beginning of the rainy season (so.. the end of the dry season) so both waterfalls don't have a lot of water running down, but that's why I can actually walk ride on top of them - and even, ride my motorcycle over one waterfall!

  • S07E41 Didn’t think I would enter SIERRA LEONE

    • June 18, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding through Sierra Leone after the first rains of the rainy season, on my way to Sierra Leone...

  • S07E42 My motorcycle has a serious problem. No help in Sierra Leone.

    • June 21, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to Freetown, in Sierra Leone because my motorcycle has been making a bad sound for a very long time now, but in between Dakar in Senegal, and Ivory Coast, there are no mechanics to be found that work on bigger bikes... Unfortunately, this episode is very short, because of an audio issue. I tried to salvage as much as the footage as I could, but unfortunately this video is not up to my usual standards. This is real adventure travel though and I don't record in a studio where you can take several takes! I have one take and if something goes wrong, it goes wrong.. I hope you can still appreciate this episode!

  • S07E43 I shouldn't have taken the single track. Off-roading Sierra Leone

    • June 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am leaving Freetown after a fruitless attempt to have my motorcycle looked at. The mechanic never showed up for work and I didn't think their initial diagnosis of valve clearance was correct. I have no choice but to just keep going towards Côte d'Ivoire, which is the first country where I have a shot of finding a mechanic. Sierra Leone is a small country and in one day of riding, I already pass through more than half of the country! It is extremely lush everywhere and dotted with tiny villages. I am even enjoying an awesome single trail until.. I encounter a rather dodgy bridge..

  • S07E44 300.000 people are digging for diamonds in Sierra Leone

    • July 2, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am exploring the area around Koidu, Sierra Leone's diamond capital. Everything revolves around diamonds here, and almost all inhabitants are working in the diamond mining or trade. Its very hard work for very little money. By far the majority of the people are using hand tools to dig up the diamonds, except for a few large corporations that use heavy machinery.

  • S07E45 The money is worth nothing here

    • July 5, 2023
    • YouTube

    n this episode, I am riding towards the border of Sierra Leone and Liberia. I need to look again for a mechanic that can work on my motorcycle, so I decided to go to the capital of Liberia: Monrovia. On the way to Monrovia, the problems however, stack up and my motorcycle doesn't want to start anymore...

  • S07E46 Lebanese car mechanic trying to fix my CRF300 Rally in Liberia

    • July 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I finally make it to Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, after some crazy traffic. I immediately start looking for the motorcycle shop that I found online, but both the location of their website, as well as the address on their instagram page, are not correct. The phone numbers also don't work... After driving around the entire town, I am so desperate that I ask a Lebanese man at a tyre shop if he knows a motorcycle mechanic. He arranges a car to show me the way to a Lebanese car mechanic who also knows a lot about bikes. Many people along the way already told me that in case of mechanical problems in Africa - look for the Lebanese, because they are the best here. I think I can confirm this and they help me out and even refuse payment..

  • S07E47 Africa’s worst road

    • July 12, 2023
    • YouTube

    n this episode, I am heading further to the south east of Liberia and it's a long day of motorcycling. Over 200 kilometers of dirt roads through the jungle and now that the rainy season has started, this is becoming more challenging very soon. But the rewards once I reach the National Park make it all worth it !!

  • S07E48 Things take a turn for the worst in Liberia

    • July 16, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am trying to make it to the border of Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire. The jungle ride is fantastic, until I encounter a stretch of road which becomes worse and worse. This is the day that my ride through West-Africa changes drastically.

  • S07E49 This broke my motorcycle. INSANE road conditions.

    • July 19, 2023
    • YouTube

    In part 2 of the insane mud of Liberia, I get my bike back and realize that my clutch plates are burnt. I still have to do a lot more mud riding, and then another 500 kilometers to reach Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, where I should be able to get repairs done. But with a destroyed clutch, I'm not getting very far..

  • S07E50 Liberian PRINCE helps me when I am stranded alone in West Africa

    • July 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    In part 3 of one single very crazy day in Liberia, I realize I cannot ride any further. I need to find myself a place to stay, because it's getting late and the weather also took a turn for the worst. A local called Prince, stops and tows me back to Fish Town, straight through the thunderstorm.

  • S07E51 Finding a way to transport my broken motorcycle 570 kilometers through West-Africa

    • July 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I need to get my motorcycle to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. This is the only place where I'll be able to get it fixed. But it's still 140 kilometers through Liberia, to the border. And then another 430 kilometers to Abidjan. This is going to be a challenge..

  • S07E52 Opening up the engine of my Honda CRF300 Rally in West-Africa

    • July 30, 2023
    • YouTube

    In the episode, I finally made it to Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, so I can have my bike fixed. It's a little nerve wracking to see my engine opened up outside on a parking lot though...

  • S07E53 "They will kill you fast in Niger"

    • August 2, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this video, I cross the border into Ghana. My original plan was to ride to the north of Ivory Coast first, so I could still explore a little of the country. However, violence is spreading from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger and the north of Ivory Coast is therefore not safe any longer either. So I figured it was better to cross the border into Ghana, and visit a small stilt village on a lake, called Nzulezo.

  • S07E54 Scary jungle sounds in Ghana

    • August 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I ride my motorcycle to Kakum National Park in Ghana. After a 45 minute hike through the jungle, I reach the canopy bridges. What an amazing experience to walk over the 7 bridges across the canopy and hearing the monkeys and jungle sounds. I then spend the night in a treehouse, surrounded by more jungle sounds..

  • S07E55 Inside Ghana's GOLD mining

    • August 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am making my way to Lake Bosomtwe in Ghana, but on my way there, I ride through the biggest gold mining district of the country. The scale of the gold mining operations is beyond words and both means the livelihood for millions of people, as well as an ecological disaster.

  • S07E56 My motorcycle has a huge petrol leak

    • August 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from lake Bosomtwe towards the border with Togo. I have to split this ride into two because I need to catch a ferry that runs only at 10:30 in the morning and I won't make it to the ferry before that time. So I'll spend one night in a town 30 kilometers from the ferry and continue the next day. Unfortunately, my rear tank is no longer connected to my main tank, resulting in all the petrol leaking out of there. Note to self - do not use rear tank until fixed..

  • S07E57 TOGO immigration officer gets surprise visit

    • August 16, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving Ghana and cross the border into Togo. It's a stunning mountainous area to cross and the views are magnificent everywhere. After some confusing border formalities, I scale Mount Agou : Togo's highest mountain

  • S07E58 Military men in Togo take my camera

    • August 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am exploring the mountains of Togo, West Africa. It's a beautiful area and the motorcycling is amazing here. The rainy season has started though, so I need to find some shelter to hide from a storm, but after that I continue to go and see a waterfall. A few kilometers before the waterfall, there is a roadblock and they do not like my helmet camera.

  • S07E59 This cultural practice is still happening in Benin, West Africa

    • August 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I ride to the north of Togo, and cross the border into Benin there. A full day on tarmac and it's quite different from what I encounter on dirt roads. Many bad accidents with trucks and countless broken down trucks on the road. Riding on tarmac here seems a lot more dangerous then riding on dirt roads! The north part of Togo and Benin are very similar to each other. The people still have traditional Tata Somba houses here and scarification is still commonly practiced.

  • S07E60 I am leaving West Africa

    • August 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    This is the final episode of my journey through Africa .. for now. The rainy season has gotten too intense, so I will have to wait out some of the heaviest rains. In the meantime, I am going to use this time to go on other adventures and try out different motorcycles!

  • S07E61 Itchy Boots returns to Africa. Entering NIGERIA

    • December 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    This episode is about my return to AFRICA! I've returned to my beloved Honda CRF300RALLY "Alaska" after leaving her for 4 months in Benin and I am crossing the land border into Nigeria. There are tons of roadblocks in Nigeria, and some are more legit than others, and I am generally a bit wary of them because you never know what will happen..

  • S07E62 Corrupt Nigerian Police Officer demands MONEY

    • December 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I start my journey through Nigeria and I'm on my way to Abuja to sort out a visa for Cameroon. On the way, I pass many, many checkpoints - and you never know what the response will be, or who is trying to stop you on the road. So I try to keep riding, but sometimes, I have to stop..

  • S07E63 Getting across the river NIGER doesn’t go to plan!

    • December 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am on my way to Abuja, which I should reach in one day now. But I still have to get across the wide river Niger, and according to the locals, there is a ferry... When I finally reach the paved road, and think that the biggest challenge is behind me, I realize it only just begun... stay tuned for the episode after this!

  • S07E64 I run into trouble in NIGERIA

    • December 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this second part of my ride to the capital of Nigeria, Abuja, I think I have reached the main, paved road. Nothing is true and I am fighting my way through probably the worst stretch of road I've ever done in my life. There is no end to the bumpy chaos of trucks, dust and fumes and my entire body is being bashed as I try and get through it. On top of that, a big dark sky suddenly appears and a thunderstorm breaks out. Traveling in Nigeria is hardcore!

  • S07E65 I’m trying to get OUT of Nigeria

    • December 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this video, I am riding from Abuja, the capital of Nigeria to the border with Cameroon. It's well over 800 kilometers, so I take two days to do it. Along the way, I pass over 50 checkpoints - mostly with tree trunks on the road, and often with armed guys without official uniform. I try to make my way quickly through Nigeria, because of the security situation. Once I reach the highlands, I get to see a completely different side of Nigeria, and it's like I entered a different world..

  • S07E66 Dangerous border crossing NIGERIA vs CAMEROON

    • December 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am trying to cross the only landborder between Nigeria and Cameroon that is currently open for foreigners to cross, due to safety concerns in the North as well as South. But before I get to the border, I have still some distance to cover on the Nigeria side, and these mountains are hard to get across...

  • S07E67 My worst fear comes true trying to leave Nigeria

    • December 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am crossing the land border from Nigeria into Cameroon. This year's rainy season has been exceptionally long and intense in West Africa and unfortunately still haunting me. I know I have to cross a river and my worst enemy is the rain, making this river crossing dangerous, as well as the jungle tracks extremely slippery. Once I step out of the immigration office on the Nigeria side, I see dark clouds and the first rain drops are starting to fall...

  • S07E68 They keep these HIDDEN in CAMEROON

    • December 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding from Banyo, in the north of Cameroon, to Foumban. Little did I know, they are making the most incredible huge bronze statues, hidden in this small village, behind some houses. Absolute masterpieces and true craftsmanship.

  • S07E69 Was it a MISTAKE trying to get up this volcano in CAMEROON?

    • December 31, 2023
    • YouTube

    In this video, I am riding from Foumban, to Melong, in Cameroon. Around Melong, I visit the gorgeous Ekom falls, and ride up to Man And Woman lake, on top of a volcano. But the rain keeps on making the journey very hard, and this day is no exception...

  • S07E70 I can't get my motorcycle out of the Cameroon JUNGLE

    • January 3, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to Kribi. On the way, between the towns of Loum and Yabassi - the road turns to an absolute disaster. I have never ridden such a difficult jungle track in my life! I drop my motorcycle in an unfortunate way, and the slippery mud makes it impossible to lift my bike back up on my own.

  • S07E71 Uncover the truth behind the "Big Cancer Plot" conspiracy theory in this eye-opening video! Explore

    • January 7, 2024
    • YouTube

    This is part 2 of the day that I tried to ride to Kribi, in Cameroon. The stretch between Loum and Yabassi turned out to be the most challenging riding I've ever done I think, and there is just no end to the extreme mud, water and steep climbs.. I'm starting to think I'm never getting out of this jungle!

  • S07E72 My Honda CRF300 Rally is getting beaten up in Cameroon

    • January 10, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I only ride until about 50 kilometers south of Kribi, and change my plans for the day because of... yes, rain! I luckily find a place to stay right at the beach, and decide it's time for a little motorcycle maintenance before I join the beach patrol that patrol the beaches in the nighttime to protect sea turtles. It looks like this time, poachers were here before us...

  • S07E73 I need to find shelter FAST - Storm in CAMEROON

    • January 14, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode I am riding from the coast of Cameroon, to the capital: Yaounde. I have to go there because I want to apply for a visa for the Central African Republic, my next destination! The main ingredient you need for this is patience.. (as well as for finding fuel, ATM's and food!)

  • S07E74 Trying to get to CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC

    • January 17, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I start the long journey from Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, to the border with Central African Republic. I choose the northern route, which proves to be a good choice, and the first 430 kilometers is new asphalt and I'm making quick progress. However, as soon as the dirt begins, the challenges start, and when it starts to rain, the jungle track become so slippery - it changes this day into a day, that I did not see coming..

  • S07E75 The part of the motorcycle that I should NOT have BROKEN!

    • January 21, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this part of crossing the Cameroon - Central African Republic border, I get myself into trouble. The rain made some stretches of jungle very, very slippery, and I crash hard. I can't believe that the start button of my motorcycle broke off in the crash!! Everything adds up, and I end up riding in the jungle in the dark still... I need to find a place to stay the night QUICK!

  • S07E76 I got STRANDED in the jungle of Central African Repubic

    • January 24, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I wake up in a small village in the Central African Republic, where I asked to spend the night, because night fell in the jungle and I had nowhere to go. The villagers and their chief immediately took me in, and insisted I park my motorcycle inside the house as well. The people in this part of the Central African Republic are some of the best people I've ever met - and I will never forget their hospitality!

  • S07E77 A Ba’aka (pygmy) guide brings me into their forest full of WILD elephants

    • January 28, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I visit Dzanga Bai, within the Dzanga Sangha national park. This natural place is a haven for wild forest elephant, who come here to dig for mineral rich soil. This is hands down the best place in the world to watch forest elephant in the wild and I can't believe I'm the only visitor there...

  • S07E78 Finding a motorcycle mechanic in a Ba'aka (pygmy) village in Central African Republic

    • January 31, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am going deep into the Central African Republic forests to find a wild gorilla family. It's a dangerous forest, because there are many forest elephant here and you don't want to encounter those while on foot! Luckily I am in the company of some of the best Ba'aka trekkers. They know this forest extremely well and are some of the friendliest people I have ever met. I also go and search for Hassan, who lives around here, as he is the only mechanic in town. The majority of the people here are Ba'aka, and even with my short length, I still tower over most people here. Hassan turns out not to be Ba'aka, but a very skilled mechanic nonetheless!

  • S07E79 He says my international drives license is not correct

    • February 4, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving the Central African Republic and I start heading towards the Republic of Congo. But to do so, I have to cross back into Cameroon first. I am low on cash, and there are no ATMs or banks here, and to get out of the CAR, I have to pay the police, immigration and customs officers. Upon entering Cameroon, the immigration and customs officer also wants money to stamp me in, leaving me with just enough to buy some petrol. As I leave town, there is another checkpoint, and I get the feeling that they want money too.. It's very common to have to show your passport at checkpoints like these, but never your passport, motorcycle papers, insurance, drivers license and international drivers license.. There are no stamps or signatures required on an international drivers license, so this time, I am holding my ground.

  • S07E80 This is an absolute NIGHTMARE - trying to cross CAMEROON - CONGO

    • February 7, 2024
    • YouTube

    This is part 2 of the day in which I tried to get from the Central African Republic, via Cameroon, to the Republic of Congo. The road was a lot more challenging than I thought, and it ended up being a race against the clock, to avoid crossing into the dark. I make it to the river separating Cameroon and Congo just before dark, but by the time I managed to find a 'pirogue' (a canoe made out of a tree), it's dark. When trying to get my motorcycle across the river, the worst possible happens...

  • S07E81 1300 Kilometers through the HEART of the CONGO

    • February 11, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I ride 1300 kilometers through the Republic of Congo, all the way until I reach the coast. The road is paved and in good condition and after all that went wrong in the Central African Republic and Cameroon, I am trying to avoid any craziness! Unfortunately, the weather did not agree with that, and on top of that I destroy my navigation tablet, and realize that when my motorcycle fell into the river, water had gotten into the tank...

  • S07E82 How will I get around the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)??

    • February 14, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this video, I am trying to find a way to get around the DRC - via the Angolan enclave called Cabinda. But, due to a broken crane, I can't take the normal ferry and have to take the cargo boat. However that boat doesn't run on a schedule and only goes if enough cargo is booked for it. Because of that, it often doesn't run for two weeks. I am very anxious to get out of Cabinda and do not want to risk getting stuck there for two weeks...

  • S07E83 My motorcycle NEEDS this service

    • February 18, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I make the final 400 odd kilometers to Luanda, the capital of Angola. Alaska, my Honda CRF300 Rally is running poorly since the little river incident in the Congo, and tons of other abuse. I've heard good things about this motorcycle shop in Luanda, so let's see if they can fix her up!

  • S07E84 CHANGE of PLANS - Angola surprised me

    • February 21, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving the capital of Angola, Luanda, with (hopefully) a fully functional motorcycle again! But before I really leave the city, I quickly hop past an insurance office to buy a road insurance for my motorcycle and then I head for a small town called Muxima. I hoped to stay the night there, but Angola has different plans with me..

  • S07E85 Stumbled across a MYSTERY in rural Angola

    • February 25, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I ride from Dondo to the Kalandula Falls - but on the way, I follow an incredible dirt track through rural Angola, I cross the mighty Kwanza river again, and ride past a stunning rock formation which origins still remain a geological mystery until today.. what a day!!

  • S07E86 Angola police can't believe I did it

    • February 28, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I try to explain my choice of route through Angola and why I am taking this route - and then I set off for a monster ride: 640 kilometers to Saurimo. That should be possible, unless you get crazy lines at the petrol stations and get stopped by the cops...

  • S07E87 I have to HIDE in the forest of ANGOLA

    • March 3, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am continuing my journey through Angola, towards Zambia. Along the way, I ride alongside the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), until the roads veers south towards Zambia. All goes well, until I find myself in the midst of the woods... scared.

  • S07E88 They blew up the bridges in the Angolan civil war Angola

    • March 6, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am finally covering the last 150 kilometers to the border of Angola and Zambia. Being so close to the Zambezi river, there are many small rivers that run across the road, and some very sketchy bridges to cross them...

  • S07E89 Was this a bad idea? REMOTE forest in ZAMBIA

    • March 10, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am leaving the town Zambezi in Zambia and start heading towards the capital of Zambia, Lusaka. That is too far to reach in one day so I try to get to Kaoma. There are two options: the shortcut, and the long way around. I opt for the shortcut - but was that a good idea?

  • S07E90 I discover how the people of ZAMBIA truly are

    • March 13, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to the capital of Zambia: Lusaka. I am mainly going there because I need good internet, but also to look after my motorcycle 'Alaska'. My bike needs a local insurance, a good wash, fuel and some maintenance. While cruising around Lusaka to get everything done, I meet many locals along the way, showing me the real face of Zambia..

  • S07E91 Dangerous roads in ZAMBIA. LIONS everywhere!

    • March 17, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am planning to ride to a small village called Mfuwe, in Zambia, right at the South Luangwa National Park. There is a long dirt road leading there, but that route is not without dangers. It's still rainy season, and the rivers there are full of crocs and hippos and there are no bridges. So I have to figure out if the water levels are low enough so I can cross but I'm getting mixed information from the locals..

  • S07E92 From being LOCKED up in ETHIOPIA to getting on a KTM in MADAGASCAR in ONE DAY

    • March 20, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I cross the landborder between Zambia and Malawi. I'm riding straight to the capital of Malawi, Lilongwe, to catch a flight to... MADAGASCAR! I'll be exploring Madagascar for a couple of weeks on a rental motorcycle, a KTM350. But to get there, I'll have to fly via Ethiopia, which comes with a couple of surprises...

  • S07E93 MADAGASCAR on a KTM350: NOT what I expected!

    • March 24, 2024
    • YouTube

    This is my first ride in Madagascar, on a rented KTM350 and together with a local: Didier. I'm not entire sure what I expected of Madagascar but it exceeds all my expectations!

  • S07E94 No electric cars: Ox-wagons instead. MADAGASCAR

    • March 27, 2024
    • YouTube

    In part 2 of the first ride in Madagascar, the dark clouds finally catch up with Didier and me. There is a hurricane system offshore of Madagascar and that can bring lots of rain. In the meantime, I have flashback to the crazy slippery mud in Cameroon...

  • S07E95 Entering a different world - MADAGASCAR

    • March 31, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, Didier, my local guide, and myself ride 500 kilometers across Madagascar, the reach the west coast. That means a long hot day on the enduro bikes - but it will be all worth it once we reach the west side of Madagascar!

  • S07E96 DROWNING a motorcycle is EASY in MADAGASCAR

    • April 3, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I am riding to Kirindy forest, in Madagascar, together with my local guide Didier. I'm renting a KTM350 but riding here during the rainy season is very, very tricky. The water levels are about waist high, but since you can't see the bottom, it's a gamble. Every. Single. Time.


    • April 7, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I get to see an amazing group of lemurs up close in the wild, in Kirindy forest. Next, my local guide Didier and I ride back to Morondava, where I visit a place where they've rescued several different species of lemurs and look after them. Itchy Boots is friend of lemur!

  • S07E98 Trying to cross the SWAMPS of MADAGASCAR, I got lost alone

    • April 10, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, my local guide Didier and I start riding south along the west coast of Madagascar. It's the rainy season and the swamps and rivers are not easy to cross.. Somewhere along the line, Didier and I get separated and I have no clue where he is or what's going on..

  • S07E99 When all goes wrong in MADAGASCAR. I end up in a remote village on a SANDBANK

    • April 14, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, the Kawasaki of my local guide Didier, no longer wants to start.. and we are stuck in a remote village that is not reachable by car. The only way to get out of here with the broken motorcycle, is by boat. So we have to get to another tiny village, about 5 kilometers away, that is built right on a sandbank and try to catch a boat at high tide..

  • S07E100 KTM350 EXC vs Little Chinese Bike on the BEACHES of MADAGASCAR

    • April 17, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, it's attempt #2 to ride south along the west coast of Madagascar. After the Kawasaki of Didier broke down, he got another motorcycle to ride.. but, this specimen comes with it's own set of troubles.. But first, we are spending 2 days on a 'tuff-tuff' to Morombe, where the sand begins...

  • S07E101 You can only meet them after days of offroading through REMOTE part of MADAGASCAR

    • April 21, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I unlock an absolute paradise in Madagascar. The west coast is incredibly beautiful and a paradise for enduro motorcycles! Thick sand, dunes, but none of that is a problem if you have a powerful, light bike and I am loving it. To top it off, I get to go on one of the local sailboats and experience some local fisherman's life - what a magical place...

  • S07E102 Swapping a KTM350 for a VINTAGE Honda AFRICA TWIN

    • April 24, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I reach Toliara, a larger town on the west coast of Madagascar, and this means the end of the dirt ride... It also means the end of the ride with my local guide Didier, from here on, I continue alone! And because it will be tarmac from now on, it's time to say goodbye to the awesome KTM350 and trade it for something completely different...

  • S07E103 Things are different now I am on my own again! SOLO in MADAGASCAR

    • April 28, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, it's time to start heading back to the capital and because it will be tarmac from now on, I continue on a pretty much vintage Africa Twin. I say goodbye to Didier and I'm on my own again: mixed feelings! The incredible town of Fianarantsoa is all worth it though!!

  • S07E104 I need to return this Honda Africa Twin in MADAGASCAR.. FAST!

    • May 1, 2024
    • YouTube

    I can't believe this is already the last episode of my adventures in Madagascar... Time flew by! On top of that, I have to race to get back to the capital of Madagascar in time, because my flight out of the country is this evening and I still need to cover 450 kilometers over not-such-good-road (understatement!).. In the end of this episode I explain the unfortunate reason as to why I now have to rush like mad...

  • S07E105 I'm reunited with my BIG LOVE!

    • May 5, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this video, I am back in Malawi, after spending several weeks in Madagascar, and I am reunited with my motorcycle "Alaska", a Honda CRF300 Rally! It's time to start exploring Malawi, and there is only one logical place to go: Lake Malawi!

  • S07E106 The road that destroyed all ... Malawi is NOT for beginners!

    • May 8, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, I meet up with my best friend Mandy, who happens to be in Malawi at the same time as me, for breakfast, and then I continue the long and crazy ride up to a small town called Livingstonia. This road is... INSANE!

  • S07E107 I have no choice but to take my loss on this one

    • May 12, 2024
    • YouTube

    The rains in Africa continue to chase me around and on top of that, I accidentally left my rain jacket behind at the place that I stayed. The risk of falling down and breaking something in the process, while going back down that slippery trail had me decide not to go back for it. The ride continues!

  • S07E108 This was not the day I expected

    • May 15, 2024
    • YouTube

    In this episode, my plan was to make one last loop through the mountains of Malawi. But the road is tough and my plans take a few turns during this day...

  • S07E109 My journey through Africa is over

    • May 19, 2024
    • YouTube

    This day did not go the way I had planned, but has big consequences. This means an end to my journey through Africa and the end to Season 7.

  • S07E110 Complication from surgery - what will happen next on Itchy Boots?

    • May 22, 2024
    • YouTube

    This is unfortunately the last video of this season - for reasons that become clear in this video. Thank you so much for joining me this season.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x38 This time Itchy Boots is not alone..

    • September 3, 2023

    I am taking a break from West Africa to escape the rainy season and I'm using this time to try different motorcycles, ride in different mountain ranges, and after years of solo travel, ride with some friends!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x39 Would the Ducati Desert X be my new adventure bike?

    • September 10, 2023

    In this video, I return from Andorra back to Barcelona with my friends Charly, Killian and Roel. Its been amazing to try out the Ducati Desert X - could this bike be my future travel companion?

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x40 I entered the DINARIC RALLY in CROATIA

    • September 17, 2023

    I am using my break from Africa to try out another bike and to work on my riding techniques! To be better on my own, I try to race a rally once a year to work on my riding. This year, I am entering the Dinaric Rally in Croatia! I borrowed a KTM 350 EXC to race on, and well, what an absolute beast!! I think it's the perfect bike for this terrain and I can't wait for the rally to begin!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x41 SUDDEN END to Dinaric Rally for ITCHY BOOTS

    • September 24, 2023

    The DINARIC RALLY kicked off!! 110 riders will race through the Dinaric Alps for 6 days straight. To announce our arrival to the village of Knin, Croatia, we do a little parade through town. The next morning, Stage 1 begins and although I hoped to be faster, I am still pleased with position #48 after stage 1. Stage 2 begins well, and my position is good, but at 320 kilometers into the Special Stage, I have a very unfortunate accident, resulting in a broken hand. This is part of motorcycling, there is always a risk that you have to be willing to take. In this case, it was just an unfortunate mishap as I wasn't even riding at race speed! That means the end of the Dinaric Rally for me, but I am so happy I got to experience this part of the world and I will be back very soon!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x42 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 (PRE-PRODUCTION BIKE): can’t believe I’m riding it in India

    • October 11, 2023

    Back to where it all started! Five years ago, I rented a Royal Enfield Himalayan in Manali, India and rode it around the Himalayan mountains for a couple of weeks. I loved it so much, that I bought one in Delhi, named it Basanti and rode it half across the world. Now, I am back in the Himalayas, but this time, on the NEW Himalayan, a bike that is not yet launched. I got the incredible opportunity to try this pre-production bike out, and this time, I have my cameras to record these adventures in India. LET'S GO!!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x43 Only Indians allowed here (Pakistan Border)

    • October 15, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding from Turtuk, at the end of Nubra valley, close to the border with Pakistan, all the way across Ladakh, to Pangong Lake, close to the border with China! It's an incredible ride across the high mountains of the Himalayas!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x44 The Himalayan Lake that is split between INDIA and CHINA

    • October 18, 2023

    In this episode, I ride alongside Pangong Lake, the worlds highest saltwater lake and 1/3 is in India, and 2/3 in China. That means, I have to cross the 8th highest mountain pass, to avoid getting too close to the border with China...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x45 Getting MARRIED in Ladakh, India

    • October 22, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding to my favorite valley in Ladakh: Zanskar valley. But I'm taking a road that I haven't taken before, because it only opened in the last couple of years. It's an insane ride over high mountain passes, and in between, I also somehow end up in a Ladakhi wedding...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x46 Royal Enfield Himalayan 452 or a Frozen River to GET OUT of Zanskar Valley?

    • October 25, 2023

    In this episode, I ride further into Zanskar valley. The road I'm following at first, is relatively new and only exists for a few years. Before that, people from villages like Lingshed, where I spend the night at a homestay, had to walk for days. In winter, the only way out of the snowed in valley was walking over the frozen Zanskar river, also for days on end... It's a magical place!

  • Episodic Special


    • October 29, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding from Kargil, in Ladakh, to beautiful Srinagar, Kashmir. To get there, I have to get over the Zoji Pass, and I end up in the largest military convoy I have ever seen in my life..

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x48 750 kg of PURE GOLD in India - never seen anything like it..

    • November 1, 2023

    In this episode, I am leaving Srinagar, Kashmir, and I am riding to Amritsar, in Punjab. It's an 8 hour motorcycle ride, but it's all worth it once I see the Golden Temple...

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x49 By far my most INTENSE experience in India

    • November 5, 2023

    In this video, I leave Punjab and enter the state of Rajasthan in India. I am entering the desert! But first, I visit an unique temple, dedicated to the goddess Durga - and even though I knew what the temple was all about.. I have to admit, I was still a little shaken!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x50 TOPSPEED of the New Royal Enfield Himalayan 452

    • November 8, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding the new Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 to Jaisalmer, in the desert state of India: Rajasthan. On the way, I quickly test the topspeed of the pre-production bike, and it easily hits 140. I might have been able to push it a bit further, but it would be better to do this on a highway where it's legal to ride fast, such as one in Germany!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x51 Terrifying noises coming from the HAUNTED TOWN of Rajasthan, India

    • November 12, 2023

    In this episode, I leave Jaisalmer and ride to Jodhpur. On the way out of Jaisalmer, I stop at the haunted, abandoned village of Kuldhara..

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x52 MOTORCYCLE is worshipped as a DEITY - only in India

    • November 15, 2023

    In this episode, I visit the Om Banna temple in India, the only place in the world where a motorcycle is worshipped as a deity. It's a fascinating story and a popular pilgrim place. India keeps on surprising me, wherever I go!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x53 Kalbelia people - the snake handling tribe of India

    • November 19, 2023

    In this episode, I ride to the small town of Bundi, in Rajasthan. I meet Mr. Kuki, an archeologist who discovered many rock paintings in the area and knows many people and places here. Together we explore the area around Bundi and meet up with Kalbelias people, whose traditional occupation was snake handling, and snake venom trading, but whose lives have changed a lot now in modern India..

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x54 Daily life in RAJASTHAN, INDIA - CITY vs RURAL

    • November 22, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding from Bundi, to Rusirani, a small community inside the Sariska Tiger Reserve. On the way, I pass through Jaipur, the Pink City. I see camels on the road, elephant, water buffalo and stay with an incredibly hospitable Indian family in the country side. I will never forget this day, and seeing so much of my beloved country that is India..

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x55 4500 KM - Royal Enfield Himalayan 452 - REVIEW

    • November 26, 2023

    In this episode, I am riding the last kilometers from the little village of Rusirani, back to Delhi. My India series has come to an end, so I share some of my thoughts about the bike. I am not an expert at doing motorcycle review videos, so I just mention the main differences between this bike and the old version, that I rode a lot too, and my opinion on the bike!

Season 8 - Asia

  • S08E01 Nobody expected me to choose this motorcycle to ride around the world

    • September 29, 2024

    ITCHY BOOTS IS BACK!!!! After months of recovering from my accident, I am ready to hit the road again. And I will do it on a new motorcycle!! In this episode, I reveal the motorcycle that I will ride for my new adventures around the world

  • S08E02 We've created a MONSTER - Yamaha Tenere 1987

    • October 6, 2024

    In the last episode I've introduced my new motorcycle, a 1987 Yamaha Tenere. This motorcycle is the same age as me! Although... this bike is far from the original version by now. In this video, Moritz will show you the ins and outs of this incredible and unique motorcycle.

  • S08E03 37- year old suspension complicates everything

    • October 13, 2024

    For my 1987 Yamaha Tenere, I have an original Ohlin suspension that's already been around the world some 20 years ago. Better get that serviced! But on opening up - it was worse than we thought..

  • S08E04 German engineering saved the start of my motorcycle journey

    • October 20, 2024

    After testing my Yamaha Tenere 1VJ from 1987 with my luggage strapped on it, it turned out that the weight of my luggage pushed against the plastics, causing it to melt to the exhaust.. I need reinforcements! Luckily, Hannes (Moritz' son) and Robert are incredibly talented (their company is called Herbst Freitag) and they designed and manufactured something special for my bike..

  • S08E05 Not the beginning of my new adventure that I hoped for

    • October 27, 2024

    It's the start, it's the start!! YES!! I am so happy to really begin this new journey, even though the onset reminds me a bit of my first day on the Patagonia to Alaska journey... Terrible weather slaps me in the face!

  • S08E06 850 kilometers through Turkey on my 1987 Yamaha Ténéré XT600

    • October 30, 2024

    The second day on the road in Turkey and the weather has turned around for the better - as I ride through mountains, past lakes with flamingos and squeeze through little villages, I am clocking kilometer after kilometer on my 1987 XT600, and am getting to know my bike better by the kilometer!

  • S08E07 The Romans left this behind in Turkey

    • November 3, 2024

    In this episode, I am on my way to Konya, in Turkey. To get there, I have to cross a mountain range - while passing old roman structures like bridges and even an abandoned huge amphitheatre!

  • S08E08 This mega city is the soul of Turkey and NOT what I expected!

    • November 6, 2024

    In this episode, I explore the city of Konya - home to the grave of the most read poet in the world: Rumi, or: Mevlana as he is known in Turkey. I visit Whirling Dervishes, devotees of Mevlana to watch how their ceremonies are being done and I ride around the city looking for... internet (that tends to happen when you upload a lot on YouTube!)

  • S08E09 NOT the day I expected to have in Türkiye!!

    • November 10, 2024

    So much happened on this day exploring Turkey! From old civilizations from 7000 years B.C, till Roman jacuzzi's in volcanic craters, till getting lost in tunnels of a hidden city in the rocks - oh and some epic motorcycling in between! A day I will not forget very easily..

  • S08E10 Agressive dogs chased me onto a ridge in Türkiye

    • November 13, 2024

    In this episode, I first check out Caravanserai Sultan Han, a fascination peek into history when traders stopped over here on their way between Asia en Europe on the Silk Road. Next, I'm headed into Cappadocia, a part of Turkey that I've visited before, but now I'm going to areas I didn't see last time. At the Ihlara valley gorge, I get chased by two big kangal dogs and try to escape via a single trail hugging the mountain and with sheer drops into the gorge..

  • S08E11 I damaged my restored motorcycle for the first time

    • November 17, 2024

    In this episode, I explore a little more of the lesser known parts of Cappadocia. But when you ride offroad.. trouble will find you ( or is it just me??). Always.

  • S08E12 There was NO warning at all! Don’t go on this road in Türkiye

    • November 20, 2024

    In this episode, I am crossing a huge part of Turkey so I have a lot of distance to cover! After quickly covering some distance on paved roads, I take the last part of today's journey over small backroads through the mountains. But to my surprise, without any warning, they've dumped fresh tar on the road and I have no option than to ride through it..

  • S08E13 Was this a MISTAKE? Turning back is no option

    • November 24, 2024

    In this episode, I ride my 1987 Yamaha Ténéré to the Black Sea coast of Turkey. I follow the course of the Euphrates river, but to do so, I have to enter one dark tunnel after the other, there is just no end to these tunnels...

  • S08E14 They told me this is the most dangerous road in Türkiye

    • November 27, 2024

    In this episode I am leaving the Black Sea coast of Turkey and heading back into the mountains. And WOW - my mind is blown with these unpaved mountain passes. But are they dangerous?

  • S08E15 My bike shut down on top of a 2400 meter mountain in Türkiye

    • December 1, 2024

    In this episode, I am leaving Bayburt in Turkey and am full of plans. But the day turns out a little different than expected - I get to test my reserve on my bike and the weather plays some tricks on me...

  • S08E16 Inside the most active volcano of Türkiye - you WON’T believe this!

    • December 4, 2024

    It's time to get up and close with the most active volcano of Turkey, right on the northern shore of Lake Van - this place is not what I expected, that's for sure!

  • S08E17 This happens when you get closer to Iraq

    • December 8, 2024

    This is my last full ride in Turkey already, I can't believe how fast it has gone by. As I approach the border with Iraq, there are more and more checkpoints, something that will happen a lot more in the coming time.

  • S08E18 Crossing the border into IRAQ

    • December 11, 2024

    In this episode, I am leaving Türkiye and cross the landborder into Iraqi-Kurdistan. This is my first time in Iraq and I can't wait to explore Kurdistan!

  • S08E19 First impressions of IRAQ

    • December 15, 2024

    In this episode, I start from Duhok, close to the border with Türkiye and start exploring Kurdistan - in the north of Iraq.

  • S08E20 I broke my rule of No-offroading in IRAQ

    • December 18, 2024

    In this video, I am riding in the North of Iraq, in Kurdistan and even though I made a promise to myself not to go offroad in Iraq - this canyon was too hard to resist..

  • S08E21 I need to fix this before I continue to Baghdad, Iraq

    • December 21, 2024

    In this episode, I make my way to Erbil, Iraq. This is the capital of Kurdistan and I make my way through the busy city (and many street markets!) to find the motorcycle district, because I need to sort out a little problem before I can continue on!

  • S08E22 They STOLE my motorcycle in IRAQ

    • December 25, 2024

    This day did not go according to plan. After breakfast, I walked down and saw that only my motorcycle cover remained and my motorcycle was gone. Stolen. This was not how I thought this day in Erbil, Iraq, would go..

  • S08E23 Thieves cut all wires of my motorcycle - this complicates everything

    • December 29, 2024

    My motorcycle got stolen in Erbil, Iraq, and when I found it back - all the wiring was cut. I thought I fixed it the day before, but even though I am very eager to leave the following morning, getting the motorcycle started is more complicated that I thought.. On top of that - I completely lost my voice :(

  • S08E24 Leaving Iraq doesn’t go according to plan

    • January 1, 2025

    After getting sick and having my motorcycle stolen, I am not on top of my game and I start making mistakes.. crucial mistakes.

  • S08E25 “They are WILD” - Smugglers at Iraq - Iran border

    • January 5, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Kurdistan, and to continue further into Iraq, I need to make a small detour to Iran, so I can get a visa on arrival for Federal Iraq. This Iraq-Iran border is not what I expected though...

  • S08E26 They don’t let me leave IRAN

    • January 8, 2025

    In this episode, I cover 250 kilometers in Iran and try to leave Iran and enter Iraq. But things turn out differently when the stamp in my Carnet de Passage is the wrong one and customs doesn't let me leave Iran..

  • S08E27 I have no choice but to accept this offer - IRAQ at night

    • January 12, 2025

    In this episode, Mohammed and I finally manage to get me across the border into Iraq. I can stay with him and his mom, but first, we need to get to his house. In the dark, on a motorcycle without any lights. Good thing he knows a good mechanic!

  • S08E28 This is where Saddam Hussein was hiding from the Americans

    • January 15, 2025

    In this episode, Mohammed, the guy who helped me across the border into Iraq, is showing me around Jassan. Next we ride into the mountains where Saddam Hussein was hiding from the Americans, but first, the police take me to the police station.

  • S08E29 What the media doesn't show you about BAGHDAD, IRAQ

    • January 19, 2025

    In this episode, I ride from Jassan, at the border of Iraq and Iran, to Iraq's capital city Baghdad. Here I meet up with Aya, who I already met in Kurdistan, and she shows me around Baghdad. If you are planning to visit Baghdad yourself (or other parts of Iraq), she can organize everything for you! Find here on instagram:

  • S08E30 The Saddam Hussein palace in Babylon that turned into an American Command Centre

    • January 22, 2025

    In this episode, I leave Baghdad, Iraq and ride south. Towards the ancient Babylon, and Saddam Hussein's old palace that overlooks it. But this day does not go smoothly, as a large nail punctures my rear tire.

  • S08E31 Life in modern day Iraq is nothing like ancient Mesopotamia

    • January 26, 2025

    In this episode, I leave Al Najaf and cross through the heart of ancient Mesopotamia. The cradle of civilization, where the first writing originated. The site of Uruk is historically very important, and I am amazed that I am the only visitor there. The ziggurat of Ur is just as impressive and I end a long day in Nasriyah.

  • S08E32 The Garden of Eden and its people - Iraqi Marshlands

    • January 29, 2025

    In this episode, I explore the largest wetlands of Iraq, a place in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - a place many believe was the place of the biblical Garden of Eden. Many thanks to Abu Haider, for showing me this magical place.

  • S08E33 No more kickstarting my Yamaha Ténéré from 1987!

    • February 2, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Iraq! I'm crossing the border into Kuwait, to ride to Kuwait City. There I can finally go to a good motorcycle workshop and have a new wiring loom fitted on my bike!

  • S08E34 Crossing into SAUDI ARABIA

    • February 5, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Kuwait and crossing another border into Saudi Arabia. That means that I won't have to do any border crossings in a while because this country is HUGE! I can't wait to get into the desert and try out my new knobbly tires, but first.. let's try and get across this border.

  • S08E35 I shouldn't have STOPPED

    • February 9, 2025

    This episode is my first full day of riding in Saudi Arabia. I can't wait to ride dirt so I head straight for the desert. Even though this isn't the most scenic part of desert in Saudi Arabia, I am loving the feeling of dirt under the tires! When I stop to check up on my water bag, I realize I stopped just in front of soft, deep sand: a mistake..

  • S08E36 I lost 6 liters of water in the desert of SAUDI ARABIA

    • February 12, 2025

    In this episode, I am trying to find my way around a large dune field in Saudi Arabia but things don't go according to plan. A silly bike drop leads to another silly thing - my water bag getting caught between my chain and wheel..

  • S08E37 This is not the SAUDI ARABIA I was expecting

    • February 16, 2025

    In this episode, I am riding to Hail, in Saudi Arabia. This country is one big playground for off-road desert riding, with tracks EVERYWHERE.

  • S08E38 Unexpected rainfall changed everything - SAUDI ARABIA

    • February 19, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Hail and I have a big day planned with lots of desert riding. The day starts off well, riding through a beautiful gorge but soon turns into a nightmare in a wadi...

  • S08E39 My motorcycle doesn't start anymore after a fall in the water

    • February 23, 2025

    This is part 2 of what happened when I tried to pass through a wadi close to Hail, in Saudi Arabia. Things didn't go according to plan, but leave it up to the Saudi people to make sure you will be fine!

  • S08E40 Rear tyre valve destroyed in the desert of SAUDI ARABIA

    • February 26, 2025

    In this episode, I am attempting to leave Hail for the second time, but again - the desert surprises me and I have to change my plans..

  • S08E41 In this desert in SAUDI ARABIA - only the dead remain

    • March 2, 2025

    In this episode, I ride to AlUla - one of the most scenic towns and areas I've ever seen in my life. But besides stunning scenery and some of the best sand riding I've done so far, I ride to Hegra. And Hegra, quite frankly, absolutely blew my mind...

  • S08E42 Nobody heard of this place in SAUDI ARABIA

    • March 5, 2025

    Welcome to paradise... As I leave Al Ula in Saudi Arabia, I head north - right into paradise and the most beautiful wadi I have ever seen...

  • S08E43 I can’t believe people build their houses like this - SAUDI ARABIA

    • March 9, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Al Disah and I am making my way across the mountains to the Red Sea town Al Wajh. After tonnes of adventures in Saudi Arabia already, I am hoping for an easy ride!

  • S08E44 The day everything went wrong in SAUDI ARABIA

    • March 12, 2025

    In this episode, I am riding to Medinah, but things take a turn for the worse already within a minute of leaving. Thinking I have had the worst behind me, I continue on, not knowing what is waiting for me...

  • S08E45 Gear shifter is DESTROYED, my body under attack - nothing is going to plan

    • March 16, 2025

    In the second part of my episode in which I try to reach Madinah and I don't know what is going on with this day. My gear shifter is destroyed, which takes some work in the mountains and just when I think I'm back on track - I come across a real plague!! And then I haven't even gotten close to Madinah..

  • S08E46 This was the best choice - getting out

    • March 19, 2025

    In this episode, I am leaving Madinah quickly. This just wasn't the place for me and I decide to move on: to Jeddah. And wow, what a difference!! (Also, Frankie gets some TLC!)

  • S08E47 I cannot get this image out of my head

    • March 23, 2025

    In this episode, I am trying to make my way to Al Bahah, high up in the mountains of Saudi Arabia. But things don't quite go as I'd hoped. A roadblock sends me back towards Mecca, for an enormous detour, that forces me to stay the night in Taif. When I continue again, the ride is spectacular, but I also realize that life on the road can be dangerous, always.