Want to help and support saving of sea-turtles? I've donated to the project here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/chaca... This is a small scale project run by volunteers, so all help is greatly appreciated and goes directly to the project! Find more information on what they do here: Instagram: @tortugaschacahua Facebook: Campamento tortuguero Bahia de Chacahua In this episode I visit a terrible relic from the past, the town where there used to be a turtle slaughterhouse and where millions of turtles were killed in Mexico for their meat, leather and eggs. I continue along the coast to find a place where they protect turtles but to my shock, I learn that those operations have mainly stopped since the pandemic because there is no more money. Without any governmental funding either, these projects are mostly stranded. One is still going and is run completely by volunteers - I am in awe of the dedication to save these species and am grateful for the opportunity to see their incredi