Strange tornadoes are appearing in Tokyo, targeting and killing two professors. When another tornado attacks a military base, Iron Man enters it and finds the cause, another Zodiac warrior who easily defeats him. Meanwhile, Nanami attends a meeting with Chika Tanaka, Tony's co-worker, and another Professor, Sakamoto, who talk about the Tesla Project, an anti-natural disaster machine worked on by them and the other professors, before they themselves are attacked by the tornado. Tony tries to help some survivors, but is met with harsh criticism from the rescue team. As Chika and Nanami research the Tesla Project, they soon learn that Sakamoto is the man responsible for selling the Tesla research to the Zodiac, though thanks to Nanami they manage to escape. With the armor repaired, Iron Man reenters the tornado and defeats the Zodiac with an EMP cannon.
Extraños tornados están apareciendo en Tokio, apuntando y matando a dos profesores. Cuando otro tornado ataca una base militar, Iron Man entra y encuentra la causa, otro guerrero del Zodíaco que lo derrota fácilmente.
D'étranges tornades apparaissent à Tokyo, ciblant et tuant deux professeurs. Lorsqu'une autre tornade attaque une base militaire, Iron Man y pénètre et trouve la cause, un autre guerrier du zodiaque qui le bat facilement. Pendant ce temps, Nanami assiste à une réunion avec Chika Tanaka.