Vincenzo, grazie all'intercessione di Giulia, aiuta la rivoluzione rischiando di perdere tutto
Lorsque Palerme s’élève contre le pouvoir central du royaume de Naples, Vincenzo doit protéger sa famille. Suite à l’intervention de Giulia, il accepte à contrecœur une proposition du chef rebelle Giuseppe La Masa. Cependant, il sait que ce pacte est une arme à double tranchant.
When Palermo rises against the Kingdom of Naples’ central power, Vincenzo has to protect his family. Thanks to Giulia's intervention, he begrudgingly accepts a proposal by rebel leader Giuseppe La Masa. However, he knows that the pact is a double-edged sword. When the rebels flee to avoid arrest and execution, Vincenzo is forced to accept the consequences before the king to save the Florio family.
Durch Giulias Intervention hilft Vincenzo der Revolution und riskiert, alles zu verlieren.