Yotos und Tsukikos Zeit in der Vergangenheit ist noch nicht vorbei, und es gibt noch eine Sache, die getan werden muss, bevor sie in die Gegenwart zurückkehren.
While a sick Tsukasa is being treated by the younger Yōto, the young Tsukushi, along with Tsukiko, agrees to visit their mother once again after Yōto persuades them. At the mansion, the young Tsukushi and Tsukiko wear the clothes their mother made by hand. Knowing that their mother loved them, the young Tsukushi laments over wanting to have memories with her mother. The younger Yōto reprimands Tsukushi, but nonetheless, gives her his precious memories with Tsukasa for their sake by wishing to the cat god, resulting in the current Yōto forgetting all about meeting the Tsutsukakushis and Emi in the past. Meanwhile, Yōto and Tsukiko return to the present. After heading back to the mansion, Tsukushi decides on not going to Italy and afterwards, Yōto and Tsukiko share a kiss. Days later, Yōto, along with Tsukiko, Tsukushi, Azusa, Emi, and Mai have fun at an amusement park.
Yôto et Tsukiko, encore dans le passé, essaient de retrouver les petites Tsukushi et Tsukiko alors que leur mère est alitée…
어머니와 대화도 나누지 않은 채 이탈리아에 돌아가려고 하는 츠쿠시와 츠키코를 호텔까지 찾아가 다시 데려온 요코데라. 그러나 어린 츠쿠시는 집에 와서도 어색함을 숨기지 못하는데... 그때, 요코데라는 갑자기 츠쿠시에게 옷을 벗자고 제안한다.
Yokodera, quien fue a buscar a Tsukiko y Tsukushi, quienes estaban a punto de regresar a Italia sin siquiera hablar con su madre, al hotel, los llevó de regreso nuevamente. Sin embargo, el joven Tsukushi no pudo ocultar su incomodidad incluso cuando llegaron a casa... En ese momento, de repente, Yokodera le hace una propuesta a Tsukushi para que se quite la ropa.