Drei Monate sind seit den Aufständen der Minimum Holder vergangen. Murasaki hat sich mit Hajime zusammengeschlossen und das Detektivbüro wieder eröffnet. Bei einem Auftrag, einen Stalker ausfindig zu machen, treffen die neue Hamatora Hikaru, der Lichtgeschwindigkeitsminimumholder.
The people from the detective agency based in the Nowhere Café in Yokohama mourn the death of their comrade Nice said to have perished during riots three months ago. When a client arrives to request a job involving a stalker, Hajime decides to replace Nice and forms the Hamatora Mark II alongside Murasaki. Meanwhile, the rest of the Yokohama group, Birthday, Ratio, Honey and Three are having less jobs than usual due to the riots involving Minimum Holders. Hajime and Murasaki's job is interrupted by Hikaru, a Minimum Holder who soon becomes a celebrity. When the Hamatora Mark II receives a murder request from a client, they instead become bodyguards of Hikaru through his producer. Hajime and Murasaki learn that Hikaru has attracted several girls but is unwilling to accept or reject them. One night, Hikaru allows himself to be the victim of the girl who wants him dead but she is stopped by Murasaki. The girl brings a group of thugs jealous of Hikaru and Hajime and Murasaki start fighting them. They are aided by Nice who is revealed to have been alive and has learned that the producer wanted Hikaru dead. After defeating the enemies, Nice is welcomed back in Nowhere Café by his friends who stop pretending he is dead. Murasaki then asks Nice why did he reveal himself which he responds is due to somebody's actions. Elsewhere, Hikaru is found by Art.
Les obsèques de Nice laissent place à une nouvelle enquête pour l’agence de détectives Hamatora. Ils doivent servir de gardes du corps à Hikaru, une star détentrice du minimum de vélocité, que toutes les jeunes demoiselles de Yokohama semblent vouloir assassiner…
Sono passati tre mesi dai tumulti dei Minimum Holder a Yokohama. Murasaki ha iniziato a collaborare con Hajime per riprendere il lavoro da investigatore privato. Durante le indagini per un caso di stalking, gli Hamatora conoscono Hikaru, il Minimum Holder della Velocità della Luce.