Hirscher und Triela sind in die Villa von Christiano eingedrungen. Pino hat das bemerkt und liefert sich mit Triela einen erbitterten Kampf. Jean und Rico fangen Christiano ab, als dieser fliehen will. Justament in dem Moment als die Mitglieder der Gesellschaft den angeschossenen Christiano abtransportieren wollen, treffen Franko und Franka mit dem Auto an der Villa ein…
The "Pinocchio Arc" comes to a conclusion. Franco and Franca decide to come to the aid of Cristiano and Pinocchio. Triela and Pinocchio battle it out with guns and knives while Hillshire looks for Cristiano. Pinocchio shoots Triela with her own pistol and Cristiano is shot and then captured by Jean and Rico. Franco and Franca arrive to rescue Cristiano and make their escape by car. They reach the roadblock and Angelica shoots Franca. They fail to negotiate a bend in the road and crash into the Mediterranean. Triela finds Pinocchio and her training allows her to finally defeat him. In the aftermath of the battle, they dredge the car from the sea, but no bodies are found. All of the cyborgs are congratulated by their handlers for jobs well-done. Back at the compound, the girls settle back into their daily routine.
Pinocchio e Triela iniziano un combattimento cruento, mentre Rico riesce a catturare Cristiano, che però viene tratto in salvo da Franco e Franca, che fuggono su una macchina. Triela riesce ad uccidere Pinocchio, mentre l'auto in cui si trovano Franco, Franca e Cristiano sbanda a causa dei colpi sparati da Angelica e cade in un fiume. Alla fine della missione, tutte le "marionette" ricevono i complimenti dei "fratelli".
El "Arco de Pinocho" llega a su fin. Franco y Franca deciden acudir en ayuda de Cristiano y Pinocho. Triela y Pinocho se enfrentan con pistolas y cuchillos mientras Hillshire busca a Cristiano.