Marco, der ehemalige Fratello von Angelica, musste wegen einer Augenverletzung aus der Gesellschaft ausscheiden. Marcos ehemalige Freundin Patricia ahnt, dass Marco in einer dubiosen Organisation tätig war und stellte ihn deshalb zur Rede. Leonardo Conti recherchiert als Journalist im Auftrag der Padanier über die „Staatliche Gesellschaft für soziale Wohlfahrt“ und hofft Patricia dafür als Info-Quelle nutzen zu können. Doch Marco bekommt davon Wind…
A month after Angelica's successful return, she seems to be doing well-- Marco, however, still has doubts, and is upset by the fact she is becoming more and more different from the old Angelica; Triela, on the other hand, remains deeply depressed after her failure in the fight against Pinocchio. Priscilla, feeling sorry for Angelica, offers her a ride back from the firing range on her Vespa, and the two become much closer, despite Angelica's continued memory loss. Meanwhile, Marco's ex-girlfriend, Patricia, is approached by a reporter named Leonardo Conti, who claims to know a shadowy truth about the Social Welfare Agency, and wants Patricia to help him investigate it. Driven by concern for Marco and a growing distrust for the Italian government, Patricia agrees, but Leonardo turns out to be a PRF undercover agent and takes Patricia hostage. After Angelica kills Leonardo, Patricia demands to know why he's aiding the government in its "crimes", to which Marco responds that he didn't end up that way because he wanted to-- suggesting that he's still driven by his love for Angelica.
Marco è preoccupato perché Angelica sembra avere continue perdite di memoria. Triela è invece depressa dopo il fatto accaduto a Montalcino, e Priscilla le fa fare un giro sulla sua Vespa. Intanto Patrizia, l'ex fidanzata di Marco, viene avvicinata da Leonardo Conti, un uomo che si presenta come giornalista e che dice alla donna di avere alcune informazioni sui terroristi. Patrizia decide di aiutare l'uomo, che si rivela però un membro del Movimento delle Cinque Repubbliche e minaccia con la pistola Patrizia. In aiuto della donna intervengono Angelica e Marco, e Angelica uccide Leonardo Conti.
Un mes después del exitoso regreso de Angélica, parece que se encuentra bien; sin embargo, Marco aún tiene dudas y está molesto por el hecho de que ella se está volviendo cada vez más diferente de la antigua Angélica; Triela, por otro lado, sigue profundamente deprimida después de su fracaso en la lucha contra Pinocho.