Through the battle with Minato Sakai, Sekai and Fumina have realized what they need to do, and they quickly begin working towards the championship. Meanwhile, in order to keep his promise to Fumina, Yuuma is building power-up equipment for his Lightning Gundam. But rival teams are also steadily preparing for the regional qualifying tournament. Each with their own dreams in their hearts, they all gather for the Gunpla Battle Japanese Under-19 Championship’s West Tokyo Tournament. On the first day of the tournament, Fumina arrives with her just-completed Winning Gundam, and Sekai and Yuuma have been making their own preparations too. A random drawing determines that the Try Fighters will fight in match three of the first day. Demonstrating the results of all their efforts thus far, the Try Fighters finally begin their struggle to reach the national tournament!
在与阪井凑对战之后,世海和文奈明确了各自的目标,并为了锦标赛而开始行动。与此同时,佑马为了达成与文奈的约定,为闪电高达制作强化装备。其他选手也同样在为地区锦标赛预赛而准备着。每个人都把各自的期盼藏于心中,迎接全日本高达模型对战锦标赛初级组别西东京大赛的开幕。文奈在比赛首日刚好完成了凯旋高达,在她的带领下,世海和佑马也为了这一天作好准备。经过抽签,Try Fighters的首战被安排于首日的第3场赛事。为了展示一直以来努力的成果,Try Fighters终于开始挑战全国大赛!