Die Ereignisse vom Fest des Vortags hinterlassen eine gedrückte Stimmung im Festival-Klub. Banri hat Angst, dass seine Erinnerungen zurückkehren könnten und sein derzeitiges Ich verschwinden wird, doch er ist nicht imstande, seinen Freunden davon zu erzählen.
After the incident at the Awa dance festival, Banri fears of losing himself due to his memories from before his accident returning. Kōko tries to comfort Banri by having dinner with their friends at his apartment as he plans to tell them about his background and other recent troubles. Things went sour when Barni tried to invite Chinami but agreed to come nonetheless. At Banri's apartment, Chinami arrives earlier as planned as she plans to have a serious conversation with Banri before the others arrive. Chinami confesses that she felt relieved after seeing Banri being friendly with Linda as she was in love with Mitsuo and felt regret when she changed her appearance after cutting most of her hair. Following her outburst, Chinami asks Banri to film her in her dejected self. As Banri intends to tell Chinami about her past with Linda, Banri gets possessed by his former self and begins calling out for Linda until finally storming out his apartment but not before telling Linda and the others to not tell Kokō of what happened to him, not knowing that he was filmed all along by Chinami's camera. After being reassured by Mitsuo and Nijigen and made a recording of himself with Chinami's help, Kōko refuses to accept the ring Banri had presented to her and seemingly ended their relationship.
Suite au malaise de Banri et aux erreurs des autres membres, le club des festivals perd l'aide de son sponsor qui lui prête costumes et instruments de musique pour leurs défilés. Linda encourage tout le monde à ne pas baisser les bras. Ils trouveront une solution pour le prochain festival. Banri, de son côté, est de plus en plus troublé par son passé qui le rattrape.
Lo ocurrido en el festival deja destrozado al club de Banri y Koko; pero nuestro protagonista deberá lidiar con sus propios problemas y, sobre todo, con el miedo a "desaparecer" y olvidar todo lo que ha vivido hasta ahora.