Nach der Rückkehr von seinem Ausflug nach Hause erhält Banri Kokos Antwort auf sein Liebesgeständnis. Am nächsten Tag ist Banri sich unsicher, wie er mit Kokos ungewöhnlichem Enthusiasmus umgehen soll, aber Yanagisawa ignoriert sie weiterhin.
After finding the photo of him and Linda, Banri runs to the bridge where the accident that caused his amnesia occurred to remember more, but cannot. Unbeknownst to him, the spirit of the eighteen year old Banri Tada watches him, and explains that the fall caused his eighteen year old spirit, and all his memories, to leave his body, and that he cannot be seen or heard by the current Banri. After returning to school, Banri meets with Kōko, who gives him a mirror that matches hers to commemorate their friendship. The next day, Banri and Mitsuo run into Kōko, who begins to act overly cheerful and dramatic about her friendship with Banri. Linda, who was helping Kōko register for classes, soon joins them and meets Mitsuo, while later inquiring about Kōko and Banri's joining the Festival Club. Kōko answers that both of them will join, while Banri wonders why Linda has not mentioned that she knows him from before. At their first dance rehearsal, Kōko demonstrates she cannot dance, which causes her to be depressed and cry. After calming down, she apologizes to Banri for her behavior, and confesses that she is still recovering from being dumped by Mitsuo, but he reassures her it is fine, and reaffirms their friendship by using the mirror she gave him. That night, Banri recalls the memory from when he escaped the hospital; he had seen a flashing light from his window, and when he snuck out to see what it was, he discovered it was Linda, and as the two talk, it is revealed that she was the one who inspired Banri to come to Tokyo. Banri wonders why Linda has not mentioned any of this to him, and the spirit of Banri laments that he cannot tell the current Banri how important Linda was to him.
Koko retrouve Banri après sa rupture avec Yana et la déclaration de Banri. Elle décide de tirer un trait sur Yana et de vivre de nouvelles expériences. Banri s'est aperçu qu'il connaissait Linda depuis ses années de lycée mais il ne se souvient plus des liens qu'ils avaient.
시즈오카에서 과거의 자신과 린다에 관한 사실을 알게 된 반리. 도쿄로 돌아온 뒤에도 린다와의 관계가 신경쓰여 머릿속에서 떠나질 않는다. 한편, 코우코와 함께 축제연구회의 모임에 참가하고 돌아온 그날 밤, 반리는 1년전에 병원 뒷산에서 린다와 만났던 것을 떠올리며 상념에 젖는데...
Banri descubre la foto que tenía con Rinda y se dirige al puente en el que tuvo el accidente para intentar recordar, aunque sin éxito. Mientras, el espíritu del Banri de 18 años contempla cómo le han arrebatado su vida.