Jin Joo and Ban Do's argument is heard throughout the campus as it was broadcasted in the school radio show. The students of the school begin their search to find the married couple. Meanwhile, Nam Gil saves Jin Joo from getting hurt, and Ban Do goes on his first date with his first love, Seo Young.
교내 방송실로 들어간 진주와 반도의 싸움이 방송을 타고 캠퍼스에 울려 퍼지고, 이를 들은 학생들은 방송 속 '부부' 찾기에 혈안이 된다.
한편, 남길은 다칠 뻔한 진주를 구하고, 반도는 첫사랑 서영과 첫 데이트를 하는데..