A screening event for the first episode of an anime that Chitose is starring in has arrived. Chitose and the other four girls would be appearing and talking, singing, and showing the first episode. Momoka and Kazuha have done a number of these events, so they seem calm. Meanwhile, the remaining three are filled with anticipation and nervousness... or so they thought. While Yae and Koto seem nervous, Chitose seems pretty relaxed in the green room, as she had no problem falling asleep...
치토세가 주연을 맡은 작품의 1화 최초 상영 이벤트 날. 하지만 이벤트 당일까지 본편 1화가 완성되지 못하는 사고가 일어난다. 치토세의 뻔뻔함과 카즈하, 모모카의 노련함으로 우여곡절 끝에 이벤트를 마치고, 드디어 1화 본방 날이 다가오는데…
Chitose et ses camarades sont prêtes à monter sur scène pour présenter le premier épisode en avant-première de la série qu'elles doublent ! Malgré les problèmes que semble rencontrer la production, le projet se concrétise petit à petit. Elles vont même pouvoir chanter le générique de début sur scène. Dans quelques minutes, elles se produiront devant les fans impatients... À moins que le coup de fil que reçoit M. Kuzu au dernier moment ne change la donne...