The rebels are forced to sneak around a deserted town while Mint mourns her destroyed birthday plans. Batra is near, and is easily tricked into retreat by a gadget of Yellow's.
Stick and the others use the break in the Inbit threat to throw a birthday party for Mint. Mint gets everything she ever wanted: a cake, a big jar of peppermints, a new dress, a fireworks and airplane show, and most of all, she has a family. And although she would never admit it, that is exactly what she wanted.
This celebration is hardly just a gift for Mint. It was also a welcome bonding opportunity for the group.
C’est l’anniversaire de Mint, et la petite fille est tout excitée à cette idée. Malheureusement, ses amis n’ont que peu de temps à lui consacrer, trop occupés à chercher un moyen de contourner une forteresse ennemie qui leur barre la route.
Es ist Mints Geburtstag, doch das hält die Inbit natürlich nicht davon ab, die Gruppe ein weiteres Mal anzugreifen. So hatte sich Mint ihren besonderen Tag jedenfalls nicht vorgestellt …