Alle helfen mit, in Tachikawa wieder für Frieden zu sorgen und die Problembereiche zu sichern, doch Katze muss nur einmal mit dem Finger schnippen, und die ganze Stadt wird wieder vom Chaos beherrscht.
The Gatchaman look back on how Hajime has influenced their lives since joining them. Meanwhile, Rui manages to get reunite with X once more, allowing the Gatchaman and the citizens to receive assistance from the GALAX network. Hajime gets the Prime Minister Sugiyama to broadcast on the Gatchannel, where he shows more of his honest side and requests everyone sign up to GALAX, before he helps with the evacuation efforts. However, Katze suddenly appears in the guise of Sugiyama, luring the citizens to utilize Crowds.
Los Gatchaman recuerdan cómo Hajime ha influido en sus vidas desde que se unieron a ellos. Mientras tanto, Rui logra reunirse con X una vez más, permitiendo que Gatchaman y los ciudadanos reciban asistencia de la red GALAX.
Tutti fanno la loro parte per riportare la pace e mettere in sicurezza le aree colpite di Tachikawa, ma con un semplice click di Katze, l'intera città ripiomba immediatamente nel caos.
La G-team prend doucement conscience de l’importance du rôle qu’a joué Hajime au cours des événements récents. Le premier ministre décide de présenter des excuses officielles et prend la situation en main.
갓챠맨과루이의 활약으로 겨우 희망이 보이려는 순간, 궁지에 몰린 시민들의 불안을 파고든 캇체가 파괴와 혼란을 더욱 가속시킨다.