The Angel Brigade's mission this time is to protect the "Mock Sunfish", an endangered species. This animal turns out to be the main ingredient used to make a beauty product guaranteed to keep one's skin looking eternally youthful. Realizing this, Forte, Ranpha, and Mint decide to capture one. Milfuelle, however, disagrees, saying the mock sunfish should be protected. On the planet's surface, Milfeulle happens upon a mock sunfish, which the other Angels try to hunt. She runs into many traps and gets sunburned. The other Angels kill the sunfish and start their feast. Milfeulle apologizes to the sunfish about failing to protect him, causing the dead sunfish to disappear and give Milfeulle beauty skin.
난획으로 절멸위기에 처한 아종 맘보를 보호하라는 명령을 받은 엔젤대. 처음엔 별 관심이 없는 엔젤대였지만, 아종 맘보가 'Baby Baby Face'라는 초고가 피부미용 식품의 원료임을 알자 음흉한 생각을 품게 된다. 이 와중에 홀로 아종 맘보를 지키고자 하는 밀피유의 처절한 싸움이 시작되는데...