The Angels go to a resort planet for vacation, and it seems they can get a prize of one million GCs for catching a monstrous fish. Forte wants the prize money, while Milfeulle plans to cook the fish for a meuniere dinner. However, Mint does not believe it is possible to catch the fish and wants Forte to call it off, but Forte refuses. Things go awry when the giant fish knocks over their rented boat, damaging the radio (so now they can't call for help) and the fishing mechanism, trapping Forte in it. The other Angels decide to inflate a raft and abandon her on the boat just when the fish is returning for another attack. Forte stops the fish, but the fish drags the boat and Forte and damages another rented boat.
모처럼의 휴일에 포르테에게 끌려온 엔젤대. 낚시마니아 포르테는 환상의 초거대어를 잡기 위해 바다 한가운데로 어선을 빌려 나온 것이었다. 있는지 없는지도 모를 환상의 초거대어지만, 낚시에 뭔가 잡히긴 잡히는데...
オッス、フォルテだよ。休暇でリゾート惑星に来てみれば、幻の超巨大魚を釣り上げれば100万ギャラの賞金だって!? これはもう、釣り上げるっきゃないだろ! ん、そんなものいるわけないだって? い~や、絶対にいる!! このあたしの勘がそう言っているんだ!!