Tia and Mice learn of the multi-flux and try to help break the pirates out of Deep Dome. Sonny and Corso learn of Thran above Deep Dome and learn how Tia and Mice disappeared. They infiltrate Deep Dome and blow up the control panel so multi-flux can't be drawn from the players. After fighting in the previous episode, Aarch forgives Artegor and puts friendship first. The Snow Kids parents visit Paradisa to help relax their kids before the second semifinal match. D'Jok's mom, Maya, meets Sinedd and sees visions of his past. She comes to the conclusion that the people with him aren't Sinedd's parents, but she fails to share the information before being whisked away. The second semifinal takes place between the Snow Kids and Team Paradisia. After getting out to a quick 2:0 lead, Mark, Mice, and rocket score within a 3 minute period to give the Snow Kids a 3:2 halftime lead. D'Jok decides to pass the ball to his teammates instead of hogging the ball in the second half, and Paradisia gets the tying goal within the final minute of regulation. The episode ends with a 3:3 tie and penalty kicks upcoming. D'Jok is questioned about Ahito's weakness as goalie. Will he spill the secret, or will the penalty shootout be played clean and fair?
Team Paradisia est maintenant en mesure de posséder son propre fluide, ce qui expliquerait les mystérieux tremblements de terres auquel Lord Phénix en à assurer le peu d'importance publiquement. Il ne faut pas oublier que les filles de Team Paradisia ne sont que des cyborgs et non des êtres humains, elles sont donc normalement incapables de possèdent leurs propres fluides. Lord Phénix leur fait injecter du multi-fluide. Le Cercle des Fluides est choqué et décide de partir immédiatement pour Paradisia. Alors que Tia entre dans le vestiaire, elle croit voir Lun-Zia embrasser Rocket. Les Snow Kids se retrouvent face à l'équipe Paradisia pour une demi-finale mythique.
Es scheint, als ob Paradisia einen eigenen Flux hat und dieser für das Beben verantwortlich ist. Die Mitglieder des Kreises sind verwirrt und entschließen sich Paradisia so schnell wie möglich zu verlassen. Das Halbfinale steht bevor. Die Snow-Kids treten gegen das Team von Paradisia an. Dort werden sie auf D’Jok treffen, der alles tun will, um zu gewinnen! (Text: Sky)
Il Team Paradisia è ora in grado di possedere un proprio fluido, il che spiegherebbe i misteriosi terremoti a cui Lord Phoenix ha assicurato pubblicamente la poca importanza. Non va dimenticato che le ragazze del Team Paradisia sono solo cyborg e non esseri umani, quindi normalmente non sono in grado di possedere i propri fluidi. Lord Phoenix li fa iniettare multi-fluido. Il Circolo dei Fluidi è scioccato e decide di partire immediatamente per Paradisia. Quando Tia entra nello spogliatoio, crede di vedere Lun-Zia baciare Rocket. Gli Snow Kids affrontano il team Paradisia per una mitica semifinale.