Ed ist fest entschlossen, gegen die Homunkuli zu kämpfen. Und so wendet er sich an Izumi, um von ihr etwas zu bekommen, mit dem er Wrath bekämpfen kann. Währenddessen begibt sich der alleine zurückgebliebene Al an einen Ort, an dem er alles über die richtige Gebrauchsweise des "Steines der Weisen" zu erfahren hofft: dem Versteck Shou Tuckers.
Al has gone to meet Tucker, and having seen Nina's lifeless body, agreed to help him so that Tucker will teach Al to use the Philosopher's Stone. Tucker is too eager to try to resurrect Nina, though, and Al is used as a component in the transmutation. Ed learns more of Dante's past as he and Sensei mill about her old mansion and talk about their experiences with her. Sensei discovered a love letter from Hohenheim to Dante which was dated nearly 400 years ago. Ed goes back to his room to find Al gone, and Lust and Wrath waiting for him there. An unlikely alliance occurs though, as Lust's mistrust of Dante leads her to cooperate with Ed in hopes that he will make her human again. They rush off to find Al at Tucker's old research lab. They are still on their way when Sloth arrives though, and tensions are high as the episode ends showing Al''s body corroded by Tucker's transmutation.
Ayant compris ce que Scar a fait d'Al, Tucker a attiré ce dernier dans un piège afin d'utiliser ses pouvoirs pour faire revenir sa fille Nina à la vie. Ed, lui, est retourné chez Izumi afin d'en apprendre plus sur la mystérieuse Dante. A son retour, il découvre qu'Al a disparu et il se retrouve une fois de plus face à Lust et à Wrath...
I due fratelli sono in pericolo, quando vengono separati, Ed ritorna a casa di Dante in cerca di indizi e Al incontra Shou Tucker.
Al procura Tucker, que recriou o corpo da filha Nina e agora pretende religar a sua alma. Mas, para isso, ele precisa da Pedra Filosofal. Al tem a esperança de que Tucker possa ensiná-lo a usar a pedra. Enquanto isso, Izumi conta a Edward o que sabe sobre Dante. Ira, Inveja e Indolência vão atrás dos irmãos pretendendo tirar deles a pedra, mas Luxúria acaba mudando de opinião sobre a quem deve seguir.
Acorde al pacto con Wrath de “uno para todos”, Ed viaja de regreso a la mansión de Dante en Dabris y se encuentra con Izumi. Al, mientras tanto, decide encontrarse con Tucker para conocer más acerca de la Piedra. De regreso en Central, el Fuhrer ordena que Mustang y Armstrong vayan a la campaña del norte, donde hay una sorpresa no muy grata esperando por ellos.
두 형제가 따로 움직이면서 위험에 빠진다. 에드워드는 단서를 찾으러 단테의 저택으로 돌아가고, 알폰스는 광기 어린 쇼 터커와 만나 거래를 한다.
De broers komen in gevaar wanneer ze worden gescheiden. Ed gaat terug naar Dantes huis om naar aanwijzingen te zoeken. Al ontmoet de krankzinnige Shou Tucker.