
最愛の母を病気で亡くしたエルリック兄弟は、母を生き返らせようと考えた。 幼くして高い錬金術の能力をもつ二人は自らの能力を過信し、禁忌とされる『人体錬成』に手を出した。 その結果、兄・エドワード(エド)は左足を失い、弟・アルフォンス(アル)は肉体を失い魂だけの存在となってしまった。 自らの右腕と引き替えにエドは、近くにあった鎧にアルの魂を定着させた。 エドは、幼なじみのウィンリィが作った義肢・「オートメイル(機械鎧)」を身につけ、師の教えに背き国家錬金術師(軍属)となった。 自分たちの体を取り戻す鍵となる「賢者の石」の謎に迫る為に。

Deutsch English français italiano 日本語 한국어 Português - Portugal русский язык español 大陆简体 Magyar Português - Brasil Nederlands العربية українська мова
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials March 2005 March 2023 14
Season 1 October 2003 October 2004 51
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Specials 0
Unassigned Episodes 65
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 October 2003 July 2005 52
Unassigned Episodes 13
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Sho Aikawa 29 10/04/2003 - 10/02/2004
Katsuhiko Takayama 5 11/29/2003 - 06/26/2004
Natsuko Takahashi 5 11/08/2003 - 04/03/2004
Akira Yamatoya 5 04/17/2004 - 07/17/2004
Toshiki Inoue 3 10/25/2003 - 03/20/2004
Manabu Ishikawa 2 12/20/2003 - 02/07/2004
Toshi Inoue 1 06/12/2004
Shō Aikawa 1 07/23/2005
Aya Yoshinaga 1 11/01/2003
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Kenji Yasuda 7 10/11/2003 - 10/02/2004
Masakazu Hashimoto 7 12/06/2003 - 09/11/2004
Masahiro Ando 6 12/27/2003 - 09/25/2004
Kazuki Kakuda 6 12/13/2003 - 10/02/2004
Tarou Iwasaki 6 01/10/2004 - 08/07/2004
Tamaki Nakatsu 4 02/14/2004 - 09/18/2004
Shingo Kaneko 3 10/18/2003 - 09/04/2004
Shigeru Ueda 3 11/01/2003 - 08/28/2004
Seiji Mizushima 2 03/27/2004 - 07/23/2005
Atsushi Ootsuki 2 11/29/2003 - 02/07/2004
Kazuki Tsunoda 2 10/04/2003 - 07/10/2004
Jun Fukuda 1 06/05/2004
Johei Matsuura 1 11/08/2003
Kentaro Nakamura 1 10/25/2003
Yoshito Hata 1 11/22/2003
Yoshinori Odaka 1 03/20/2004
Masakazu Amiya 1 12/20/2003

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Fullmetal Alchemist

1 1 Ray047

Two young brothers are raised as alchemists, but when they are severely injured trying to perform a forbidden act, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone.


1 19 toni kaku

Nekketsu refers to a canvas and a genre used in manga (especially shōnen) and shōsetsu (novels). It is directly inspired by the concept of monomyth as described by Joseph Campbell. Osamu Tezuka is credited with having created the genre, through his manga New Treasure Island.

Balgus - Sovngarde

1 116 starcallerbalgus

List of Anime and TV shows watched!


1 81 wateva76

Look an Ahoge

1 18 toni kaku

Ahoge (アホ毛, アホげ), literally foolish hair, is a visual cue common to Japanese anime and manga. Consisting of a single cute, often long, lock of hair sticking out from the top of the head, it is most often used to identify foolish, bumbling or carefree characters.


1 144 nOnOstrOk

Badly Adapted

1 5 toni kaku

We can see this adaptation as a mediocre work if we compare it to the source material. Among the reasons why we can label it as Badly Adapted we can find: bad pace, modification of the story, ellipsis which omit important part of the story.

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