Für Haruka und Makoto beginnt nun das Uni-Leben. Dazu gehört auch das erste Training im Uni-Schwimmklub, zu dem sich Haruka aufmacht. Dort trifft er auf einen alten Bekannten aus Kindertagen.
Haruka has entered Hidaka University, where he's now training with the swim club to prepare for a newcomer tournament. One day, he runs into Asahi, a swim teammate from middle school. Haruka is later joined by Makoto, who also moved to Tokyo, at a coffee shop to catch up with Asahi... and the topic quickly turns to Ikuya, another teammate they swam with in middle school. On the day of the newcomer tournament, Haruka and Asahi are in the same race for the first time in years... and the spectacle is watched by Hiyori, who calls Haruka an "inferior copy of Ikuya." After the race, as Haruka is walking through the halls with Asahi, he catches sight of Ikuya passing by...
Maintenant à l’université, Haruka retrouve Asahi, un ancien copain nageur du collège. Tous les deux devront déjà faire leurs preuves dans leur nouvelle équipe de natation. Pendant ce temps, au club du lycée d’Iwatobi, l’heure est au recrutement.
히다카 대학에 입학한 하루카. 신인전을 목표로 수영부에서 연습을 시작하려던 찰나, 중학교 때 같은 팀이었던 아사히와 재회한다. 함께 상경했던 마코토, 도쿄에서 재회했던 키스미와 함께 중학교 때의 이야기꽃을 피우던 아이들. 이야기는 자연스럽게 중학교 때 친구 중 남은 단 한 명인 이쿠야로 화제가 바뀌었는데.
Agora, na faculdade, Haru começa sua vida no clube de mergulho da universidade. Os garotos, apesar de distantes, continuam a manter contato…
Haruka se reencuentra con Asahi, un viejo compañero de años atrás que nadará en el mismo club de la universidad que él. Ambos parecen llevarse bien pese a las viejas rivalidades, pero poco a poco recordarán más de aquellos días.