Yasaka reveals that Guise was most likely killed by someone using the Heaven Dipper Sacred Yin Fist and not him because of the burn marks on his body. At the port, Tian Xue-Fang decides to wait for the army to dispose of Yan Wang and the Qing Ban. Later, a man with a twin snakes tattoo on his neck delivers new high-powered weapons to the 98th Division of the Japanese army. At Liu Fei Yan's funeral Yasaka offers Erika a gun to kill him in retaliation for the death of Fei Yan, but she refuses. She reveals that the North Star jewel he holds was a secret treasure of the Nahash people. It is listed in the Book of Hope and wanted by the Germans. Yasaka tells the Qing Ban group about the Nahash who created the Heaven Dipper Sacred Yin Fist which killed Fei Yan and should have died out with them. As the Qing Ban group are being observed by descendants of the Nahash, Simeon and Himuka, they are suddenly attacked by Japanese troops.
Alors que Yasaka tente d’obtenir le pardon d’Erika, de nouvelles révélations sur la mort de Guise viennent changer la donne ! Un art martial censé avoir disparu il y a des siècles peut-il ressurgir du passé et faire des ravages ?
Com base nas queimaduras deixadas no corpo de Guise, Kenshiro, Ye, Zi-Ying, e Yasaka conseguem concluir quem foi o responsável por sua morte. Num morro perto da igreja, Erika reza aos pés do túmulo de Fei-Yan, quando Yasaka lhe aproxima para pedir perdão.
기즈의 몸에 남은 불에 탄 화상 자국에 켄시로와 야사카는 하나의 답을 찾는다. 그리고 야사카는 에리카에게 총을 내미는데.