Kenshiro commandeers a Japanese tank to reach Liu Fei Yan. Meanwhile the swallow returns to Fei Yan, and just as Yasaka is about to deliver the death blow the swallow distracts him. As Yasaka kills the bird, Fei Yan stabs his fingers into Yasaka's leg. Suddenly Kenshiro arrives in the tank to confront Yasaka. He calls Yasaka's desire for revenge for a 2,000 year old grudge against the North Star just a complaint. However before they can fight, they are interrupted by Japanese troops and both withdraw, with Kenshiro taking the badly injured Fei Yan. Not wanting Erika to see him die, Fei Yan asks Kenshiro to let him float downriver in a small boat. Following Fei Yan's wishes Kenshiro tells Erika that he has gone away on a journey although she doesn't believe him, just as the fledgeling swallows leave their nest.
Face à Yasaka, l’héritier du Seito Gekken consumé par une colère vieille de deux millénaires, Fei-Yan déploie toute sa puissance, mais cela ne semble pas suffire… Kenshirô arrivera-t-il à temps pour prêter main-forte à son pengyou ?
Quando a batalha entre Yasaka e Fei-Yan está prestes a acabar, um tanque surge no local - e de dentro dele, surge Kenshiro! Para salvar seu pengyou Fei-Yan, ele atravessa uma Xangai ardendo nas chamas da guerra.
야사카와 비연의 승부에 승패가 갈릴 무렵, 한 전차가 둘에게 다가온다. 전차에서 내린 것은 바로 켄시로였고, 야사카에게 대뜸 북두에 불만이 있느냐고 묻는데.