With the appearance of the mysterious Archer-class Servant, Saber tells Shirou to escape while keeps him occupied. However Shirou, knowning that Saber couldn't defeat him before, foolishly tries to attack him head on and with the snap of his fingers Shirou is quickly defeated. Will Saber have the strength to defeat him, esepecially now knowing his true identity; owner of all the world's treasures, the King of Heroes of ancient Uruk, Gilgamesh.Kirei Kotomine also seems to play a major part in the Holy Grail War and it's not because he's the mediator.
Confrontés à Gilgamesh, Saber et Shirou sont très vite submergés par la puissance du Roi des Héros. Grièvement blessés, ils semblent promis à une mort certaine. Leur seule issue réside dans le pouvoir d'imagination de Shirou...
Con la aparición del misterioso Siervo de clase Archer, Saber le dice a Shirou que escape mientras lo mantiene ocupado. Sin embargo, Shirou, sabiendo que Saber no pudo derrotarlo antes, tontamente trata de atacarlo de frente y con el chasquido de sus dedos Shirou es derrotado rápidamente.
여덟 번째 서번트의 정체는 고대 우르크의 영웅왕 길가메쉬였다. 길가메쉬의 공격에 궁지에 몰린 시로와 세이버. 과연, 시로와 세이버는 이 위기를 헤쳐나갈 수 있을 것인가?