Cooks and Alice investigate Gherta's home and old laboratory, discovering her bedroom is entirely devoted to Conrad Rugen. After some more snooping around, they find their way into the GED research labs, where not only do they find evidence of their involvement with the aged scientists but of investigation into the Fragment scriptures.
Meanwhile, Gherta faces the board of directors of the GED Organisation, attempting to stall over future OSL experiments despite her hypotheses about the Fragment - however, when the man funding her experiments makes his appearance, it appears that the GED Organisation is really not who she needs to be wary of. Back in the other two storylines, the Children continue to search for Helga, who decides that she cannot stay with Thoma forever - but given the contents of his dreams they may well
게르타는 도망친 세 명의 조종사에 관한 보고를 하기 위해 동부 본토로 간다. 그곳에서 게드 차원의 증명과 항법을 성공시키기 위해 애쓰는 배후의 인물, 데미안을 만난 게르타는 공포에 휩싸인다. 한편 쿡스와 앨리스는 켓플랙 섬에 있는 팬텀 게드 연구소를 방문하고, 듀마의 모습을 본 베포르의 아이들은 듀마보다 빨리 헬가를 찾기 위해 크레메르로 크레메르로 향한다.