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Season 1

  • S01E01 Hiking in Bordeaux

    • March 19, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) and McKay Cheng (Alex) took everyone to Bordeaux to play the very popular Leap Road, and Alex even showed off his skills like a martial arts star! Afterwards, the two walked into a bar founded by the Bordeaux Chateau Association, tasted a glass of red wine for two euros, and experienced firsthand the saying that "drinking red wine is cheaper than drinking water in France." Ile de Ré is located in the Bay of Biscay in western France. It specializes in the production of sea salt and seafood farming. It can be reached by car in 20 minutes from the famous tourist resort La Rochelle. Christy used the oyster vending machine on the island to buy oysters, and also learned how to put oysters into boxes and package them at the oyster factory. The owner of the factory taught her how to eat oysters. In addition, Christy stepped into Les Grands Montets in the Alps, a famous mountain range in Europe, and under the guidance of a coach, had a taste of ice climbing at 1,300 met

  • S01E02 Liang Zhipei checked into land and air transportation

    • March 26, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) and McKay Cheng (Alex) enjoyed a fast-food traditional French lunch in Bordeaux. The steak cooked with secret sauce and served with baby French fries was very appetizing. The two went to a winery with high online reviews and learned wine tasting, bartending and wine spitting from a wine tour guide. In the small town of Saint-Michel-Chefchef, about half an hour's drive from Bordeaux, a super collector turned his collection of airplanes, trains, buses and trams into a vacation home for rent. Christy went to visit and it opened her eyes. , moved to Paris, and learned from a professional photographer to take photos with a nostalgic film camera and develop black and white photos. Nantes is a city full of art and is surrounded by bungalows. Christy went to a bar on the 32nd floor to enjoy the 360-degree view under the decoration that incorporated the characteristic paintings and designs of the famous French designer Jean Jullien. Take in the view while sipping a cock

  • S01E03 Liang Zhipei visited the Mechanical Insect Art Museum

    • April 2, 2018

    梁芷佩(Christy)留守南特,参观机械昆虫艺术馆,坐上巨型机械蚂蚁和蜘蛛,了解动物如何移动和行走。其后她和麦凯程(Alex)走进波尔多一间酒庄测试运气,希望能够抽中粉红色酒塞,获得在「酒桶」住宿的机会。波尔多还有一间室内滑浪咖啡店,Christy大方地把「骚身材」的机会留给Alex! 巴黎是个吃喝购物的好地方,Christy在日卖过千只蜗牛的蜗牛餐厅细味独一无二的黄金蜗牛后,乘铁路前赴Bercy Village,于1859年已开业的饼店一边享用牛角包、马卡龙及咖啡,一边欣赏街头风光。最后,她到巴黎最有名足球队的纪念品店,搜罗心头好。

  • S01E04 Liang Zhipei works part-time as a butter body sculptor

    • April 9, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) walked into the butter processing factory and saw the master rubbing the butter with hands and using a machine to drain the water to make the butter richer. She then tried using a small shovel to shape the butter into the triangular shape that most customers ordered, and then went to the store to sweep the goods. The most famous activity in the small town of Pornic, about an hour's drive from Nantes, is renting a fishing house for fishing. Unfortunately, due to water depth and seasonal issues, even if the owner of the house sent out bait, Christy ended up not catching any fish. After that, she stayed in a holiday house that only cost more than 30 euros a night. The house was fully equipped, and the most special thing was that the bedroom was located in the attic. Mike Kaicheng (Alex) met Christy on a motorcycle wine tour and went to a winery to taste organic wine, which has become very popular in France recently. It is said that this kind of wine has fewer pres

  • S01E05 Leung Zhipei visits Nantes along the "Green Line"

    • April 16, 2018

    When traveling to France, in addition to visiting famous stores and drinking red wine, of course you must get in touch with the local culture. Liang Zhipei (Christy) first learned simple mime movements from the theater master Ivan Bacciocchi, then visited the oldest restaurant in Paris to taste the most authentic onion soup, duck breast and caramel stewed eggs, and then went to the second-hand market to hunt for treasures and found nostalgia. video game consoles, leather jackets, audio-visual equipment, and even real stuffed lions

  • S01E06 Liang Zhipei and Mackay become "foodies" in Lyon

    • April 23, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) and Mike Kaicheng (Alex) took everyone to Lyon, the third largest city in France. Since Lyon's food industry has emerged in the twentieth century, it is known as the "City of Gastronomy". The two first went to the restaurant to taste the "surprise set menu" issued by the boss, and then went into the one-star Michelin kitchen to learn carving and plate arrangement from the chef. Faced with the temptation of Lyon's delicious food, Alex took on the challenge of indoor skydiving in order to maintain a perfect figure. Afterwards, he met Christy and went to the high-end market where the French food god used to go every day to buy the most expensive chicken in France, French sausage buns, mini macarons and other foods. The Lyon Festival of Lights is a famous local religious program. A four-day light show is held in early December every year, attracting about four million tourists. Zhipei and Kaicheng walked around the city, admiring the lights and savoring Lyon's char

  • S01E07 Liang Zhipei drinks Alpine spring water for free at Evian

    • April 30, 2018

    The mineral water produced in Evian, a small town in France, is widely sold in the streets, but when Liang Zhipei (Christy) came to Evian, she could drink Alpine spring water without paying a penny at the "free pour" location. After that, she went to a spa center that advertised itself with spring water. She soaked, swam, and washed in the spring water. She also jumped into an instrument that challenged the human body's limits to minus 150 degrees to promote the body's metabolism and blood circulation. In Bordeaux, you don’t have to worry about staying in a hotel even if you don’t have money. Mike (Alex) will introduce to you two free holiday homes with lake views! It turns out that there is a local investment and environmental protection project that provides ten free holiday houses for people to experience the beauty of the suburbs of Bordeaux. You only need to book online in advance and bring your own personal supplies. Saint-Martin-Vesubie, about 90 minutes' drive from Nice, has

  • S01E08 Liang Zhipei went shopping with the handsome chef in Avignon

    • May 7, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) came to Avignon, a city in southeastern France. In addition to many historical relics and cultural monuments, there are also many vineyards. She took a small plane to overlook the beautiful scenery at an altitude of 500 meters. Afterwards, she met the handsome chef Chef Jon Chiri to visit the market and tried black truffle cheese and olives of different flavors. She also discovered that Jon had opened a cooking school and French restaurant in the market. There is a 50-year-old glass factory in the small town of Biot. Christy learned to make unique bubble-patterned glasses there, and also shopped at the nearby glass shop. Afterwards, she “went through the back door” to enjoy the Chef’s Table in the hotel kitchen, chatting and communicating with the chef while eating. In addition, she also accompanied Alex (Alex) to visit an olive oil store that specializes in cooperating with French chefs and high-end restaurants. She also gained knowledge from tasting and deepen

  • S01E09 Liang Zhipei and McKay Cheng learn to make bouillabaisse

    • May 14, 2018

    Christy Liang and Alex stayed in Arles, an ancient city of art and history in Provence. They rode horses on a family-run ranch and took a close look at the local high-quality grapes and olives. Later, Christy went to Cannes alone, walked the red carpet at the Film Festival Building, and compared the palm prints of celebrities. In addition to the film festival in Cannes, you can also visit the second-hand market on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Christy discovers high-quality tableware, clothes, handbags, etc. in the market. She also wanders around the Marche Forville market and tastes the must-try salty pizza Socca and fried French cucumbers. Flowers, wine-soaked milk cheese covered with bread crumbs. Marseille is another famous city in France. You must not miss the most famous fish soup and soap when you come here! Christy and Alex met with a private chef to buy fresh ingredients at the port and farmer's market, and learned how to make bouillabaisse at the chef's home. In addition to

  • S01E10 Liang Zhipei’s finale tour of Antibes and Nice

    • May 21, 2018

    Liang Zhipei (Christy) took a nostalgic open-top antique car and climbed to the highest point in the Mediterranean coastal town of Antibes to enjoy the beautiful scenery; she then visited the Picasso Museum to appreciate the artist's creations while working in the museum. Later, she went to buy souvenirs and found a bar in the basement of a store, where she could also drink absinthe, which was once banned. Nice is the fifth largest city in France and a popular holiday paradise in Europe. Christy rode the Ebike to the Promenade des Anglais, where he watched the sea from the blue chairs that represent Nice. Then he went to the market to find local snacks and tasted onion pancakes called Pissaladiere. In addition, she also visited a mountain winery and learned that the grapes grown layer by layer on the mountain have a more layered taste than those grown on the ground. Since the winery only produces 10,000 bottles of wine each year and can only be purchased at high-end restaurants or wi