Während Eureka am Boden zerstört ist, als ihr klar wird, was in der nahegelegenen Stadt Ferris geschieht, muss die Gekkostate jetzt um ihr Leben kämpfen. Wenn es ihnen nicht gelingt, das neue Board für die Nirvash zu bergen, könnten sie in ernsthaften Schwierigkeiten stecken.
Dewey's children decide to start the "awakening" by firing giant bombs into the heart of the "scab coral," releasing millions of Corallians. The Corallians then attack a nearby city. The city is left in ruins. Axel's factory is found out and he decides to leave it for good. Also, while moving supplies from a ship full of survivors of the attacked city, a little boy, whose parents were killed, see Eureka and wets his pants. Axel tries to use a cable to let the board lift off to the Ray line where it will meet with the Gekko, sort of like a kite. But the cable does not break off, so they run off a cliff and let the cable break, with Renton's grandpa now being possibly dead! TheEnd is then prepared for launch to observe the Corallians. TheEnd then makes contact with the Nirvash spec2. The Gekko decided to launch the Nirvash without a board, hoping it would come. Indeed it does and TheEnd gets owned. Eureka then starts having a headache and asks Renton to hold her hand. The Gekko then heads out to where the zone last appeared to find survivors.
Le grand-père de Renton est chargé d'améliorer le Nirvash alors qu'une attaque contre les Coralians dégénère en une lutte tous azimuts.
Il nonno di Renton è incaricato di apportare migliorie al Nirvash proprio quando i Coralian si gettano in una tremenda battaglia.
코라리안의 출현으로 막대한 피해를 입은 마을. 그 상공에서 난민을 수용하는 배와 만난 월광호는 코라리안에 대해 듀이가 본격적으로 움직이기 시작했다는 것을 알게 된다. 랜턴과 유레카는 스펙업된 니르바슈의 보드를 받으러 하늘을 난다. 그러나 거기에는 아네모네가 조종하는 THE END가 기다리고 있는데....
Axel Thurston tiene la tarea de la construcción de la nueva junta directiva de la ref Nirvash. Al mismo tiempo, después de la devastación dejada por el ataque Coralian, el ejército envía TheEnd para observar los Coralians, sólo para ser dejado de lado por el Gekko.