Luka se veseli obiska prijatelja Mareta, ki se je odločil, da bo za nekaj dni ostal pri njemu. Sara se je začasno preselila k Nives, kateri zaupa, da Luki najbrž grozi nevarnost. Preiskava družinske firme Globočnikov počasi napreduje in vse bolj postaja jasno, da je Urh še vedno povezan z Ireno. Ferdo in Luka skušata načrtovati naslednje poteze pri razkrivanju nečednih povezav. Nives je v veliki dilemi, ali naj stopi na stran svojih kolegov ali svojih sorodnikov. Vse preseka vest o tem, da so za Savo našli stolčen Lukov motor.
Luka is looking forward to the visit of his friend Mare, who has decided to stay with him for a few days. Sara has temporarily moved in with Nives, who confides that Luka is in danger. The investigation of the Globočnik family firm is slowly progressing and it is becoming increasingly clear that Urh is still connected to Irena. Ferdo and Luka try to plan the next steps in revealing the indecent connections. Nives is in a big dilemma whether to take the side of her colleagues or her relatives. Everything is cut short by the news that they have found a stooped Luka's motorbike behind the Sava.