Nives iz avta pri pokopališču reši medicinsko sestro Pamelo, ki si je skušala sama soditi. Ko se ji ta zaupa, zakaj ne more domov, jo Nives odpelje k sebi. Luka medtem, kljub izrecni Urhovi prepovedi, skuša dokazati, da Ferdo ni kriv za smrt kolega med lovom. Jasno mu postaja, kakšno igro igra Urh, zato si poišče močnega zaveznika. Nives pa medtem poskuša obvarovati Pamelo pred njenim partnerjem, a stvari ne gredo po njenih načrtih.
Nives rescues nurse Pamela from a car at the cemetery, who was trying to judge for herself. When she confides in her why she can't go home, Nives takes her to her. Luka, meanwhile, despite Urh's explicit ban, tries to prove that Ferdo is not to blame for the death of a colleague while hunting. It becomes clear to him what kind of game Urh is playing, so he finds a strong ally. Nives, meanwhile, tries to protect Pamela from her partner, but things don’t go according to her plans.