Akira will mit allen Mitteln versuchen, sein verlorenes Gedächtnis sowie den gelöschten Handylog zurückzubekommen. Er begibt sich nach Kyoto, um einen begnadeten Hacker namens "Panties" aufzusuchen. Dieser soll seinem Handy die Geheimnisse entlocken. Der Junge scheint ein Wunderkind zu sein und hat sich auf Tatami zurückgezogen. Er verweigert jeden direkten Kontakt zu anderen Menschen und denno...
Takizawa wakes up to find Saki tending to his wounds, and that Kuroha had disappeared. Meanwhile, Ohsugi returns to Eden of the East, telling them that he was invited to a drinking party and had his bag stolen that night, which caused the misunderstanding. He shows his displeasure about them associating with Takizawa and leaves. He then takes a picture of Takizawa and registers to Eden's program, hoping to find out his identity. Takizawa then arrives and asks Eden if they could repair a Selecao phone (which belonged to Kondo). Hirasawa suggests he go visit "Pantsu", a computer prodigy, and sends Saki and Micchon with him to keep and eye on him. While Saki and Micchon go to the convenience store, Takizawa talks to "Pantsu" about Selecao and gets "Pantsu" to let him in. Meanwhile, Ohsugi checks on Takizawa's picture and finds out that the users all identify Takizawa by different names and aliases. Concluding that Takizawa must be some kind of criminal, he calls Hirasawa in a panic to warn Eden.
Takizawa se despierta para encontrar Saki tiende a sus heridas, y se entera de que Kuroha ha desaparecido. Osugi vuelve al Edén del club Oriente; él les dice que fue invitado a una fiesta bebiendo y había robado su bolsa de la noche, lo que causó el malentendido.
Afin de faire réparer le téléphone de Kondou, Akira se rend à Kyoto escorté de Micchon et Saki ; ils doivent y rencontrer un certain Pantsu, qui vit reclu dans une chambre de son appartement. Tout le groupe est pressé de savoir ce que renferme le téléphone, qui pourrait les éclairer sur le passé d'Akira.
Куроха је мистерозно нестао. У међувремену, након што је сазнао да Акира изгледа има више савезника, Ошуги сумња да је он криминалац.