Akira hat keine Lust mehr, darüber nachzudenken, wie man das Noblesse- Handy benutzt, und stellt sich die Frage, was er nun damit anstellen könnte. Da Saki für ihn zu einer besonderen Bekanntschaft geworden ist, beschließt er, sie nach ihrer Meinung zu fragen. Währenddessen führt Saki ein Gespräch mit ihrem Schwager Ryosuke. Es geht darum, dass er einst versprochen hat, sich so lange um sie zu ...
As Akira contemplates the power he has as a Selecao, he is confronted by a stranger who had known him before he had erased his memories. It is implied that the stranger was one of the missing NEETs, since he is angry at Akira for ditching him and his fellows in Dubai. However, grudgingly thanks him since his experiences there helped him reintegrate into society. Realizing that he had forgotten about Saki, Akira asks Juiz to locate her. As he does this, Selecao's No. 1 and 11 take notice of Akira's activities. Meanwhile, after returning home, Saki prepares for her prospective job interview, but she is rudely turned down. She finds Akira waiting for her outside the building and goes with him, venting about how the adults do not care for the younger generation. Akira then kisses Saki and assures her that he will help her. Meanwhile, a heartbroken Ohsugi, who saw Saki leaving with Akira, goes to a restaurant and drowns his sorrow in alcohol. As the drunken Ohsugi leaves the restaurant, Selecao's No. 11 comes across him.
Akira continue de jouer avec son téléphone et découvre qu'il peut même faire dire ce qu'il vaut au Premier Ministre. Mais en agissant ainsi, il attire l'attention du Seleçao n°1.
Акира упознаје особу из своје прошлости. У међувремену, неко га прати, а он се поново среће са Саки након њеног неуспешног разговора за посао.