Gary kann verhindern, dass ein Kind von zwei jugendlichen Autodieben überfahren wird. Die Autoknacker fliehen, aber Gary hat einen der beiden erkannt: Es ist der Bruder des Fotografen Miguel Diaz. Er versucht den Jungen vor weiteren Dummheiten zu bewahren.
While stealing cars for a chop shop, Jose (Joey) encounters Gary, who is brought in by police to ID the teenager in a criminal lineup. When Gary realizes that Joey is Miguel's little brother, he denies knowing him in order to protect his friend. Although Joey promises Gary that he will go straight, his accomplice pressures him into pulling another job, a heist in which the owner of the car is shot and Gary is taken hostage. While trying to convince Joey to give up his life of crime, Gary is wounded by gunfire and left to ponder whether or not he should have acknowledged Joey's involvement the first time around before people were seriously hurt.
Gary empêche un chauffard de renverser une fillette de dix ans mais ne peut rien faire quand les deux personnes à bord de la voiture prennent la fuite. En tant que témoin, Gary est appelé au commissariat par le commissaire Armstrong pour l'identification des suspects. Gary ne sait sur quel pied danser : va-t-il oui ou non livrer le petit frère du photographe Miguel Dias ?
Gary interviene per salvare una bambina che sta per essere investita da un'automobile guidata da un ladro. Nel furto è coinvolto anche il fratello di Miguel, fotografo del Sun Times. Gary decide di non denunciarlo, ma le cose si complicano.