Das Vierte Universum versucht eine letzte Angriffswelle, mit Kämpfern die besondere Fähigkeiten haben. Der erste ist unsichtbar, kann jedoch aus dem Ring geworfen werden, nachdem Son Gohan ihn mit Staub bedeckt hat. Der nächste Kämpfer versucht, seine Gegner mit Illusionen aus dem Konzept zu bringen, wird jedoch ebenfalls schnell aus dem Turnier geworfen. Der letzte Kämpfer des Vierten Universums ist ein winziger Käfer-Mann, der aufgrund seiner Größe nur schwer getroffen werden kann. Ihm gelingt es sogar, Piccolo aus dem Turnier zu werfen, bevor er schließlich selbst von C 17 aus dem Ring katapultiert wird. Da es nun keine Kämpfer mehr hat, wird auch das Vierte Universum vernichtet. In den letzten 12 Minuten des Turniers bleiben somit nur noch drei Universen übrig.
Even after Catopesra enters his ultimate mode, he barely keeps himself from being knocked off the field by Vegeta before something pushes him off. The same entity nearly does the same to Vegeta and Gohan, with Picolo saving the latter, revealed to be an invisible fighter while attacking Android 18. The fighter is revealed to be one of the two missing Fourth Universe fighters Gamisalas, who Piccolo quickly eliminates once Gohan creates a dust cloud to expose him. Undaunted, Quitela orders his remaining fighters to step up their game, Xiangca generating a dome that envelops the Seventh Universe team and manifests illusions of the erased universes' defeated fighters which Damom uses to attack through. With Seventh Universe team assuming Damom to also be invisible, Piccolo eliminates Xiangca upon seeking him but gets eliminated by Damom after his attacks failed to hit him. Android 17 eventually realizes that Damom is a fast-moving insect alien to explain how none of his team could hit him.
Suite à la destruction de l’Univers 6, le Tournoi du Pouvoir entre dans sa dernière phase ! C’est à ce moment que l’Univers 4 commence une attaque surprise contre l’Univers 7 ! Comment Gokū et les siens vont-ils s’y prendre face à cet ennemi invisible ?!
Con la distruzione del Sesto Universo, il Torneo del Potere entra nella sua sua fase finale. Il Quarto Universo comincia così il suo contrattacco a sorpresa contro il Settimo Universo! Come faranno Goku e gli altri ad affrontare questi nemici invisibili?
Com o 2º e o 6º Universo eliminados, poucos universos ainda têm a chance de vencer a extinção no Torneio do Poder. O 4º Universo se mobiliza e, com um inimigo invisível, começa a atacar os guerreiros do 7º Universo!
Los guerreros del Universo 7 tendrán que hacer frente a varios guerreros del Universo 4, pero el mayor problema es que no los pueden ver.
치열한 싸움을 이어가던 각 우주의 전사들은 보이지 않는 적의 공격을 받고 당황하기 시작한다. 하지만 곧 그게 제4우주의 전략이라는 사실이 밝혀지고, 오공 일행은 투명인간과 벌레 인간 등 보이지 않는 적과 맞서싸운다. 초반에 고전하던 오공 일행은 곧 반격을 시작하고, 패배한 제4우주는 소멸되고 마는데…
Com o 2º e o 6º Universo eliminados, poucos universos ainda têm a chance de vencer a extinção no Torneio do Poder. O 4º Universo se mobiliza e, com um inimigo invisível, começa a atacar os guerreiros do 7º Universo!