Surgeon Kaji Hideki has earned himself the nickname “laparoscope magician”. He is skilled but greedy. Because he chose money over title and power, his career progression has been slower than his peers. Kaji gets demoted to Teito Medical University Hospital’s Takamatsu 24th Branch Hospital for assisting in Daimon Michiko’s surgery. He calls Michiko a demon and treats her like the god of pestilence as a result of this demotion and numerous troubles he has to suffer. Then, Kaji is transferred to Teito Medical University Hospital’s Oarai 8th Branch Hospital in the town of Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture. Hailed as a super doctor from Tokyo, Kaji feels smug. On his first day of work, Mifune Haruka, the daughter of a Diet member is urgently hospitalised for appendicitis. At the same time, a poor old man called Tanami Shigeo whom Kaji helped in the street, is also admitted and found to have a serious illness that cannot be cured. So Kaji has a wealthy patient whose surgery will be easy vs a poor patient whose surgery will be difficult. He tries to give priority to Haruka which triggers opposition from rookie surgeon Misaki Kenta who believes that money is not necessary to save a person’s life. What will Kaji’s choice be in the end?
- Doctor Y ~ Gekai Kaji Hideki
加地秀樹は「腹腔鏡の魔術師」と崇められるほど腕がいいが、金には汚い外科医。茨城県の大洗にある「帝都医科大学付属病院 大洗第8分院」に転勤します!東京から来たスーパードクターともてはやされ、まんざらでもない加地。そんな折、代議士の娘が虫垂炎で入院することに。時を同じくして、加地が道で助けた貧乏な老人も入院し、重篤な難病であることが判明します。目の前に同時に現れた“金持ちで簡単な手術の患者”と“貧乏で難しい手術の患者”。そんな中、加地は代議士の娘の手術を優先しようとするのですが…!?
加地秀樹(勝村政信)是人稱「腹腔鏡魔術師」的外科醫生,因工作調動來到位於茨城縣大洗的「帝都醫科大學付屬病院 大洗第8分院」。工作的第一天,加地秀樹救助了路邊痛苦的老人田波茂男(村松利史)。不久,突患闌尾炎的眾議員女兒三船遙香(宮脅笑良),作為特別患者緊急入院。