Robbie hat sich in seine Mitschülerin Caroline verliebt. Als seine zaghaften Annäherungsversuche zurückgewiesen werden, fragt Robbie seine Eltern um Rat. Während Earl keine große Hilfe ist, gibt Fran ihrem Sohn den Tipp, dass alle Frauen sensible Männer mögen. Also versucht Robbie es auf die sanfte Tour bei Caroline - ohne Erfolg. Sein Kumpel Spike dagegen rät Robbie, sich wie ein Barbar aufzuführen. Das führt dazu, dass die beiden nachts vor Carolines Haus von der Polizei aufgegriffen werden...
Robbies got the hots for a young attractive female dinosaur named Caroline Foxworth. But he's plan to woo her fails, so he turns to Spike for some help and when it get's ruined the two end going to jail and almost arrested. Luckily the police send Robbie and Spike home which brings Earl and Fran the arguments to the two. But what Earl doesn't realize is that Spike confesses that the females are causing alot of troubles with the males. Then fran comes and punishes Robbie untill furthur notice. Later Robbie finds out that Spikes been dating Caroline, which turns him to the point to confront him after all the trouble he went from him. But caroline isn't please and rejects Robbie.
Bob tem problemas para conquistar a garota por quem se interessou no colégio. O rapaz se enrola todo e acaba aceitando a ajuda de Carlão, um "descolado" da escola, que na verdade só quer afastar Bob da moça.
Asombrado por una bella dinosauria llamada Caroline, Robbie cae bajo la mala influencia del incivilizado Spike, quien insiste en que Robbie debe comportarse como un animal duro y machista si quiere tener éxito con las chicas.
Robbie si prende una cotta per una giovane e attraente dinosaura chiamata Caroline Foxworth. Ma il suo piano per conquistarla fallisce, così si rivolge a Spike per un aiuto.
Bob se apaixona por uma garota do colégio. Ele tenta encontrar uma maneira de conquistá-la, mas seus planos acabam não dando muito certo.
Robbie blir förtjust i en vacker dinosaurie vid namn Caroline.