In der Shinobi-Zone macht sich Mikeys Team zusammen mit einigen heimischen Monitamons auf den Weg zum Karatenmon-Schrein. Sie wollen dort die Code-Krone sicherstellen, bevor sie den Bagra-Truppen in die Hände fällt. Am Schrein angekommen erfährt die Gruppe, dass Karatenmon die Krone nur herausrückt, wenn er zum Lachen gebracht wurde. Mit vereinten Kräften schaffen es Nene und Angie, die Herausforderung zu meistern. Doch plötzlich kommt es zum Angriff feindlicher Etemons …
As Xros Heart meet the Monitamon of the Shinobi Zone, who have been following their exploits through the Monitamon under Nene, they learn that Blastmon's general Musyamon has taken over most of the Shinobi Zone. They visit a Monitamon training camp and learn that the Monitamon Princess has been taken hostage by Mushamon, who wants the Code Crown in exchange. Just then, a Shurimon arrives and tries to attack the Monitamon Elder, but leaves in exchange for a Samurai DVD. After trickily getting everyone up a cliff, Zenjirō falls off but is saved by a group of Etemon. They are then led to the lair of Karatenmon, who will only give up the Code Crown if someone can make him laugh. Everyone puts on their own acts to make him laugh such as Shoutmon's DigiXros with other Digimon, but with no result. However, Nene, who has lightened up a bit more, joins Akari in a comedy sketch which successfully makes Karatenmon laugh. When he reveals the Code Crown, the Etemon snatch it revealing themselves as spies under Mushamon. Taiki DigiXros Ballistamon and Persiamon into BalliBastemon to seduce the Etemon, before hitting them with a surprise attack and finishing them with the Star Sword. Nene and Akari become friends and Xros Heart regains the Code Crown to rescue the princess.
Ahora en la zona de Shinobi, Xros Heart se reunió inmediatamente con el anciano monitormon que les informa de que el Ejército Bagra se ha apoderado del castillo y mantiene como rehen a la princesa. Nene insiste en ayudar y Akari toma nota, con el deseo de hacer amistad con la chica retirada.
מייקי ונבחרת ההתאחדות מגיעים לאיזור הלוחמים - כפר האימונים של המוניטמונים! הם נחושים להשיג את קוד הכתרים של האיזור, אולם מופתעים לגלות שהדרך שבה ייאלצו להשיג אותו שונה מבדרך כלל.