Conan and his friends go to visit Genta, who has been taken to the hospital. A false bomb threat was called into a bank, and the passers-by in front of the bank including Genta, Otsubo, and Kagura were injured when they were caught in the panic. Kagura was also injured two weeks earlier when an unexploded bomb was detonated at a construction site. His friend Kochiyama uploaded pictures of the unlucky Kagura to social media to earn lots of "likes." Conan and his friends begin investigating who called in the false bomb threat, and..
Suite à l’assassinat de Kikuhide Ootsubo, une des victimes de l’alerte à la bombe, les Detective boys reprennent l’enquête. Leurs soupçons se portent en priorité sur Sumito Kagura qu’ils suspectent d’avoir été surpris par Kikuhide Ootsubo en train de provoquer une bousculade pour gagner des indemnités...
어린이 탐정단은 카구라에게 찾아가 살해당한 오오츠보에 대해 이야기하지만 그가 거짓말을 하는 낌새는 느끼지 못한다. 어린이 탐정단은 다시 초넨텐을 찾아갔고, 코치야마가 헛소문을 퍼트렸다는 사실을 알아냈다. 범인의 정체가 점점 좁혀지는 가운데 갑자기 코난이 서둘러 카구라의 집으로 달려가는데...
Después de que aparezca muerto el principal sospechoso de la Liga Juvenil, deberán centrarse en los motivos del resto de sospechosos, pero ¿Tienen algo además de sus respectivas carreras de influencers?
Conan inizia a sospettare che sia stato Kagura a effettuare la chiamata per poter guadagnare i soldi dell'assicurazione. Il giorno dopo però Otsubo, l'altro uomo che era stato ricoverato, viene trovato morto.
Després que aparegui mort el principal sospitós de la Lliga Juvenil, s'hauran de centrar en els motius de la resta de sospitosos, però ¿Tenen alguna cosa a més de les seves respectives carreres d'influencers?