Manami, daughter of the president of Nakashiro Electric, is kidnapped, and the bag containing the 100 million yen in ransom money is carried away by Ogikubo Ryuji using a drone. Detectives Sato and Takagi are also pursuing Ogikubo as the supect in an armed robbery. Ogikubo takes Sato hostage and heads for the Ocean Hell, where he plans to meet up with his accomplice Hiroyuki and split the ransom money. The detectives arrest Ogikubo before he rendezvous with Hiroyuki, but the 100 million yen inside the bag has disappeared. Conan pursues Manami and Hiroyuki in order to solve the case, but...
Le pilote du drone parvient à se débarrasser de Conan en le faisant tomber. Takagi rencontre Kogoro, qui l'informe des événements entourant l'enlèvement. Takagi parle plutôt à Kogoro du vol sur lequel il enquête avec Sato.
Il pilota del drone riesce a liberarsi di Conan facendolo cadere. Takagi incontra Kogoro, che lo informa degli avvenimenti relativi al rapimento. Takagi racconta invece a Kogoro della rapina sulla quale sta indagando con Sato.
El pilot del dron aconsegueix desfer-se d'en Conan tombant-lo. Takagi coneix Kogoro, que l'informa dels esdeveniments que envolten el segrest. Takagi li explica a Kogoro el robatori que està investigant amb Sato.