Conan interrogates the party guests at Sodou's home and learns Ena has been persuading her husband to wear his wool sweater under his fleece jacket and to use his classic car for the past three weeks. The police ask Ena to come with the station with them so they may ask more questions. She is escorted by Agasa's car where they make a stop to refuel on gas. Agasa trips spilling the gasoline and asks Haibara to use the key and open the trunk to his car. She is however stopped by Ena who proclaims an explosion will occur due to a static shock. The garage door opens and the police reveal it was a setup in order to gain a confession to the murder by Ena. Conan reveals that the reason Ena was asking Sudou to wear his wool and fleece combination was to build up static electricity. He reveals that since Sodou's classic car did not use a remote keyless system, when Sodou attempted to lock his car with his keys, the static electricity he built up transferred from the key to the car-door's lock resulting in a spark which ignited the vaporized gasoline. Ena reveals that her motive was revenge. In the past her father had a heart attack and since her mother was unable to drive, they became stranded on the mountain. Sodou passing by and refuses to drive them to the hospital and instead, laughs at their predicament. Her mother then passed away shortly due to shock and Ena swore revenge against Sodou ever since.
Avant que Conan ne parvienne à résoudre l'affaire, le commissaire invite les garçons à quitter le lieu du crime et à se rendre au camping. Mais avant de monter dans la voiture, Ai fait un geste qui permet au jeune détective de comprendre ce que le meurtrier a utilisé pour déclencher l'explosion. Conan met alors en place une simulation pour faire avouer le coupable. Subaru Okiya aide Conan à piéger la meurtrière.
Prima che Conan riesca a risolvere il caso, il commissario invita i ragazzi a lasciare il luogo del delitto ed a proseguire per il campeggio. Prima di salire in auto, però, Ai fa un gesto che fa capire al piccolo detective cosa è stato utilizzato dall'assassina per innescare l'esplosione. Conan allestisce, quindi, una simulazione per indurre la colpevole a confessare. Subaru Okiya aiuta Conan ad incastrare l'assassina.
Conan resuelve el caso creando una trampa para Ena, que hace que ella misma se descubra. Su truco consistía en la electricidad estática, y llevaba intentado matarlo tres semanas. Ella revela que lo mató porque se negó a ayudar a su padre cuando estaba a punto de morir.
Conan resol el cas creant una trampa per a Ena, que fa que ella mateixa es descobreixi. El seu truc consistia en l'electricitat estàtica, i portava intentat matar-lo tres setmanes. Ella revela que el va matar perquè es va negar a ajudar el seu pare quan estava a punt de morir.