The Robots’ Rebellion reveals the alarming extent to which people of all nations are programmed by the ideas fed to them by those in power. We live in a world which is increasingly dominated by technology but, according to Icke, it is we who are the robots. Fearlessly, he tears down the veils of hypocrisy, built up for generations by the corrupt forces of Church, State, science and commerce — and reveals the true pathos of the human condition beneath. He points, too, to the frightening influence wielded throughout the planet by a merciless and manipulative network of secret societies. The existence of long-established links between Earth-bound humanity and beings from other dimensions and planets in the Universe has been suppressed for years, says Icke, by the world’s power-broking hierarchy. When ordinary people learn the real role they have to play within a rich and varied cosmic society, rebellion against those who have kept this extraordinary truth from them will, he predicts, be inevitable.
This is a video called Turning of the Tide featuring a presentation made by David Icke in 1996 in which he detailed the agenda for the Big Brother global state. Listen to what he said all those years ago - and then look at the world today.
Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was mind-programmed from birth, to become one of the three most important female conductors of Satanic rituals on the planet. Her programmer was Josef Mengele, the notorious, "Angel of Death" in the Nazi concentration camps and when he died in the late 1980’s her programming began to break down. In this video interview with David Icke, she describes human sacrifice rituals at Glamis Castle and Balmoral, in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the Royal Family sacrificed children in Satanic ceremonies. She talks of the same experiences with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton, members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of the most famous names in the United States and the United Kingdom. Your view of the world will never be the same when you hear the revelations of Arizona Wilder and their relevance to your daily life. This video is a companion to 'The Biggest Secret,' the sensational book by David Icke.
In the mid 1990's, former sports reporter David Icke announced his prediction: from the turn of the Millennium until 2012 we would see chaos establish itself across the globe as war, economic collapse and terror took hold. At the time, no-one listened to him, the media focused on his turquoise tracksuits and claims to be the Son of God, and he became an object of ridicule. Now, after world events such as the Tsunami, 9/11, Gulf War 2 and Hurricane Katrina we are left with one intriguing question - did David Icke get it right? Giving Icke a unique chance to set the record straight, this programme follows him as he sees if he will be taken seriously this time.
Remember the good old days of PC (Police Constable) Plod, who joined the Police service to uphold the common law, to serve and protect life. Now it`s Officer (Corporate Official of Policy - COP) Here to enforce corporate law, fine you and make UK P.L.C. more and more money to give to the wanker bankers and if you dont like it maybe a boot in the teeth aswell.
The key to understanding the world we’re actually looking at (as opposed to the one we think we are) is to connect the dots. There are many different areas of our lives - politics, banking, education - but as you connect the dots you start to see that it’s all connected. There is a secret agenda going on behind the people that appear to be in power. This agenda is to create a global centralized fascist dictatorship.David Icke speaks to the constituents of Haltemprice and Howden about the 'Big Brother' election, forced by the resignation of David Davis, and the move towards the global Big Brother enslavement we are all facing. This video is the key to understanding your future.
David Icke presents: 'Big Brother's Not Coming - He's Here' at the Oxford Union Debating Society in February 2008. In this two-hour presentation at the famous Oxford Union, he encapsulates humanity's current plight and how we can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events. It is designed to be a simple introduction to the staggering revelations that he has long exposed in detail in his books. If you want to know what is really happening in your world, and why, this is not to be missed. Your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren could well depend upon it. British author and lecturer David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries since 1990. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution. While being controversial and often heavily ridiculed and attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. He reveals information that has been kept from a "dumbed down" population and has allowed the establishment to treat them as nothing more than slaves to a sinister hidden agenda. His books are some of the most comprehensive exposés of the global conspiracy ever written and among them are: And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Remember Who You Are and Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More. Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world. Nonetheless, David's words are designed to inspire all of us to be who we really are, to fling open the door of the mental prison we build for ourselves and to walk into the light of freedom.
Icke since the nineties propounded his theory, according to which the world would be dominated by a small circle of "elected", which he calls "the enlightened", linked to the Protocols of the Savi of Zion, an anti-Semitic text published in the form of a brochure in 1905. David Icke has published fifteen books exposing his views, which are generally considered a set of New Age (despite his denials) political conspiracy and apocalyptic, mixed with what many consider an anti-Semitic vision. Michael Barkun, in his 2003 study on the conspiracy subculture, writes that Icke is "the most fluent of conspiracy authors, and gives his writings a clarity rarely found in such texts. . " The heart of Icke's ideas is the belief that the world is under the control of a secret government. In 1996, in his book ... and the truth will set you free, he claimed that this government was financed by bankers and businessmen like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, although he later clarified that he considers the Jewish members of the ruling class not "jews" but "lizards". According to the British journalist Simon Jones, Icke stated that: "Ordinary people are mass-induced to believe that the normal cause of world events is the consequences of known political forces, or random and uncontrollable events. However, the history of mankind is manipulated at every level ... Now you may wonder how terrible things these people can get. Icke has the answer. These individuals organize incidents around the world, which then require a response from the public ("something must be done"), and in turn allow these powerful people to do whatever they have wanted to do from the beginning. TO" (Icke statements to Simon Jones) The New Age aspect of Icke's philosophy, Jones wrote, predicts that people live in a "multidimensional consciousness" and that they should abandon the false existence provided by the world government, which will bring the hierarchy to collapse. Icke cites in his works in pa
Amazing confirmation that a reptilian extraterrestrial race has controlled the world for thousands of years. David Icke talks with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa. In this fantastic interview, Credo Mutwa reveals the story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the Chitauri to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal, political and economic power today. This program will re-write the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind. Credo Mutwa has endured endless threats and attempts on his life, in an effort to silence him, right up to the recording of this interview. However, as Credo says, The world must know this and know it now. An interview with Credo Mutwa discussing the Illuminati and their ways of controlling this world. Credo shares many of his personal experiences and his encyclopedic knowledge of things going on beyond the everyday world that most people live in. If you're interested in David Icke's research, the illuminatti, UFO's, history, and magic, then this is not something to pass up. David Icke writes: This is the most amazing man it has ever been my honor to meet, a genius, and the importance of these videos is simply beyond words.
A 90-minute documentary shot in Rome by Neil Hague and produced by Jay4louise. David highlights the importance of Rome and London to the global conspiracy and their Satanic ritual connection when he visited Rome on the recent Beltane weekend in which the Royal Wedding in London on April 29th was followed two days later by a major ritual in St Peter’s Square related to Pope John Paul II on the key Beltane date of May 1st. A coincidence? Not a chance.
David Icke Speaks the Truth (about today's current events) Illuminati NWO.
This is the amazing documentary The Lizards And The Jews - Documentary on David Icke which among other things shows how false accusations of hate crimes (especially antisemitism) are used against people like David Icke who are exposing the power hungry globalist elite and thus preventing all of us to hear alternative views on global events. "David Icke, The Lizards And The Jews", broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain's most infamous media figures as he continues his search to uncover the truth behind who - or what - is really controlling the world. Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists - and how the public responds to them. David Icke was once the most ridiculed man in Britain after declaring on The Terry Wogan Show that he was the Son of God. But he has now resurrected his career and is an internationally successful conspiracy investigator who lectures to packed houses world-wide. His latest theory is that the ruling elite are genetically descended from a race of 12-foot blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. But when Icke says lizards does he just actually mean lizards, as he steadfastly maintains? Or does he, as a powerful coalition of prominent Jewish groups claim, mean Jews? Ronson witnesses the media circus that ensues from Icke's tour of Canada. The Anti-Defamation League (ADF), the world's most powerful Jewish defence organization, and a coalition of leftist campaigners strongly oppose Icke's tour. The ADL believe that 'lizard' is code word for Jews, but Icke vehemently denies this. They point out that Icke has many followers on the extreme right. The hardcore neo-Nazis Unit Combat 18 once attended a lecture of his in London and gave him a glowing review in their newsletter. Old anti-Semitic cartoons from Eastern Europe portray
To some David Icke is a charismatic rebel fighting against the unseen powers which rule the world. To others he is a dubious figure deserving of scorn and ridicule. But whatever you may think of him, David is one of the world’s most prominent conspiracy theorists and has a global following to match. His controversial claims include that the world is run by a secret cabal of alien lizards who appear to us as well-known public figures. But there is more to him than meets the eye, Long before his theories became public he was a professional footballer and, later, a prime-time BBC presenter and journalist. So is he just another conspiracy crank? Or something else entirely? Join me and David in the London Real studio and decide for yourself.
Title is self explanatory.
Since his extraordinary "awakening" in 1990 and 1991, David Icke has been on a journey across the world, and within himself, to find the Big answers to the Big questions: Who are we? Where are we? What are we doing here? Who really controls this world and how and why? In this seven-hour presentation to 2,500 people at the Brixton Academy in London, David addresses all these questions and connects the dots between them to reveal a picture of life on earth that is truly beyond the cutting edge. Nowhere in the world will you see a presentation like this one, which connects the apparently unconnected to form the tapestry of knowledge that can set us free from our collective enslavement by the hidden powers behind government, banking, business, media and all the other agencies of manipulation and control. What is the connection between ancient history, 9/11, the "war on terror", the gathering Orwellian nightmare and the nature of reality itself? It seems a strange question to most people, but in fact all are fundamentally linked, as Icke so compellingly reveals. As he says: "Without understanding the nature of our experienced reality and how we create it, we cannot truly understand anything else." Tens of millions around the world have become aware of David Icke and his work as what he has written in a stream of books has become our daily experience.
David Icke At Melbourne Convention Centre. Melbourne, Australia, 11 April 2009
Bundle of Spirit Stuff is highly recomended for Christians.
David Icke at the top of his form as he presents six and a half hours of incredible information before a sell out audience of 1200 at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver; British Columbia, Canada. You will laugh, you may even cry, and you will be on the edge of your seat as the fantastic story of true human history and who really controls the world today unfolds in Icke's unique style; aided by video footage and hundreds of illustrations. This is the presentation the Illuminati, the forces of global control, tried so hard to stop -- media interviews were cancelled -- immigration officials turned up at the theatre to question his right to speak -- pressure was applied on the venue to cancel the event itself -- and pies were even thrown at David Icke at a book signing by a rent-a-mob who ludicrously and outrageously sought to dub him a "racist." But nothing could silence him or break his spirit and here you will see the result.
Theo Chalmers on his last show has a special guest, David Icke. Dave talks about his new book and general beliefs and themes of life. Theo ask viewer questions about Freemason connections and other allegations toward David.
David Icke is one of the most well known and best fact based conspiracy researchers on the globe today. His revelations have shocked the world and have given him a great popularity amongst many people. He does have his enemies too, because his information flies in the face of what we think about the world and some of its history. Even more reason to find out what all the fuss is about!
"Remember Who You Are" presented by David Icke at Wembley Arena, London, England - Oct 27th 2012
Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 The Plan To Kill You! The United Nations Depopulation Plan: The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, global warming, cap and trade, Smart Grid, Smart Meters, carbon taxes, high gasoline prices, global citizens, IB World Schools, Common Core nationalized education standards, biofuels, Marxist advancement across the globe, food control, water access control via the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), gun control, health control, the Arab Spring/Winter, unchecked illegal immigration, and they are unstoppable.’
David Icke destroys the official story of what happened on September 11th 2001 - you will never look at the events of that day in the same way again..
David Vaughan Icke (born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker. A former footballer and sports broadcaster, Icke has been known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy theorist calling himself a “full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.” He is the author of over 20 books and numerous DVDs, and has lectured in over 25 countries, speaking for up to 10 hours to audiences that cut across the political spectrum.
A great speech on our society today. well worth a listen.
‘Wi-Fi is so convenient these days that is has become a common part of our daily life. We use Wi-Fi on our phones, laptops, computers, and tablets. It floats around our homes, bars, restaurants, and work environment. But are those invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) coming from our technology healthy or are we under constant threat of dangerous radiation? Well actually we all know deep down that it is bad for our health, scientific results are clear and shocking, but nevertheless we are expanding our magnetic fields every day.’
'Like Ronald Reagan, Wyatt, Connally and Perot hated the Bushes, though Wyatt and Connally bailed GHWB out when he wanted to bomb Iraq – and Saddam took thousands of western hostages as human shields. Wyatt and Connally traveled to Baghdad and convinced Saddam to release the hostages. This allowed GHWB to have the Middle East war the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) always wanted (and Reagan wouldn’t give them.) Remember that Reagan bailed out of the Middle East after the Beirut attacks, which was not the result the MIC was looking for. GHWB got elected in 1988 by repeating his “read my lips, no new taxes” lie over and over again. When GHWB ran for re-election in 1992, Ross Perot hated Bush so much he decided to sabotage his campaign. Perot ran as a third party candidate, for no reason other than to keep Bush from getting re-elected. Perot succeeded, took 18% of the vote, and put Bill Clinton in the White House. The Bush family came back in 2000, and GWB decided to take out Iraq because of mean things Saddam had said about his daddy. (Bushes love bombing Iraq anyway.) This led to 9/11, and ultimately Obama and ISIS.'
James Gilliland discusses the archons, the annunaki and awakening from within. The Annunaki Return the real story of out ancient past, who are they now and .you will be shocked at what you have not been told.
What Really Happened To Princess Diana? - David Icke
'You’re probably thinking I’m talking about time machines, which would be cool in theory but not really practical. Considering we live on a tiny planet that is hurtling through space and being pulled by the force of the sun — which is blazing its own path — all while traveling within a galaxy among millions of other galaxies, to actually go back to that one particular time and space, which would now be perhaps millions of light years away, seems an unlikely proposition. Even with the possibility of wormholes and parallel universes, which are again interesting, I think in our mortal terms, physical time travel may be implausible. However, if you consider time travel in a less physical sense and are open to transporting your “Self” through the metaphysical realm of hypnotherapy, that’s a whole other REALITY. And it is real, or as real as it can be when we are talking about consciousness. Consciousness doesn’t have “matter,” so it doesn’t matter. Consciousness doesn’t follow physical precepts. It is all in your head, or more specifically your soul.'
BBC - Original air date: 6 May 2001 Jon Ronson follows David Icke as he promotes his theory that "the elite are genetically descended from a race of 12-foot, blood-drinking, shapeshifting lizards". During the film Icke is accused by a leftist protest group in Canada of antisemitism. The documentary explores the theme of whether Icke literally means lizards — as he steadfastly maintains — or whether the reptilians are a coded reference to Jews, which Icke denies vehemently. Ronson concludes that Icke is probably not an anti-Semite, and comes to have misgivings about the Icke protesters' methods and their attempts to silence Icke.
Over six hours and with hundreds of illustrations, With over 6000 people in attendance, world famous conspiracy researcher and author David Icke reveals the truth about the illusion that is life in this “physical” reality and how this “world” is a provable illusion, just a lucid dream, and how we create it and how we can change the dream to one that we would like to experience. Here he reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines manipulating through their web of interconnecting secret societies have been pursuing an agenda for thousands of years to impose a globally centralized fascist state with total control and surveillance of the population.
'Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control? We know that he was undoubtedly persecuted by the energy power brokers of his day -- namely Thomas Edison, whom we are taught in school to revere as a genius. He was also attacked by J.P. Morgan and other "captains of industry." Upon Tesla's death on January 7th, 1943, the U.S. government moved into his lab and apartment confiscating all of his scientific research, and to this day none of this research has been made public.'
David Icke: always interesting and refreshingly blunt and to the point!
The term “psycho-terrorism” was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov, psychotropic weapons are those that act to “take away a part of the information which is stored in a man’s brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain.” These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, “zombification,” (such as feelings of beingTRANSGENDER or that you are black when you were born white) …or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that “psy” weapons are under development all over the globe. That is only some of the weapons they have been using in the last 50 years. Now they are literally downloading vast amounts of confusion and insanity, directly into the human Brain Cortex, by way of the internet and Satellite machines, all over the globe. They are literally sucking out our humanity by way of the phones and computers we use. Just as TV slowly demoralized the masses and gave us propaganda. Now they are quickly erasing all rational beliefs and Ideas and replacing this with hate and lust, and the desire to destroy the human race in a world war, that we will carry out against each other, to an utter extinction of all human life on earth. Unless, unless we are able to wake up immediately. We have very little time left.. Get this Video out. The Spiritual Power within man is the most powerful force in the universe. They do not want you to learn this.
The European Union was most likely created by the powers that be for the purpose of centralizing their power and control over sovereign territories. The elite bloodlines that rule the world have always had a common goal of taking decision making referendums out of the hands of national citizens and placing them in the hands of a centralized body controlled by an elite power structure like the European Union. Taking all of that information into consideration, it’s pretty damn ironic that the upcoming June, 2016 EU referendum will offer the UK and its citizenry a chance to exit the European Union. All this noise coming out of Europe makes one wonder if the elite powerbrokers running the world have the situation under control or are they panicking with regards to the upcoming vote and possible Brexit from the EU. Is this referendum a dog and pony show (a rigged theatrical performance put on by the elite to convince the public they still call the shots) or is it a legitimate opportunity to drive a stake in the heart of a truly evil, centralized partnership that is currently robbing and destroying the national sovereignty of its 28 member countries? As always, there are people on both sides of the issue and current polling suggests that the results of the referendum might go either way. Check out the interesting videos below by David Icke. He gives a great background on the EU and explains why getting out is the only smart move for the UK.
“… I’ve never come across any knowledge that was negative. I’ve come across knowledge that I’d rather not be true, but I’ve never come across knowledge that is actually negative. Ignorance is frikking negative… The idea that we should be frightened of looking at things as they really are, it’s just another version of looking the other way and hoping it will go away…”
David Icke talks about Rothschild Zionism and dares to say what others choose not to....
This Is The Brexit Information David Cameron Doesn't Want You To Hear. David Icke Talks about the European Union In Out Referendum.
David Icke goes into the purposes behind the elite’s love for rituals and occult ceremonies. Knowledge is power, and awareness is psychic immunity.
So What's Next - 2018 and Beyond?
David Icke ✪ You Won't Believe What Facebook Are Doing Now!
The European Union was planned long before the name was even mentioned, long before even the euroopean economic community was mentioned. The Agenda goes way back, it involves the house of Rotschild off course – if anything is happening of serious manipulation and conspiracy, then the house of Rotschild will be in there in a operational level. The Idea is very simple: if You are the few, and You want to control the many – You have to centralize decision making, You have to centralize power…
he Day A TV Reporter Thought Debunking David Icke Would Be Easy - Reptilians - The Nature of Reality - US Election - 9/11 - Iraq - Consciousness -
What David Icke Said in 1991, Dr Michio Kaku Confirms in 2008 Video I wonder if these frequencies change our DNA’s molecular structure or cause disease(s)..? Diseases are biochemical changes on the level of our soft and hard wiring in the body – such as from hormones to growth, for instance. The question is if or to what degree our exposure to the environmental effects contributes to changes directly correlative in the brain where the delicate balance of our general body chemistry is managed on the level of “information” and DNA instructions composed in our blood. (I know maybe I’m not stating very sophisticated science but that’s my rough idea/guess, as to what’s happening)
Here is David Icke talking about the nature of our reality, in a clip from his World Wide Wake Up Tour.
David Icke on the evidence supporting the allegation that Princess Diana was ritualistically sacrificed and assassinated by the British Monarchy.
David Icke Interviewed LIVE 27th May 2010 On The Last Live Show On Edge Media TV Due To Closure
David Icke Interviewed LIVE 27th May 2010 On The Last Live Show On Edge Media TV Due To Closure
The Isis Crisis, The Hidden Hand - David Icke Who Are ISIS? or Who Are ISIL? or Who Are Islamic State? or Who Are IS? The Creation of ISIS to ISIS in Paris, France ISIS Explained ISIL Explained Islamic State Explained IS Explained
A powerful summary of the hypocritical psychopathic globalist wanton program of death and destruction and their march toward world domination at any cost.
Moon has been brought to our galaxy from another galaxy by another species that were trying to survive apocalypse on their planet and the moon isn’t the planet but it’s a ship-vessel! The problem is study’s have shown (even NASA by the way) it’s not like how other moons are formed. I mean just look at it… It’s at the exact right distance from earth and the sun that it obscures the sun perfectly during an eclipse, the chances of it randomly being in this position are ridiculously low. There are so many coincidences that we are expected to believe if we are to believe the official version of why or how the moon is formed and in the position it is.
'George Orwell’s classic book “1984,” about a dystopian future where critical thought is suppressed under a totalitarian regime, has seen a surge in sales this month, rising to the top of the Amazon best-seller list in the United States and leading its publisher to have tens of thousands of new copies printed. Craig Burke, the publicity director at Penguin USA, said that the publisher had ordered 75,000 new copies of the book this week and that it was considering another reprint. “We’ve seen a big bump in sales,” Mr. Burke said. He added that the rise “started over the weekend and hit hyperactive” on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Since Friday, the book has reached a 9,500 percent increase in sales, he said.
Here is David Ickes view on the current discussion about fake news and real news and how the system of mind control is collapsing right now.
David Icke Talks About Big Brother 2016 - Big Brother Gone Mad? No - He's Just Pure Evil