The European Union was most likely created by the powers that be for the purpose of centralizing their power and control over sovereign territories. The elite bloodlines that rule the world have always had a common goal of taking decision making referendums out of the hands of national citizens and placing them in the hands of a centralized body controlled by an elite power structure like the European Union. Taking all of that information into consideration, it’s pretty damn ironic that the upcoming June, 2016 EU referendum will offer the UK and its citizenry a chance to exit the European Union. All this noise coming out of Europe makes one wonder if the elite powerbrokers running the world have the situation under control or are they panicking with regards to the upcoming vote and possible Brexit from the EU. Is this referendum a dog and pony show (a rigged theatrical performance put on by the elite to convince the public they still call the shots) or is it a legitimate opportunity to drive a stake in the heart of a truly evil, centralized partnership that is currently robbing and destroying the national sovereignty of its 28 member countries? As always, there are people on both sides of the issue and current polling suggests that the results of the referendum might go either way. Check out the interesting videos below by David Icke. He gives a great background on the EU and explains why getting out is the only smart move for the UK.