it's me, damon d. and i'm ready to make these series for all y'all! friday night red wine talks, dating with damon, videos in french again (c'mon nowwww), and of course, the mini travel docuseries!
How can you get married so young, when you haven't been to a rave yet? Why won't this French dude respond to Ashley's DM? Who is the ultimate judge of morality? Are we just robots living in a society fueled by "productivity?" Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy more cheap red wine for another Friday Night Red Wine Talks - this time, with my girl Ashley from Best Dressed.
Comment tu dis “ Arrêtes toi là avant de dire une grosse connerie » en Italien ? Pourquoi c’est toujours les mecs type Dieux du Stade qui sont les plus sexy, mais surtout les plus racistes, xénophobes ET homophobes ?? Bienvenu dans Dating avec Damon, 1er episode.
Il était une fois genre récemment, la Grande Nicki Minaj proclama « Vous les m*rdes pouvez même pas épeler Prague », et je parie que c’était le cas pour David. Le mec pouvait même pas pondre une réponse à mes 15 SMS et appels transfrontaliers. Je lui facture le demi SMIC de hors forfait ? Bienvenu dans Dating avec Damon, 2ème épisode
C’est qui le boss ?? Clairement celui qui vient de gérer tous les problèmes pour enfin chopper un appart’ à Paris ! Vous savez déjà depuis combien de temps je fais des aller retours à Paris ! Voici LE guide qui vous ouvre les secrets du monde de l’immobilier à Paris, comment j’ai géré les appels avec les agences, le copier/coller du message envoyé au proprio, et toutes les autres m*rdes qu’il faut avoir en tête comme avoir un garant et autres lois suprêmes auxquelles Moïse n’avait sûrement pas pensé. J’ai a-do-ré.
Pourquoi le serveur a donné mon cocktail fruits rouge couleur Tagada à Charline ? Est-ce que c’est égoïste d’avoir des enfants pour pas se sentir seul quand t’auras 80ans ? Pourquoi ma personnalité deviens si soporifique quand je parle une autre langue ? Pourquoi ça me rend fou quand cette personne me répond pas, alors que je fais la même chose aux autres ? Trop de questions, et autant de réponses ? On va voir ça !
Sur mes 99 problèmes, l’administration française en est responsable d’au moins 100. D’un côté, mon Fitbit me gratifie des semi-marathons quotidiens que j’ai dû me taper entre la quasi-totalité des banques de Paris, mais de l’autre, j’aurais jamais pensé que c’était si compliqué de trouver qqn qui veuille bien de mes économies !
Are robots taking our jobs? Maybe they should? Are we all just working our a$$es off, just to keep working our a$$es off and how do we not find that completely LUDICROUS? And yes - that’s a word and not just a rapper. We cover that too. More topics include: Tokyo, being a vegetarian, and how people keep the TV on in the background because maybe, just maybe they’re afraid of actually getting to know themselves or finding out they don’t *really* enjoy their own company? Hmm? Triggered yet? It’s Friday Night Red Wine talks!
YEP my bathroom sink is now full of the best skincare products I have found here in Paris (which are mostly under $20). Shout out to all the French pharmacies for holding it down when it comes to keeping this epidermis moisturized. Here's what I use, when I use, and how much I mo-freakin' use.
Are you going to unsubscribe when you hear my unpopular opinion? How do you make friends when you're more introverted? Why did I ever do to Dominique's bodega man for him to hate me? Is there a heaven or hell and speaking of hell, what the hell is the point of life? Am I existential, or am I just drunk? All this and more in this Friday's Friday Night Red Wine Talk with one of my oldest friends from college in New York, Dominique.
Comment j’ai fait une vidéo de 21minutes dans un studio de 21m² ? Aucune idée. Mais voilà comment j’ai rassemblé tous mes pouvoirs astrologiques pour renDre ces quatre murs impersonnels en un charmant petit chalet digne d’une couverture d’Arts & Déco
Aucun crédit pour mes efforts diplomatiques parfois ! Je me donnais à fond pour apaiser les tensions Américano-russes avec la technologie Google Trad de 2020, mais si y’a des cafouillages lors des prochaines élections, venez pas pleurer.
En 60min, tout sur les sujets tabous : Sexe, drogues, weed, droits LGBTQ+ et athéisme. Découverte des Pays-Bas, un des pays les plus tolérants au monde, qui trône en tête parmi les populations les plus heureuses du monde. Let’s Go !
Y’all asked for extended Red Wine Talks, and especially during this corona quarantine, so I asked my big-headed friend Paul to roast me for 39 minutes straight while we talked about everything from how to turn on a simple light at his house to feeling 100% comfortable in your skin whether you're black, white, gay, straight, etc. CUZ NONE OF US ASKED TO BE HERE ANYWAY.
It's Day 1500 (i think?) of lockdown in Paris and I can't figure out what to walk two steps in my tiny studio to my kitchen. But here I go, putting on all my favorite clothes (that I wear too much) to remind me that fashion *does* exist and that I *do* have style in this day and age of the dreaded corona.
Filmed on an eerily-empty night in Montmartre in December. Finished editing sometime in January. Been sitting on my hard drive for no good reason ever since. If y'all watch my IG story, you know I have that habit. After my longer-form docs, I wanted to see what it'd be like to make a very short short-film. I wanted to make something pretty ( ????), that also had a deeper meaning.
on the bright side, this was the "time" you wanted: whether you're sleeping in, or learning sign language - this and 7 more rules to remember while you're locked in your 200 square foot apartment with little to no motivation.
Et voilà, j'explique la langue française de la manière que j'aurais trop aimé qu'on me l'aprenne. Peut-être que cette vidéo, elle vous fera comprendre pourquoi vos potes anglophones arrivent pas à s'exprimer comme vous aimeriez. C'est pas parce qu'on essaye de vous faire chier, c'est parce qu'on est train de s'emmerder à essayer de traduire mot pour mot ce qu'on dirait dans notre langue qui a un Bescherelle de deux pages max. Donc, des fois, excuse my French.
Vous étiez au courant que Clueless avait une suite? Voici quelques astuces à implementer dans votre quotidien après avoir maitrisé les pâtes au beurre ou les nouilles instantanées.
Le guide d'une personne normale pour devenir productif en collaboration avec le meilleur Bureau d'ordinateur minimaliste, le navigateur Chrome, la messagerie Gmail, Google Docs et des astuces pour iPhone.
C'est pas que Fergie qui chantait "up in the gym, just workin on my fitness, he's my witness." C'est une parole qui a inspiré une génération.
Daphné won't take off the bunny slippers. Zoé won't give up. Piper is a painter. Alonso is...there. And I started all of this. Come along for this n00b Sims 4 GAMEPLAY. Ba-boom.
Juste quand tu penses que tu commences à gérer le français, tu te prends dans la figure que tu gères rien. Pourquoi dans cette phrase là c'est "de' mais là c'est "des"? Bon là, mais bien là-bas. Et vous, en tant que francophone, vous aviez remarqué que tous les numéros au dessus de 70 n'existent pas?
Welcome to my Parisian mansion, Fauxgue!
It’s the Summer Season of what? RED! WINE! TALKS! 6 Fridays in a row, baby! And this time it’s all about the Black Lives Matter movement, how if you’re black outside of the USA you’re not ‘african-american,’ how you have to add a disclaimer to every sentence in 2020, and least importantly, how i thought i would be turning 40 in 20 years.
It's Friday Night Red Wine Talks with Shayna, the IT girl of Paris!
It's Red Wine Talks with Fred!
La tour Eiffel, la Seine, bla bla blah d'accord mais le vrai Paris, c'est comment? Et bon, le vrai Paris pour un américain, en plus? Je fais quoi? Je vais où? Mes amis sont comment?
Dans un nouvel épisode de « Tentative de voyage en France sans me faire engueuler », je vais à Colmar, une petite bourgade de conte de fée que j’ai choisie parce que le billet était à 30€ depuis Paris. Ce qui est “cher” pour la France en fait. Dans ce petit village, on écoute les ragots dans les bars, on est perturbés par un mec qui vend des fruits, et on galère à faire quoi que ce soit parce que tout ferme toutes les deux heures. Qui dit mieux ? (En vrai, super journée)
I’m tired of putting the kant in “kannst du Deutsch sprechen?” when it’s like...ja, ich kann?? My German has been INCHING along over the years - maybe one of these days it’ll all click and I’ll come out speaking like a Club Maté sippin’ Berlin hipster who doesn’t want to be a called a hipster (!) or o0o0o0o, even better - one of those intimidating bouncers at Berghain who BARELY speak at all but when they do, you pay attention!? Jaaaa!!!
Anne is here to say everything no one else would! Do we like bad boys because it brings us drama which then makes us feel accomplished when we get through it? Why do the most life-changing things happen on that gap year or study abroad year? Is it better or worse to be heartbroken in Paris? Again, how is it that sometimes I feel that I, a dude from conservative Indiana, am the most liberal out of all my modern European friends? This is Episode 4 of 6 in the Summer Red Wine Talks series!
Vous ne pouvez pas réduire mon existence à un chiffre!
Tous les cinq livres du genre développement personnel, il y en a un qui est un véritable succès - qui me frappe dans le ventre, me fait reprendre mon souffle, et émerger une meilleure personne. Voici cette liste. Dites pas que je vous ai pas prevenus.
Nathaniel Drew and I disagree on some things, but hey, at least we both enjoy some warm oatmeal for breakfast?
Je connais vraiment personne, mais PERSONNE, à Paris qui fait ces trucs. Fasse ces trucs? ????????♂️
In another episode of hey France, you there? I document the past eight months of attempting to process the renewal of my French talent visa. Yes, if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that I have become the clingy one, and France is all… I think your Uber’s outside?
Y'all said Milan was ugly. I'm hungover from the 4 negronis and lovesick for these 40 year old silver foxes. Milan is known as a fashion capital of the world, ok ok, but do they got what it takes for *this* fashion?
I just want to know how they acquired the rights to my life story cuz I was an American who met my first guy while studying in Europe as well.
It's the 29th birthday of Damon Daniel Dominique - but what will happen this year?
What is going on in the German language that makes so many of the Germans I meet so…cool? For example: here are three of my German-speaking friends.
In this 38 minute mini doc, I just want to know: how y’all do that thing you do? How you’re the “cApItAl of c00L” but so…down-to-earth at the same time? What is going on in Berlin? I’m here to find out via the Pfand system, the various photoautomats, and maybe a little bouldering. Sorry Berlin, I’m new here.
Coming to you from the American aisle of my French supermarket, I am here to explain very confusing American concepts to my British video assistant, Chloe.
Heel toe, dosey doe, c'mon baby let’s everywhere cuz that’s how it’s done here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Grandma Edna? Grandma Bernie? Where you at?
Goodwill, vegan activists, and a roadside motel: couldn't have asked for anything more on this road trip through Indiana.
In another episode of this wasn't sponsored but should have been, I find a super European hotel in the middle of the country of Indiana??? And then a German café - like wut?
i took my dad's pickup truck on a roadtrip around indiana, and ended up at a spiritual-retreat-like hostel and then a farm with two people i met at a natural foods store. wut?
Jokes on everyone who ever thought Indiana was *jUsT* full of cornfields. Ha - you're only HALF correct. There are actually a ton of cool things people do for fun here - things that you can't do in many other places. I'm still mad about the mechanical bull tho...
This was therapeutic. For me. Thank you Notion.
Yes, yes. Here are the most thought-provoking points that made you go oh damn? and some of the funniest punchlines from my ridiculous red wine talks guests of season 1, and 2. in other words, i miss all my friends, my brain hurts, and my liver needs a break.
I just spent the last three months revising the last ten years of studying French, so you don't have to. Here are all the shortcuts to textbook french, and all the strategies for street french. In other words, here's all the French I wish I had learned in French Class. Seriously - just save yourself the time, money, and headaches and enroll now! *cue informercial music*
Team D here to reach 1 million this year? The Dominique Republic? Damafia? Let's get to know each other with these 21 questions y'all asked me on Instagram. Is that one game "20 Questions" or "21 questions?" Whatever. I did 21 questions in 20 arrondissements in 20 minutes and 21 seconds for 2021. Booty boom boom boom.
Me in the kitchen? A recipe for disaster. I get nervous when I cut vegetables. When do you put the lid on the pot? Is plastic microwavable? Do you use olive oil for pancakes? All this and more from yours truly, the world's worst chef.
so i'm on a boat, on a river, in paris, in front of the eiffel tower.
Soooooo...about this letter. Um?
C'est juste que...ça me surpend que la France ne gagne pas plus de médailles aux JO parce qu'ils sont très doués pour me faire courir dans tous les sens...
Paris, but make it Texas!
Houston, we have a problem.
Well where do I even start? That guys can't wear tank tops to that club but girls can? That I just want some sweet plantains? That my favorite part of Miami was the Vizcaya gardens which felt, actually, like the least Miami thing? Ugh - I went to Miami and all I got was this lousy video!
Ok, so we got genius mushrooms, ground turmeric, everything but the bagel seasoning — Here’s the official tour of how I furnished my 1 square foot apartment!
Legend has it that if you can make it here, you'll make it anywhere - and that's only because your ears will have endured 534 simultaneous sirens and people yelling on the street.
Red Wine Talks is bAcK and first up is my fireball, stand-up comedian of a friend Cassy, who runs a podcast literally named Globethotter. One thing is for sure: she's a serial solo traveler and the only *tRuE* competition I see...for that French firefighter at the bar Arnaud. Spoiler: she won. But hey bébé, the firefighter ball in Paris happens annually, so what's good this summer, huh?
I ❤️(to hate) New York.
Ok first off, this is one of my favorite Talks yet. Once upon a time, Nasir sent a tweet and got a job at Shut Up and Go. 4 years later, here we are sipping and discussing why we all feel the desire to be liked by everyone...when *we* don't even like everyone? And why you would feel bizarre saying you're a wRiTeR but also, like, you've written for global publications, so you quite literally ARE a writer? Then we dive into Mediocrity™️...everyone agrees it's boring, but why are so few actually stepping beyond it? Then we go into the general dislike for hierarchy and not enjoying the boss-employee power dynamic; how we prefer an ensemble cast; how your job needs you more than you need it; how you might have to lower your modesty to be successful in entertainment - did I mention this is one of my favorites? At this point, y'all had to click See More in the description to read all of this cuz I'm that excited and *still writing. Anyway, all of this and more on his rooftop in Brooklyn (that is apparently next to Terminal 3 at JFK airport!?). The f!ck...
Y’all first off, can you tell us why we now procrastinate on things we once loved and fought so hard for? Ok so in this episode, I'm corrupting the tech and skateboarding sectors of YouTube by breaking into Sara Dietschy and John Hill's new loft and bringing the wine. If you've never been to Dallas, you should know that everyone deserves a glass of wine after one attempt at changing lanes on an 8-lane Dallas freeway, so in many ways, I feel like I'm not so much corrupting as I am *helping* them. Anyway - I like this episode because well, I don't have many "couple" friends, let alone many who live in Texas.
Addressing the "What happened to DamonAndJo?" elephant in the room so I can continue with my next chapter.
I went to Italy just for a panini, and cuz the Open Travel Index said I could with an antigen test. Also, can somebody please find Ermentrude the cat, Narcisse from Tinder, and a new chef for all of Venice? The seagulls are hungry.
It's ELENNNNNNA and we're here to dive into financial education for people who are bored by finance. Why am I stashing all this money for retirement when I'mma be tired and crusty and not in tip-top shape to invest my money on travels around the world rIgHt nOw (at which point I'll be more interesting and more qualified and more world and could make *more* money at any given job?). Anyway, SHE'S NOT A CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT BLAH BLAH BLAH DISCLAIMER THIS DISCLAIMER THAT. In other news: Have Instagram handles take the place of last names? How long can a career on social media *really* last? Are you able to talk to your parents about your dirty laundry? And lastly: how can I steal her passport so my birthplace says Paris?
Oh Pah-ree...what a beaut---is that urine? I know I didn't come to the "most beautiful city on Earth" for THIS. Is this the same Paris I studied abroad in 2011? Let's find out...
Is there a point to life itself, or are we fooling ourselves by distracting ourselves with things like chasing success or love? Why are we so focused on appearing successful or looking for someone to love us - wouldn't that mean that we're prioritizing how others view us instead of how *we* view ourselves? Are big boobs worth it or just straight-up back pain? And why is it so hard to sit normally in this chair? If you're into exploring these kinds of questions and tHouGhT eXpEriMenTs then you're gonna love this episode of Red Wine Talks with yet another subscriber in a coffee shop turned good friend, Anna.
Why does the USA brainwash us into thinking we're the only country that has "freedom?" We know that time is a construct, but still, why does it feel like there's something about turning 30 that refreshing? And lastly, after all these years around the world, I feel like my friends from the good ol' friendly Midwest would be the *first* to speak up if they felt they were being treated unfairly (which is not the perception people have about that part of the world!?). In other words, they are not afraid to put a rude a$$ mofo in their place. This and more with some of my closest friends from my childhood in Indiana!
Sorry Lonely Planet, but the planet ain't so lonely anymore. His name is Damon and he's...putting the ex in expat, the solo in solo travel, and the lust in wanderlust as he learns about world cultures through dating them. In this travel show pilot that I'll be sending to every TV exec I can find on LinkedIn, I'm diving into Romania, where I have the right to "Romain" silent in the court of love! ????????
The behind the scenes of how I came up with and edited that show pilot from a mac with a missing F key and an inflated 516GB Final Cut Pro library, but still made it work (with lots of eye-rolling and frustrated voice notes to the filmmaker, who doubled as a sit-in therapist).
I’m movin’!
Guys I’m back. Sorry bout that: bc I never say no to an opportunity to travel, I found myself in the middle of Europe in the depth of winter, in the age of Omícrônne.
I've HAD ENOUGH, I TELL YOU! I can feel some massive shift and it’s time for a new world order. Are my 30s my spiritual guru era? Eckhart Tolle, WATCH YOUR SPOT!
PART ONE: I cut y'all OFF, as I dramatically took every mode of transportation to get to the remote village of San Marcos La Laguna, where I did a four-day vegan yoga retreat. My vibration is high and so am I after that Mayan cacao. Got em.
Everything I didn’t know I should know about finance in one unbiased video, in terms even a true dumb-dumb like myself at 29 could understand. Not me over here thinking I was smart for not investing my money??? Why don't our public schools, funded by taxes, teach us this? OH RIGHTTTT I'm on to y'all. Let me teach you everything (the pros and cons) about stocks, ETFs, IRAs, retirements, crypto, real estate, being abroad, and my overall philosophy toward money. This is the Non-Finance Person’s Finance Masterclass™️ Just remember guys: "None of this is financial advice" ???? I've really had enough...
Did you know we, as humans spend over 75% of our lives alone? Actually I just made that up but it sounds good, and quite accurate. Here's what a typical, random, and average day in Paris has looked like recently for me.
So we went to the Lovers and Friends Festival...
It was all about portions honestly. Bodies are made in the kitchen!
It’s one of my closest friends (of over 10 years)’s birthday - ok, literally HOW in that case do you do possessive punctuation? “It’s one of my closest’s friend’s birthdays, whom I have known for 10 years?” I don’t know. Whom? Whose? Who? Fck it. I’m switching to Italian. In a whirlwind of a week, we went from Milano, to Crema, back to Milano, then first-class train to Paris cuz we're 30 and have been on Earth too long to not treat ourselves the extra €30 of peace and quiet on the train. Y'all even read these by the way? I never know?
Damon Dominique, pioneer of the modern-day social media travel scene and star of countless popular YouTube travel vlogs and documentaries, shares his insights and stories from a decade of globetrotting, guiding you through questions such as, 'Are you loyal to your country?' Why or why not?, What culture or country do you remember romanticizing about as a kid?', and 'How do you feel about a global language?'
I've been in Miami and Mexico undergoing my metamorphosis from Damon to Damón, so I can fulfill my mission statement of helping gringos like myself pull a fast one on the least expecting people with some beautiful language skills. Next up: SPANISH, my first love. Here are all the shortcuts to overly proper textbook Spanish, and all the strategies for modern, street Spanish. In other words, here's all the Spanish I wish I had learned in Spanish Class. Seriously - just save yourself the time, money, and headaches and enroll now! cue informercial music
In 2012, great prophet Rihanna reminded us to "Shine bright like a diamond" and that would be great IF I COULD FIND MINE. Who did it? Was it my innocent sub-letters? My loyal cleaner? My infamous ex who hates it when I wear jewelry? I request that you join me as we start the year off with this New Year mystery: first, who the fck stole my jewelry and more importantly, who the F would even want it?
⭐️ I DID WHAT I COULD DO! I PUSHED THE ENVELOPE AS FAR AS I COULD! I AM (mostly) happy with how my first (and last? lmao) book turned out. My experience working with a publisher was hit or miss (and I mean I'm sure would they the same working with me), but it's not even about that. It's about how thousands of you have already bought the book before launch day, how the book tour is already sold out, and how the book is really just a symbol of this movement we're all helping push forward. I'm working on the Europe tour now...and I'll be filming the behind the scenes over the next few weeks!
If you enjoy roasting reindeer (for jokes, not food), asking 98273498237234 questions on a tour, and bonding with local taxi drivers, this might be the Arctic Circle video for you.
Yous ok, yeah? I still don’t know what half the people said to me in Wales.
Apparently in 1839, sparkling water was recommended for urinary tract infections, so...
GO CLOVERS! ???? Lads, Ireland was fireland. Actually, untrue – it rained all day, every day. The only thing that was actually on FIRE was our punchlines, AY! ???? du duh DUHN! ???? We really were out there in Ireland, making it do what it do in Doolin, like two dingalings in Dingle, road tripping from Barack Obama Plaza to Hold a Baby Lamb (no like, those were real places we went…).
???? After everyone and their mom told me how much they hAtEd Dubai, my inner demon rebel had to go and test out the air conditioning for himself. Turns out, Dubai looks like a city from 2148...or if the area around airport hotels...was the entire city. Did I love it? Or did I hate it? THIS is the Damon Daniel Dubai Dominique guide to Dubai.
IDK if that was the answer you wanted but that's the answer you got.
I just know Ganesh gets me...
The sisterhood of the traveling linen pants ends here, in Kuala Lumpur – a city I came to only because I can’t get a very specific commercial out of my head from 2002. ACTUALLY IT’S A SCALE MODEL OF THE PETRONAS TWOERS IN KUALA LUMPUR – IT’S THE WORLD’S TALLEST BUILDING!
Tackling everyone's FAVORITE topic, sOcIaL mEdiA, in this debut commentary style video...
The exploitation, globalization, temporary friendships, purpose, hotels playing games, and more!
An eye doctor appointment and buying a dish rack, but in Paris. I told you it was average.
Monogamy, marriage, moving in together, changing your last name and more things that make my avoidant attachment style EXTREMELY ????️????UNCOMFORTABLE ????️????
CONFIRMED! This language is doing the absolute most...and that's why it's perfect for me.
I'm just a lonely man in a foreign land. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!
...and there goes another £1000
Nobody will ghost you harder than the French government...