As if learning that her father was not the hero she always believed him to be wasn't bad enough, Ibuki's will and nerve became completely shattered when she had to fight against a Heterodyne almost identical to the one that killed him. Now, as Ibuki takes a vacation whilst she decides whether or not to pilot Dai-Guard ever again, the team must put up with Matsutouya, her manual-obsessed replacement. Can Akagi and Aoyama ever learn to work with this army pilot, and will they have any choice in the matter if Ibuki decides to quit for good?
Como si supiera que su padre no era el héroe, ella siempre creía que no era lo suficientemente malo, la voluntad y el nervio de Ibuki se rompieron por completo cuando tuvo que luchar contra una Heterodina casi idéntica a la que lo mató. Ahora, mientras Ibuki se toma vacaciones mientras ella decide si pilotar Dai-Guard o no, el equipo debe aguantar a Matsutouya, su reemplazo obsesionado con el manual. ¿Pueden Akagi y Aoyama alguna vez aprender a trabajar con este piloto del ejército, y tendrán alguna opción en el asunto si Ibuki decide renunciar para siempre?